1 Vote

242 12 years, 7 months ago on Shaunae injured, Arianna in semis

That's sad cuz she woulda kill this..v.very proud that she made it that far

1 Vote

Honeybun 12 years, 1 month ago on Why i'm happy to be a 38-year-old virgin

Kudos to you for holding on to your beliefs and integrity... very admirable!

1 Vote

John 11 years, 11 months ago on Concerns over morgue rejected

The roper to do then is to allow public inspection, either by the press or someone in position to give an unbiased report.

2 Vote

Louise 11 years, 10 months ago on Bahamians march on parliament

OK first things first - DNA and FNM are now using this as a means to get in the forefront and hopefully win the next election..........but all of the political parties are the same so I don't listen to their ramblings.

Secondly - did you guys REALLY shout NO MORE FOREIGNERS on the main street where foreigners spend their money and visit our shores...............I think we are looking to be the next HAITI...........economy down the drain, poverty worse than ever - and that will not be good for any of us!

4 Vote

islander242 11 years, 10 months ago on Bahamians march on parliament

This epidemic of loud mouth, ignorant, old fashion, biggity Bahamians needs to stop it is ruining us.

1 Vote

concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago on Bahamians march on parliament

what are we going on about ,,of the 8000 workers at atlantis there is 74 on work permits ,,i don,t think that will solve our unemployment problem ..IT IS SIMPLE WE ARE PRODUCING CHILDREN FASTER THAN OUR GDP ,OR ANY FOR THAT MATTER ,CAN CREATE JOBS ,,AND SUFFICE TO SAY THE PEOPLE HAVEING THE MOST CHILDREN ARE THE UNDEREDUCATED ...we are making unemployable offspring faster than our economy can absorb them ..SIMPLE MATH ..