Groidal 8 years, 2 months ago on NHI presentation met with scepticism from Rotarians
NHI presentation met with scepticism from Rotarians
dey done Rotarian be der racist white folk done keep de blak man down
Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
You are an idiot. Nobody comes to the Bahamas to get raped by a sub human jetski operator.
Give your stupid head a shake
Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
These scumbags are being "targeted" because they deal drugs and weapons openly on Cabbage beach, rape tourists and commit other crimes.
They aren't "small businessmen", they're criminals and should be in jail. They're jeopardizing the Bahamian tourist industry which is a main source of employment and income for the Bahamian people
Got it now, Einstein?
BahamaPundit 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
I agree SP. The jet ski guys are the worst the Bahamas has to offer. Scary looking and thugish. It's often intimidating just to walk near them on the beach. Yet, we place these ferocious looking fellows front and centre, right next to our tourist product.
Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
The casinos aren't promoting rape, violence, drug and weapons dealing on their premises. The scumbag, criminal jetski thugs are.
Get the difference? Or are you employed by these scumbag jetski operators?
Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
Just because you say "consensual" a few times in a row doesn't stop these scumbag jetski "operators" from raping female tourists the moment they get off the cruise ship.
You obviously have an agenda if you are defending the crimes that these indefensible criminal thugs are committing
Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
Actually the problem is that the jetski thugs are raping female tourists daily on Bahamian beaches. Nice try dragging the USA into it though.
Groidal 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
‘Get serious’ on jet ski rules
LMFAO! "strict" HA HA HA These criminals are allowed free reign to intimidate, harass, deal drugs and weapons right under the noses of the "strict regulators"
Jetski operators are a cancer on the tourist industry and need to be eliminated
Groidal 7 years, 6 months ago on CULTURE CLASH: D-average students aren't the problem - it's us who are failing them
CULTURE CLASH: D-average students aren't the problem - it's us who are failing them
The worldwide education system is racist and is designed to give a false sense of superiority to the "1st" world countries. We need a different measurement system for the Bahamas, something that will boost the spirits of our youth. Maybe start calling "D's" "A's" so that we can claim the same level of education as SIngapore, Hong Kong and Korea. Also by giving out more "A's" to our youth they will be able to go to good schools in the USA and thereby get good jobs.
Groidal 5 years, 10 months ago on Vendors unhappy with hotels renting water sports equipment
Vendors unhappy with hotels renting water sports equipment
Ha, you can't make this stuff up! The "jetski operators" aka gangs of armed thugs terrorizing the beaches of PI and Cable Beach for many years, are not content with merely non stop rape, assault and harassment of tourists and also being the biggest source of open drug activity in the Bahamas...NOW they are "upset" that Baha Mar has taken matters into their own hands and are forcing these thugs out of business by running a properly operated water sports business themselves
Gee, now who'll kidnap tourists and take them out past Salt Cay and assualt them on a daily basis? What a travesty! It's just not fairrrrrr!
You go Baha Mar!!!!
Groidal 6 years, 11 months ago on Cabbage Beach vendors: ‘help us’
Cabbage Beach vendors: ‘help us’
"classism" lmfao
Hey what's to stop these "vendors" from investing in a boat and accessing CB anywhere they please? (below the hi water mark of course)?
Oh yeah, that would blow up the "classism" argument, sowwy