JonathanKnowles234 4 years, 2 months ago on FRONT PORCH: Pope Francis and the Gospel of Love
FRONT PORCH: Pope Francis and the Gospel of Love
Utter rubbish. The Holy Father's comments were from a 2019 interview and were HEAVILY edited and there's also been a suggestion that he was mistranslated. This was the FULL context and the words which appeared in the documentary are in bold. And notice that he said "that doesn't mean to approve of homosexual acts." And regarding the comments about civil unions, the Holy Father used the term "ley de convivencia civil," which roughly translates into "civil coexistence." It CAN mean civil unions, but not in the context he used it in. He was talking about anti-discrimination laws, so homosexuals aren't mistreated because of their sexuality etc. But the media ran with it and are making it appear as if his comments resulted in some change in Church Doctrine. That's false. He didn't go against Church teaching which states that homosexual acts are sinful and that it is WRONG to give any legal recognition to homosexual unions (CDF, 2002). Besides, comments made by the Pope have ZERO effect on Church teaching unless they are made "from the Chair," using a specific formula.
“I was asked a question on a flight - after it made me mad, made me mad for how one news outlet transmitted it - about the familial integration of people with homosexual orientation, and I said, homosexual people have a right to be in the family, people with homosexual orientation have a right to be in the family and parents have the right to recognize that son as homosexual, that daughter as homosexual. Nobody should be thrown out of the family, or be made miserable because of it.”
“Another thing is, I said when you see some signs in the children and from there send them to - I should have said a ‘professional,’ what came out was ‘psychiatrist.’ I meant to say a professional because sometimes there are signs in adolescence or pre-adolescence that they don’t know if they are homosexually oriented or if it is that the thymus gland didn’t atrophy in time. Who knows, a thousand things, no? So, a professional. The title of the daily paper: ‘The Pope sends homosexuals to the psychiatrist.’ It’s not true!”
“They asked me the same question another time and I repeated it, ‘They are children of God, they have a right to a family, and such.’ Another thing is - and I explained I was wrong with that word, but I meant to say this: When you notice something strange - ‘Ah, it’s strange.’ - No, it’s not strange. Something that is outside of the usual. That is, not to take a little word to annul the context. There, what I said is that they ‘have a right to a family.’ And that doesn’t mean to approve of homosexual acts, not at all.”
sheeprunner12 4 years, 2 months ago on UB STUDENTS SEX ASSAULTS SHOCK: Campus survey reveals one-in-three are victim of some form of rape
UB STUDENTS SEX ASSAULTS SHOCK: Campus survey reveals one-in-three are victim of some form of rape
Yep ......... this sounds about the same as former "rape" statistics when it was purported that 25% of Bahamian women are "raped" during their lifetimes.
Historically, our country has a black eye on it when it comes to sexual crimes
Bahamabird 4 years, 2 months ago on UB STUDENTS SEX ASSAULTS SHOCK: Campus survey reveals one-in-three are victim of some form of rape
UB STUDENTS SEX ASSAULTS SHOCK: Campus survey reveals one-in-three are victim of some form of rape
This headline suggests that the assaults took place on campus and I found it misleading. The story is about an issue that we must ALL be concerned about. It is not a UB only problem. This is a sensational and misleading headline which detracts from the truth of the story.
joeblow 4 years, 2 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
Why do we allow a group of persons who are attracted to the same sex to change common sense institutions of marriage, family and biological sex which have existed from the dawn of time? Why do we tolerate them calling those who disagree with their views intolerant, bigots, homophobes or worse? Why do we allow choice to be called an immutable characteristic? One can always ask why!
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 2 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
I always marvel at how quick the rabid anti-religious types come out of the closet anytime the BCC makes a public statement, you would think that we are living in the Christian equivalent of the Islamic Republic of Iran or Saudi Arabia with how quick they are to spew vitriol towards all things religious. Please wake up people, no religious institution has any say in legislating over your lives in this country. No church is forcing you to live your life a certain type of way.
When it comes to same-sex unions, please take a good look at how corrupt and degenerate the United States currently has become to the point where pedophilia has started to become openly pushed, in addition to extending this "transgender" demented foolishness to young people. It always starts off as wanting to be accepted, and then it is same sex unions, and then marriage, and then it is having men in dresses share the same bathroom with women, and then it is injecting your kids with hormone replacement therapy and puberty blockers while mutilating themselves through surgery to only die a horrific death by suicide when they become adults in most cases. Please wake up and see that the degeneracy will never end, it is best not to give into it in the first place. They are already trying to normalize pedophilia with films such as Cuties and using innocent-sounding terms such as MAP (minor-attracted person), and they will push bestiality and necrophilia as the next items up for acceptance when they are finished. We have enough problems as it is with our Bahamian society, we do not need to import the worst of America over here to compound our issues.
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 2 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
Did I ever imply that religion is guilt free? The Church is comprised of sinful humans, of course there are going to be waywards that end up giving it a bad name. I would encourage you to compare the rates of reported abuse in various churches, and then compare it to the general public. You will realize how easy it is to fall for a certain agenda that the media pushes. You only hear about it in certain places and not the others...
When it comes to FGM, I do not know a single church in the Bahamas that condones the practice. You can correct me if I am wrong, I have not canvassed every church in the country. Some church in the backwaters of Africa may support the practice, but I highly doubt that it would be condoned here. If a church does support it, shame on them. No where in the Bible, or in any Church teaching, have I ever seen/know of support for the practice.………
I can post a million links here if I wanted to. Same sex marriage was legalized on the federal level by the Supreme Court in 2015, and the pace of the descent into this filth has only accelerated since then. You are 100% right that Europe is divided East vs. West when it comes to the LGBT movement, and I support nations such as Poland, Hungary, and Russia 100% when it comes to protecting their nations from this vile disease. It wasn't enough for these people to keep their perversions private, they had to force it on the children as well.
Fooling around with the LGBT movement is like opening Pandora's box; once you open it, there is no putting it all back in. We would be very wise to keep that box closed.
joeblow 4 years, 2 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
... you just had to use teh 'H' word right Bob! Your views of biblical Christianity, the historical Jesus and the message He taught (both salvation and judgment) are medieval and grossly distorted!
Remember, a society has to get its values of right and wrong from somewhere, I have found that if those values originate from an individuals personal views of right and wrong they will always embrace self promoting, pleasure seeking and destructive values! Hence the high rates of addiction, depression and mental illness in countries with liberal humanistic values.
JokeyJack 4 years, 2 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
Bahamians PAY to have the church run their lives. They go every Sat/Sun and make a payment. If they did the same at BPL, no light would get cut off. In the Bahamas, the President of the Christian Council is the de-facto Prime Minister, and we all know it.
The majority want it to be this way - just like the Mullahs in Iran - so there is no problem here. The people are getting exactly what they want. That is democracy in action.
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 2 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
ALICIA WALLACE: Why do we continue to allow the Church to pull the strings on so many aspects of our lives?
Based on what data is able to be collected, it appears the pedophilia is a much more rampant issue in the various Protestant denominations. The educational system also has a problem with it as well, yet we only hear about one organization in particular constantly in the media spotlight. I will put two links below, the research study is a lengthy read (I don't blame you if you skip through it)……
For the record, I don't support the hiding or covering up of any abuse what goes on. When it is discovered, it needs to be quickly dealt with and the offender made an example of. At the same time, I think we should keep things in perspective about the scale of the issue. It is a problem for many organizations, yet the media only seems to cover it in the Catholic Church.
It is important to note that the Pope was not speaking ex-cathedra, or on behalf of the Church, when he made that statement. That was his own personal opinion, which he is entitled to have. Whether that was a wise idea or not, we will see. It certainly has created a lot of confusion among the faithful.
I do not think that you will ever be able to create an irreligious society, the concept of God is as old as humanity itself. All the ancient Greek, Roman, Phoenician, Egyptian, etc. societies all had a concept of a god(s) to worship, belief in a higher power is the default natural state of humanity. Even in Europe, the dethroning of Christianity by secularism has only resulting in the growth of Islam on the continent. Someone will always fill the power vacuum.
JonathanKnowles234 4 years, 2 months ago on FRONT PORCH: Pope Francis and the Gospel of Love
FRONT PORCH: Pope Francis and the Gospel of Love
Love don't mean what "sick liberals" think they mean in the Christian sense. Love means to REPROVE your brother and stop him from going down the wrong path. It is incumbent upon Christians to love everyone, by correcting them when they fall in error. That's what true love is. And the liberals aren't advocating for "tolerance." They want affirmation of homosexual wrongdoing and want us all to pretend as if that is normal/good. That's the major issue.