jlcandu 10 years, 9 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
This coming from Mr. Mitchell, who blew his annual travel budget within the first few months of being in office!!! It's easy to complain when you are spending someone else's money!!!
Mr. Mitchell, now is not the time to be building a new Parliament OR PM's residence. Fix the crime problem, fix the poverty problem, fix the education system... There are more pressing matters in this country than YOUR working conditions, which YOU only show up very infrequently.
Of course, you can't expect anything better from someone who thinks that everyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot. Must be a very small world for you, Mr. Mitchell.
Honestman 10 years, 9 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
Mitchell says: "I constantly ask myself what the heck is wrong with some folk in this country,”
Answer: we keep voting embittered egomaniacs and unscrupulous incompetents into government!
Thinker 10 years, 9 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
So, once again, the Public doesn't have a clue. These people are spitting in our faces, daily, and getting paid for it with our hard earned income.
Thinker 10 years, 9 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
They haven't received a raise in 25 years, but taxes going up up up. How convenient, the timing is impeccable. Lazy thieves.
maryann 11 years, 9 months ago on Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
The lot of them is a joke, running this country like this is a Banana Republic. They called the former Prime Minister a clown. We now see who are the real clowns.
Collin 11 years, 9 months ago on Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
Fitzgerald says no one or no law can compel him to answer this question honestly. Well the reality is as long as he does not answer the Bahamian people - his bosses, his integrity is called into question. This is further compounded by the fact that the Bahamian people know that his general in the general elections in Marathon is a convicted drug dealer. In fact, this is the person he used to target the young male vote in Marathon - would anyone seek to take a guess as to how that was done?
So now the Bahamian people have been provided additional information that individuals you let go free were 'known' to the police for allegedly smuggling of drugs.
So now you better explain to the Bahamian people how this is a matter of national security. No more smoke and mirrors answer WE the Bahamian people and answer us now!!!
banker 11 years, 9 months ago on Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
With the PLP, everything is for sale, including justice, the country, social well-being and sadly, the truth.
Honestman 11 years, 9 months ago on Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
Man granted nolle accused of gun smuggling
All right thinking Bahamians should be horrified at this situation. If the government is not forced to come clean on this matter then we are headed towards a country like Zimbabwe where the ruling party completely tramples on the rule of law and the rights of its citizens. Bahamas, this matter is all about trust. How can this administration be trusted if it is not prepared to explain itself to the opposition. The more it tries to duck the issue the more it seems it has something to hide. Shame on the Prime Minister for promising that the files would be made available to the FNM for review and then reneging on that pledge. Bahamas be afraid, be very afraid.
Honestman 11 years, 9 months ago on PM: BTC could retain monopoly after March 2014
PM: BTC could retain monopoly after March 2014
What on earth is the PM saying?
I think the government has much bigger problems to deal with than trying to regain control of BTC. For heaven's sake let it go Mr. Christie and get on with the major issues of crime and the economy.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago on FNM CLAIMS DEAL DONE ON CONTROL
once they get control back they can then set up their own cellular company on btc network with lower rates and the treasury absorbing BTC losses ,,,,CWC will rue the day they got invovled w/ the Bahamas ,their only hope is to make enough w/ the continued monopoly to walk away in a few years ...PLP going to stick it to the small man again ,just like the tax increases on business , that will just be passed on to us the public ,,
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago on FNM CLAIMS DEAL DONE ON CONTROL
Once they get control they can issue inflated contracts to friends and supporters, burden down the company with workers ill qualified for the job and in general continue their strategy of inefficiency and wastage of funds.. Urban BTC..
Puzzled 11 years, 9 months ago on FNM CLAIMS DEAL DONE ON CONTROL
Seriously folks!
There is no need for CWC to give up their majority share of BTC in exchange for an extension of the monopoly. Looking around the island here it looks as if the monopoly is going to extend itself as there is no sign of any competitors here bidding for licences or setting up their networks so that they are ready to start operations in less than 12 months!!!
Mobile networks do not set themselves up in a couple of weeks. The competition has to be identified and then they will have to set up their company here train staff and get networks established either by reselling agreements or by building their own networks.
CWC are not that crazy that they would start swapping majority share for the extension that is already going to happen. The PM knows this and is just trying to show what a great negotiator he is and still the 'others' will not give him what he really wants.
nationbuilder 11 years, 9 months ago on Return of row over that slap
Return of row over that slap
these guys are sickening
Honestman 11 years, 9 months ago on ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted
ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted
First class assessment of where the Bahamas is today. Four more years of governmental mismanagement to go and these years are going to prove ever so costly to this country. Hardly a week goes by without some new scandalous exposure. What I cannot get my head round is why so many intelligent Bahamians voted for the PLP. We're you guys smoking something on Election Day? We are on an early path to a society like Zimbabwe where corruption is endemic and freedom of speech and accountability are but distant memories.
dahasamo 11 years, 9 months ago on ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted
ACCORDING TO ME: Pride interrupted
I missed Miss Turner's insight and wonder why it is that politics causes persons who write in reasonably clear language can totally miss the point of her column -- is it asking too much for persons who are in charge of making monumental decisions about the country's future to have to respond to legitimate questions and to explain how conclusions are reached.
banker 11 years, 9 months ago on Return of row over that slap
Return of row over that slap
So now Shame Gibson believes that he doesn't have to listen to the rules and the Speaker of the House. He should be censured and muzzled by the party whips.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago on Return of row over that slap
Return of row over that slap
Exactly right...he has no Shame
Honeybun 11 years, 9 months ago on Return of row over that slap
Return of row over that slap
He should be the last person talking about setting examples as leaders...practice what you preach Shame!
Honestman 11 years, 9 months ago on Return of row over that slap
Return of row over that slap
What an abuse of parliamentary privelage.
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 9 months ago on BUDGET: VAT to rise from 7.5 percent to 12 percent
BUDGET: VAT to rise from 7.5 percent to 12 percent
Taxes, duties, fees, etc. on individuals with a gross income under $50,000 now greatly exceeds the tax burden imposed by developed countries with a lower cost of living. As for small and medium-sized businesses in our country today, many of them can be expected to close their doors or fail. The VAT increase to 12% is the nail in the coffin of a nation that was still struggling to cope with the introduction of a 7.5% VAT.