
4 Vote

Cobalt 10 years, 3 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

I'm not the biggest supporter of Dr Miles Monroe; but in this case he is 100% correct. The crafted manner in which the gay community has tried to piggy-back their agenda on that of the Civil Rights Movement is horrifyingly wicked..... not to mention infuriating! This attempt by the FAG community to exploit and initiate compassion by painting themselves as a disenfranchised, marginalized, oppressed people is not going to work! This is nothing more than a convoluted, dishonest, unscrupulous, shameless act used to justifying a decadent, sickening, nasty, repugnant lifestyle! This is a tactic that these faggots here in the Bahamas learned from our North American neighbors within the United States who themselves are nothing more than a culture of homosexuals! But as these lesbos and queers in the Bahamas are about to learn... this is not the U.S. No one can choose what race or color they are. But one can choose to put the carnal, lustful, unnatural, sac religions, sexual deviant, perverted acts of the flesh under subjection!! No faggot coalition or consortium will ever establish homosexual rights in this country!! And the very attempt will result in their own demise!!!

1 Vote

jackbnimble 10 years, 3 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

DR. MUNROE (not "Myles") I support you 100%. At least there is a watchman on the wall where so many others have jumped off (Bishop Ellis among them).