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Danie 12 years ago on Bishop: Gays had bad childhood

Bishop Hall's homophobic comments are a disgrace! Religious leaders in this country have a beautiful knack of focusing on the wrong things.

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banker 12 years ago on Bishop: Gays had bad childhood

This is embarrassing for the Bahamas, and for its people. To think that the clergy are that ignorant, reflects poorly on the Bahamas in the eyes of the world.

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hellorg 12 years ago on Bishop: Gays had bad childhood

As a heterosexual/straight Bahamian man, I find the Bishops comments not only baseless but homophobic and repulsive. We are better than this.......

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pete100miles 12 years ago on Bishop: Gays had bad childhood

Ignorant. Sorry but this so call dysfunctional man needs to stay in retirement.

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Required 12 years ago on Bishop: Gays had bad childhood

I really don't have the time go tget all worked up about an ignorant member of the clergy spewing nonsense. However, it is really sad that the Tribune considers this newsworthy, which it is not, for a variety of reasons.

For isntance, if the Tribune has any journalistic integrity, simple factchecking would have shown that Simeon Hall mixes half truths with myths to push his agenda.

Or because he has been at it for years, and did not add anything new to his latest round of hate mongering.

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JohnDoes 11 years, 7 months ago on Florida senator Marco Rubio 'outraged' over Bahamas deporting Cubans

If they are so 'gravely concerned' why dont they take these 'refugees' off of our hands? I mean that is where the cubans want to be, IN THE USA! IF YOU REPUBLICANS/SENATORS/CONGRESSMEN ARE SOOO 'CONCERNED', PLEASE HELP US AND OFFER ASYLUM TO THESE BLATANT/TRESPASSING CUBANS! Our country is small, we have our hands full dealing with our own citizens, yet you want us to just give asylum to these LYING/DEFAMING/TRESPASSING Cubans? I HATE WHEN THESE SPECIFIC AMERICANS GIVE ADVICE ON HOW TO HANDLE THINGS YET THEY DON'T WANT TO OFFER HELP OR ACCEPT THE PROBLEM THAT WE ARE FACING. They are not even here to see what is going on and, are not even trying to either. They only see and hear what is in the media but never seek the real source of information which is coming from our Minister Fred Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell do not mind all the heat coming from this. Stand your ground and do not be swayed, same to you Mr. PGC! Now get this mulatto man 'plastic smile' off of the front page, there is other more important news to be reported!

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jlcandu 10 years, 8 months ago on Ingraham should return to rescue the Bahamas


While I appreciate your summarizing the obvious ineptitude of this PLP government, I do not agree that HAI needs to come back to lead the FNM.

Yes, Mr. Ingraham is a strong character and could slam everyone in the PLP with his verbal vitriole. However, there has to be other younger individuals, if given an opportunity, to take the PLP down in the next election. The problem, as aptly stated, is that Minnis, Butler-Turner, and Cash are not a united front and allowing the PLP to run this country rough-shod.

I am praying that between now and the next convention that the decision-makers of the FNM will get off their butts and put forward a new strategy and leader who can take this country back from this worthless poor excuse for a government.

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proudloudandfnm 10 years, 8 months ago on Ingraham should return to rescue the Bahamas

Ditto with the above. Hubert Ingraham was a great PM, grateful for his service. But it is time to move on. His days are done. Perry's days are done too, hope he's man enough to admit it....

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ADubbs 10 years, 8 months ago on Vendors evicted at Straw Market

They need to learn to pay their bills! They have that beautiful building to operate from, very close to the cruise ships, and their rent is only $140 a month? WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT?! When you don't pay your rent, you get evicted. It's as simple as that. What the hell do they want anyone to do about the consequence for their failure to pay?

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solejordan 10 years, 8 months ago on Vendors evicted at Straw Market

so at $35 a week u choose not to pay rent? Then when the bill piles up u get evicted and say oh they aint looking out for the small man since things hard.

PAY YOUR BILLS SIMPLE. stop acting like the government no matter who owes you something.

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Clamshell 10 years, 8 months ago on Man cleared of killing lover, 66

The conviction was "squashed"? Good grief. You mean "quashed".

Where do you people go to school? Please put your cell phone away and pay attention to what you're doing.

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SP 10 years, 7 months ago on Naturalisation backed for children born in the Bahamas to Haitians

The PLP and FNM are both out to lunch and couldn't give a dam what you fools that voted for them think.

Why would they suddenly care what you idiots think now, when they haven't cared what you thought over 40 years?

Kick'em in the ass again PLP & FNM....They want to die PLP & FNM......So be it!

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Beywhatusay 10 years, 7 months ago on Naturalisation backed for children born in the Bahamas to Haitians

It is a well known fact that many Bahamians (not all) are racist toward Haitians, and I am Bahamian saying that…..born and bred! What is appalling to me is the human factor that Mr. Chipman is alluding to that all you above have missed. Well, the Haitian children who are now adults, didn't ask to be born, have never left the Bahamas and now because of archaic laws are sent back to a destitute land they don't know. Whether you want to believe it or not that would be like me sending a Bahamian of Bahamian parentage to a country that speaks a foreign language in many regards be it the native tongue, traditions, day to day life, etc. How would you feel? Mr. Chipman is not referring to the Haitian illegals that are just coming to us now. He is referring to those who have a Bahamian birth certificate, holds many diplomas from various private or public schools in our country, and who may even own a company that employs Bahamians.

I dare you all to admit to yourselves that you have a family member that has gotten pregnant and then went to America to have their child so that they could have American citizenship (that is the new popular thing to do). Why are so many of our people doing it I suppose? Could it be to take advantage of the same reasons you all are denying "Bahamians" born of Haitian parents the privileges that comes with citizenship? Need I remind you that those same family members will be taking advantage of American benefits that they never contributed to. The difference here is that the Haitians are contributing, illegal or not. I wonder how many of those Bahamian-American citizens will be paying taxes. I predict lots of Bahamians going to prison for unpaid taxes.

No one is saying that our immigration policies don't need work, they need to be thrown out and redone. However, just like anything new that affects present day effects from the past, there must be "grandfathering" in and in this situation a naturalization of stateless Haitians.

The Bahamas has long been a homogenous society with a homogenous identity. (We) The Bahamas are unfamiliar with how to incorporate other cultures into our society. If we are going to participate in the new globalized society we must deal with failed immigration policies that are the effects of 41 years of FNM and PLP governments. We must deal with this as people, and we must deal with it humanely. The reality that there will be more Haitians than Bahamians in the next 5 years is not a mathematical figment of the imagination, it is a certainty that must be acknowledged.

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DonAnthony 10 years ago on 'Sick outs' close doors on stores

Is this Union living in some alternate reality? It can not be the Bahamas, take a look at the over 1000 Bahamians waiting in line at the sandals job fair yesterday. One is lucky to have a job today and rather than jeopardizing it through sick outs should be trying to improve their company. Either way it is irrelevant, if digicell or cable Bahamas get the second cellular license they will destroy BTC and the jobs at BTC are gone anyway.

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jackflash 10 years ago on 'Sick outs' close doors on stores

Those that called in sick should be at the top of the list to be let go!

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asiseeit 10 years ago on 'Sick outs' close doors on stores

Plenty people need jobs, these people dumb now. Fire they ass and hire people that understand how lucky they are to have a job!

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cmiller 9 years, 1 month ago on Lightbourn told of criticism at FNM meeting

I personally find that black Bahamians are far more racist that the white Bahamians. Even light skinned Bahamians are racist against the darker tones. I am black, by the way. Just sayin.......

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Honestman 8 years, 11 months ago on Auto chief waits 6-8 months for $200k tax refund

But the VAT office is so quick to levy fines for delayed returns! A bit more efficiency and a bit less arrogance from the department would be welcome.