
1 Vote

Porcupine 6 years, 9 months ago on Wreckage IS from crash plane

No Tribune. These explanations don't answer why the plane crashed. This whole investigation has been slack. How long was he made to circle Nassau. Is there more that the ATC has to tell us? Did other pilots hear anything significant that morning, apart from what we're told? Something seems fishy about the government's behaviour in the whole matter.

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tetelestai 6 years, 7 months ago on Whipped, beaten and filmed for Facebook

John, I will respectfully disagree with the gist of your argument. Regardless of the girl's circumstances (or the guardians' for that matter), that type of abuse inflicted on that minor, and it was abuse, should not be tolerated by any level headed adult.

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Nationalist_242 6 years, 9 months ago on ‘Pay $3,000 and you can go free’ – Bishop Hall makes Immigration ‘corruption’ claim

Y’all could make all the horror stories y’all want the fact remains while y’all speak on talk shows and web forums , nothing is being done to change our issues, Americans voted Trump even though the world looked down on them Trump made it clear he was fighting for AMERICAS BEST INTERESTS, where are the people who are fighting for the Bahamas’ best interests.

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 7 months ago on Whipped, beaten and filmed for Facebook

After 8 years old ........ corporal punishment is meaningless ....... It only satisfies the passion of the adult perp.

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Alex_Charles 6 years, 8 months ago on Euro blacklisting to end this week?

We shall see if this is successful. If the EU goes nuclear and blocks our Access to SEPA things will go south for us.

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observer2 6 years, 9 months ago on UPDATED: Govt 'disappointed' by European Union blacklisting

Actually the EU is an extreamly strong trading block. If Britain were to hold another referendum they would vote to stay in the EU. Leaving the EU is a big negative for the the British economy. Global trading blocks is where the world is at and it is unstoppable.

Yes, Russia is trying to manipulate social media to undermine western democracies. It will fail over time because democratic/transparent governments are the best for its citizens. How many of you want to live in Russia or China?

Not sure why KP is surprised by the blacklisting. But everything seems to surprise these novices. Answer the following questions and you will see why we are blacklisted.

  1. How many financial crimes have been prosecuted in the Bahamas since our initial black listing in 2000? 0.
  2. Why do we have numbers houses/financial institutions?
  3. How quickly do we hand over information to developed world countries when financial crimes occur?
  4. Why are IBC not filing audited financial statements at the registry
  5. Why are nominee shareholders and directors still allowed
  6. Why are number houses doing banking services?
  7. Why is the Bank of the Bahamas forming a bridge between the numbers houses and the formal banking system.
  8. Why is the Bahamian government making positive comments on crypto currencies? These currencies are not regulated and its impossible to trace transactions.
  9. Why do we still have exchange controls?
  10. Why is government so non transparent. E.g. W&S, Oban and Baha Mar
  11. Why is our local markets closed to foreign ownership?
  12. Why does KP have something to say on almost anything that happens in this country. Where Minnis in all dis?

I could go on and on but whats the point. Ain nuttin ga change.

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B_I_D___ 6 years, 7 months ago on Whipped, beaten and filmed for Facebook

I've only 'hit' one of my children...once...but it was a reflex reaction, she had grabbed at one of our pets in such a fashion that she could have injured the animals leg, I happened to be within arms reach and got a hand on her backside in hopes that it would startle her and she would let the animal go before she hurt it. To this day, I have never had to raise my hand at her again. We discussed the swat, if that's what you want to call it and she understood fully the reason why. No child deserves to be beaten.

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DDK 6 years, 8 months ago on Help catch killer pit bull’s owner - Shocked public unite to offer $3,000 reward

The headline is very clear and concise. "Help Catch Killer Pit Bull’s Owner". This is the way it appears on-line. See no problem there. I am very glad they are going after the dog's monster owner.

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 8 months ago on Trump: US, allies attacking Syria to stop chemical weapons

Why do the American SEALs not take out Assad????? ........ Then Putin will be forced to abandon Syria, if he cannot find another proxy dictator to run Syria ...... Putin and Assad need each other to survive ........ Assad represents 12% of the Syrians and Putin needs a warm weather port for his navy ........................ Knock out Assad and Putin's reason for being in Syria will be exposed.

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rqd2 7 years ago on One year deadline to hand over foreign jobs

Help me understand. For example, if a foreigner meets the minimum investment and starts a business, they have one year to train a Bahamian for each position in the new company.

Where does it say the Bahamian must then be hired for the position or even paid during the training period?

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banker 7 years ago on One year deadline to hand over foreign jobs

This is bullshit. If someone starts a business here -- a tech business -- he must train a Bahamian to take over? What if the business requires a tertiary education for which there is no qualified Bahamian? This is insuring that the bill will be a flop. This is no way to create a knowledge industry. The business must be unfettered and allowed to grow. Some businesses take a few years to get traction. Once again, a typically bungled endeavour.

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bahamalove 7 years ago on One year deadline to hand over foreign jobs

Exactly! Why would a foreigner even want to invest here if they know that they have only a year to train a Bahamian to do their job and then they have to possibly leave afterwards? And saying that Freeport could be a Silicon Valley is a far stretch. Electricity, living and business costs are too high, and Freeport is prone to hurricanes which is very disruptive to businesses.

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jamaicaproud 7 years ago on One year deadline to hand over foreign jobs

When there are other countries that seek only injection of capital. Why would they invest in a place where they are forced to hire an understudy for every position, even before the business gets profitable or gains any traction?

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The_Oracle 7 years ago on Software developer: Tax woe drove us to Cayman

Bruce is correct: Government, rightly wanting to entice Tech companies to our shores promptly build a box hoping they'll jump in. They won't. You don't structure or confine these tech guys. They are a constantly moving dynamic. Their markets are global. Second point is the "strangulation" of business in the Bahamas is directly tied into the "control/deny Psych pervasive throughout the Government and civil service. There is no interaction with Government that is painless. That is what needs fixing.

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sheeprunner12 7 years ago on Software developer: Tax woe drove us to Cayman

What is your solution?????? ........ Canada, China, EU, ANZ, Cuba, CARICOM?????? ........ We need to take national initiative - but can you trust our politicians to stand up to these OECD bullies???????

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John2 7 years ago on Software developer: Tax woe drove us to Cayman

Simple comrade ...."IPBS's development functions remain in the Bahamas" ....but :Mr Raine said he was forced to establish a Cayman Islands-based company to own IPBS' software, and handle all sales and licensing functions".......its like you can grow bananas in cat island and sell them in nassau

5 Vote

seamphony 7 years ago on ‘Where’s my brother?’

are you considered extra special super bahamian if you are heartless towards the suffering? this lady is looking for her brother people...

some empathy wouldn't kill you.

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jamaicaproud 7 years ago on ‘Where’s my brother?’

What a peesa backwardness. So called Christian country where people are so heartless.

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seamphony 7 years ago on ‘Where’s my brother?’

By shutting the door on the face of these immigrants, we may be shutting the door on the face of the next brain surgeon, engineer, architect, writer, dancer, basketball player that will elevate the whole bahamas. by refusing the immigrants' kids proper status and leaving them in limbo all their childhood and adult lives, we are the ones cutting down the growth prospects of these islands. Fix the public schools for both the bahamian kids and all others for god's sake! Show them that doing good in school/hard work is the way not playing numbers, finding a hotel job, getting handouts from the government, or robbing someone.

3 Vote

licks2 7 years ago on ‘Office of the spouse’

No. . .but you can say that you are being political and backwards! Check your history. . .tat request is a given in the developed nations of the world. . .check the story of the Tuskegee Airman. . .Eleanor Roosevelt lobbied fro the rights of blacks. . .Lady Obama for children's health. . on and on around the globe! So stop ACTING stupid and naive. . .grow the hell up and contribute to the growth of your nation rather than being a political NUMB SKULL!