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joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago on First arrivals due in from U.S. ‘spike’ zones

if covid-19 makes it into the house of assembly, this country might just have a future! Until then, we suffer in silence!

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birdiestrachan 4 years, 8 months ago on PM announces travel restrictions amid surge in COVID-19 cases

When cases increased in Florida the PM opened the borders. Canada closed their borders to the USA. In Grand Bahama COVID comes out at 7 Pm in Nassau it comes out at 10 pm

Classes can be opened to take exams but not churches. Private charters and yachts can enter the Bahamas.

Robinson has been given his post back in tourism. Where are the tourist?? Dumb and dangerous is the order of the day. The Bahamas is running down hill rather quickly..

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joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago on INSIGHT: If black lives really matter, why are we killing each other, abusing our women and selling each other drugs?

Black in America will never make progress until they shed their victim mentality and stop elevating their ethnicity over the humanity of others! All lives matter and BTW, Native Americans have been treated far worse than American blacks!!

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proudloudandfnm 4 years, 8 months ago on INSIGHT: Minnis warns of a marathon - but is Wells the right man to carry the baton?

Seriously. Time for Minnis to go. Enough. He is now officially the worst PM in our independent history. Time for the FNM to show loyalty to country not the party and its empty suit leader...

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joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago on A bitter but effective dose

Well written nonsense! The lack of common sense of the health team caused far more distress than COVID itself!

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tribanon 4 years, 8 months ago on INSIGHT: Minnis warns of a marathon - but is Wells the right man to carry the baton?

Renward Wells is off to the races as our new minister of health. He was seen googling the word "virus" this morning while proudly proclaiming to now understand why a pandemic is a type of epidemic but an epidemic is not a type of pandemic. WE ARE IN DEEP SHIIT!!

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birdiestrachan 4 years, 8 months ago on New Health Minister says COVID-19 is 'like Satan'

Renward Wells should know. Satan attends FNM cabinet meetings.

After all Satan is the Father of lies and those FNM fellows can lie.

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tribanon 4 years, 8 months ago on Grand Bahama women spread virus breaking quarantine

What do you expect from generations of Bahamians who been very deliberately dumbed down by successive PLP and FNM governments alike led by the corrupt likes of SLOP, Vomit, Hubiggity and now the Nasty Dunce?

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tribanon 4 years, 7 months ago on EDITORIAL: We’ve won the first round of this fight - time to do it again

It won't be tamed anymore. We had only one chance to get it right and Minnis and D'Aguilar blew it with their most stupid decision to pre-maturely re-open our borders. With one very daft and foolish decision, the directionless and clueless duo of Minnis and D'Aguilar have jeopardized the lives of many more vulnerable Bahamians and healthcare workers and destroyed what was left of our non-tourist dependent local economy. By the way has anyone even noticed our new minister of health is MIA (missing in action)?

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DDK 4 years, 7 months ago on HERE WE GO AGAIN: Minimum two-week lockdown to try and halt new COVID surge

Plan Step One: MINNIS RESiGN. There is NOTHING good to say about this pathetic adminstration and its leader. The virus, like all others, needs to run its course and people need to look after themselves and be sensible. Minnis and his Cabinet are hell bent on destroying what's left of The Bahamas. They were doing a lousy job before The Virus, but now they are acting callously, dangerously and stupidly.

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joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago on HERE WE GO AGAIN: Minimum two-week lockdown to try and halt new COVID surge

@ themessenger... I bet if Minnis read your message and decided to "keep his shoulder to the wheel", his response would cause us to hear the sound of his car horn honking well into the night!!

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joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago on ZNS headquarters closed after staff member tests positive for COVID-19

How come multiple businesses and Doctors Hospital all closed at some point when COVID positive persons were identified in those facilities, but PMH has yet to close the emergency room to sanitize and it is likely hundreds of COVID positive people passed through there?

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joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago on PM announces seven days of further lockdown measures for New Providence

... the seeds of rebellion are being sown.

Some people have not worked for almost five months. You then close down the country 8 pm at night before many working people have had a chance to get to the grocery store, denying citizens access to food and water while threatening them with arrest and fines?? Not smart at all.

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ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago on PM announces seven days of further lockdown measures for New Providence

Yep, just like I called it a few hours ago, the cure is officially worse than the disease! Repost: We'll be sitting ducks if the idiot PM decides to close down food stores and other essential businesses for the next 2 weeks, only the most selfish, nasty, and idiotic "leader" would do something so inhumane..sadly for us, Minnis fits that description!

Minnis has to GO immediately, what "leader" shuts down food stores and pharmacies during a PANDEMIC for an entire week (WITH NO NOTICE) allowing "HIS" people to starve, majority of Nassau is unemployed and haven't gotten a chance to go shopping for the week, this man is a FULL BLOWN DICTATOR!!! Food and water are a NECESSITY and we aren't even allowed to buy any! #ItsThePeople'sTime


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joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago on TUESDAY'S UPDATES: PM reverses new measures

... you may not know this, but some people are hurting and this immediate lockdown has only made things worse! That is what people are protesting!

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ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago on PM reverses new lockdown measures

Minnis MUST resign! He is somehow doing the impossible, I thought the fool couldn't make himself look even more stupid and ridiculous, but time and time again he continues to prove me wrong!

To think the only reason this arrogant, selfish, inhumane, nasty, and evil SOB even reversed HIS mighty orders is because of the protesting by the UNRULY D- average Bahamian citizens and a potential Hurricane reaching the shores of New Providence in the next few days! (The storm excuse is utter BS, experts have been tracking this tropical wave for many many days and it has always been forecasted to make way near our shores!)

The Bahamas is well on its way to dealing with 3 disasters: Chinese Virus, the peak of the VERY active Hurricane Season, and last but not least, the hurricane that has been terrorising our waters since 2017...Category 5 Hurricane Minnis!

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Clamshell 4 years, 7 months ago on PM reverses new lockdown measures

That storm has been on the radar for days. Its path did not change between yesterday and today. If it was a concern, yesterday’s lockdown should never have happened to begin with.

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ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago on PM reverses new lockdown measures

Well said, I brought this storm up many times in my previous comments, only an idiot would believe the PM's excuse to open up the stores, he is simply a heartless lunatic! Sadly he has many followers who take after him and defend his EVERY action, including the inhumane act of prohibiting HIS citizens to buy food and water!