
2 Vote

Jack 11 years, 11 months ago on ZNS should stop airing Sesame St.

Sesame Street is closer to real life than the church could ever be and that's a fact. Have you been out into the streets of Bahamas at all or do you bury your head in your lovely expensive home? Yes, people may come to church on a Sunday but that is where it ends. People are dealing with real life issues like divorce, being single parents, drugs, being BORN gay and many other things. They don't have any interest in living the nightmarishly conservative and sterile world of the bible because you don't know how to be real. Sesame street does. Maybe someone in the church should tell God to stop making so many gay children if he hates them so much.

6 Vote

Jack 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

You think you vets are the only ones giving up your practices??? Almost ALL the foreign vets gave up their practices for TWO WEEKS this year. Most of the volunteers gave up their full two weeks of holiday a year, some volunteers suffered business losses to help the animals and improve the Bahamas, so don't start about being patriotic . Not many Bahamian vets did the same may I add, one or two days here or there. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves!! You're a lunatic if you think we believe your B.S. Bizzell.

4 Vote

Jack 11 years ago on Operation Potcake has been cancelled following opposition from local vets. How do you think the spay and neuter programme should be run?

To be honest I've never been to a country, and I've lived in several, where I have to question the vets as much as I do here. The average animal lover in the Bahamas seems to have a better idea than you lot on the whole. You don't get respect because you don't deserve it as a group and this whole fiasco just proves the point.

8 Vote

Jack 11 years ago on Operation Potcake has been cancelled following opposition from local vets. How do you think the spay and neuter programme should be run?

Bizzell. If you're not making any money they why are you trying to stop others from coming in?? If you were so sure that you're just breaking even then it would make much more sense for you to just let the other vets come and do the full 5 days while you guys get on with your precious practices.

You've never supported this project, you sure as hell don't care about animals, only turning a profit. Bahamian vets doing something for free, don't make me laugh.

5 Vote

HarryWyckoff 11 years ago on Operation Potcake has been cancelled following opposition from local vets. How do you think the spay and neuter programme should be run?

Really, how backwards is the VMAB being here.

They've had years to step up and help with the nation's Potcake problem, and have failed miserably.

Now they are refusing to allow vets VOLUNTEERING from overseas to enter the country to help deal with the problem.

And why? Because somehow, they think these stray potcakes should all be paying $50 each.

I guess the VMAB isn't quite smart enough to realise that STRAY dogs don't have owners. Or bank accounts. or $50 in cash between their paws.

Protectionist fools who put profit before betterment of the country.

They are a disgrace.

6 Vote

Right242 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

It really is mind boggling how dumb some Bahamians can be. Even the "educated" officials at the highest levels in government. Too stupid to even understand they're getting a free hand out. It's like saying "thanks for helping us, now you have to pay us". SMH...

7 Vote

JackG 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

I would be happy to pay $50 for each local Vet that is spayed or neutered. They should never be allowed to breed.

4 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

Dr. Bizzell...I mean no disrespect with what I am about to say here...I really don't....but out of any of the 'local' efforts to spay and neuter...what is the annual spay and neuter count? You complain that doing this even at cost...plus we are still paying our assistants a days wage...would you not embrace an army of volunteer vets to speed up the process? Let them come in and do the work instead of costing you money...you can focus on what makes you money and let the crack team of volunteers come in and do the no pay work...what purpose does it serve the VMAB to block this if it is not a monetary thing...break it down for me because I am at a loss here...and as someone who supports prqoud paws...I am shocked and seriously disappointed...my aid in that respect is done.

1 Vote

KimAra 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

I think it would be very useful if somebody could actually, accurately, break down the precise cost of spaying a bitch and a cat, then neutering a dog and a tom. The break down should NOT include the usual expenses of electricity, water, insurance, or overheads as this would be in a mash clinic...I guess the price between a large dog and a small dog would differ, so we would have to average it out...transportation would not be a factor either... Is there somebody out there prepared to list in detail ( quantities of meds ect). gauze, sterile wraps, sutures, alcohol ect....to equate a totally accurate per dog, per cat price... I believe that would be a very useful exercise for this discussion

3 Vote

Jack 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

Yes life is too short for negativity Dr Lawrence which is why it's so sad we the people of the Bahamas have been put in this situation by the local vets. So dry your tears because we wish you could walk in our shoes as volunteers that go into the community in OUR OWN TIME and see the pain and suffering as you do. It's not just about the spays and neuters, it's about the community spirit that Operation Potcake has created. It's about the massive educational drive that will make the next generation of Bahamians more caring people. It's about going into yards across the island en mass and working out ways to help the animals together with the owners. Operation Potcake brings the people together from all walks of life and and gives them all a warm fuzzy feeling about caring for animals. It's about Bahamians and foreigners standing together and working out a solution because many hands make light work. Why would the vets possibly want to stop this wonderful momentum that has been created?? You tell me if you care about animals so much? I know the answer and it's greed and short sightedness

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B_I_D___ 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

My point exactly...the more the merrier...why block it? Explain to me the rationale for blocking it. I am still lost. Do we continue with the status quo and 'hope' our local clinics can improve their numbers above 700 a year...or do we welcome a shot in the arm to help things along. The VMAB is very wrong in this respect to kill this project. I fully expect the locals to prove they can swing 2,000+ a month...not in a year...two years, or ten years...TAKE THE EXTRA HELP!! Sorry...but still idiots in this respect...totally handled incorrectly and made the local team look terrible!!

2 Vote

Jack 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

Bizzell and Dr Lawrence, both your replies have demonstrated that you just don't "get' Operation Potcake and THIS is the real issue here. If you can't work it out from my reply above then there is no hope and the Bahamas is doomed on the animal care front. The "hoopla" Dr Lawrence, helped us get the people in the doors, yes, people who never in a million years would have got off their lazy bums to help their dogs did. Yes, you can pick up a sick or hungry dog, but what is wrong with having 100 or more foreigners and locals get together for a big event to help on a much larger scale? We all win, not just the odd dog or cat you pick up.

It's also about getting enough volunteers. The "hoopla' got us a load of volunteers that never would have given their time. Having a big program once a year gets everyone together for a common goal. It's very hard to drum up volunteers on a regular basis and many people I know had planned on giving a week of their holiday time EVERY year to help with this project in the Bahamas. Why on earth would they fly from across the world for 3 days? So now we have to rely only on the same locals who give every bit of their spare time instead of spreading the load.

Bizzell we need foreigners because you can not do the job on your own. In one breath in your letter you say you can, it the next you say you're cutting down the days to 3 because you can't handle it, Which is it?

No one suggested that we ONLY do Operation Potacke on a large scale. It is in combination with the many smaller efforts that occur every week with the Bahamian nonprofits. If you have not seen that then you're blind.

Dr Lawrence, you and the other vets have allowed yourselves to be conned by Bizzells archaic views. I'm sure you and many of your colleagues are good vets but you really, really don't understand what Operation Potcake is all about and that is such a shame.

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fancykitty 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

Well here's a question, if it really costs them $50 why dont they just stay in their clinics and make money and let the foriegn vets come in and work 12 hour days for FREE? Let the supplies be the headache of the organizers. AND if the foriegn vets are such a blow to their egos, how about they just leave their supply inventory with the organizers and let them get it all and they just show up, hands swinging, and perform surgeries with the provided materials? Maybe its because it will show that maybe, just maybe, the supplies dont really cost $50 and they are in fact in it for the MONEY

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banker 11 years ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

We know what you want? Greedy so and so. You just gave our nation a huge black eye, and made yourselves look like two-bit shysters.

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rblue 10 years, 5 months ago on Outrage over caged dogs video

Everybody in life should stand for a cause that is close to there heart, to help this island or the world around us be more peaceful as one can be. I applaud all parties that is trying to inform, the uninformed individual/s at this time about the sad issue that is taken place on our island with our dogs. But as always you have negative come into play. Keep up the good work to all parties that have the convection to be the voice for these animals, who I feel sometimes have more love and loyalty than humans!

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Bunni 10 years, 5 months ago on Outrage over caged dogs video

If some persons cannot see that this is wrong for animals then we should put someone they love in a cage and see how they feel about it.