Chucky 7 years, 9 months ago on Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
given our crime rate, poor attitudes, poor service etc, I can't say that I blame them.
If we had a good product for a fair buck, and it was a nice experience , they wouldn't be inclined to do what they are doing. They are in the cruise business, once you get on their ship your meals are all covered, everything is generally paid for. When they set up an Island, the food facilities are all an additional expense that they don't need.
Notice they give most all the entertainment to the Bahamians- They make their money on ticket sales, not islands. They are doing what is necessary to provide sufficient activity and adventure to keep their customers. Something we , are clearly failing miserably at!
concernedcitizen 7 years, 9 months ago on Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
They can control the experience on a private cay ,Basically Bay street is dirty and our people are loud vulgar and intimidating .
Chucky 7 years, 9 months ago on Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Are you on drugs?
we would have nothing to eat if it were not for the foreign companies who bring the tourists.
It's our lousy work ethic, attitude, government, and just shitty people in general that cause us the problems we have.
Go ahead and blame everyone else. You , like so many, fail to reason honestly, and will never accept responsibility. Keep doing as we're doing and then we can cry when we go broke and can't feed ourselves or our children.
Jetflt 7 years, 9 months ago on Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
TallRussell - the more you talk, the more stupid and ignorant you sound! You should be thankful for every cruise ship passenger that steps off the ship, and as for the money RCI is investing in Little Stirrup Cay, remember they are a business, and as a business their number 1 priority is to make money. If your Govt approached the affairs of the country like a business, the Bahamas would be light year's ahead of third world status.
By the way - if your Govt could get crime under control, fixed the sucky attitudes and work ethic, and invested in attractions for tourists, maybe the RCI's of the world wouldn't find it so necessary to invest all this money in entertaining their customers on uninhabited islands away.
Wake up and smell the coffee dude!!!
sealice 7 years, 9 months ago on Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
601 murders is an occasional spike???? WTF is this man on???
UserOne 7 years, 9 months ago on Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
Cruise line executive ‘concerned’ about crime
We have brought that on ourselves with our crime.