
5 Vote

nassau98@aol.com 3 years, 11 months ago on BIDEN DELIVERS CRIPPLING BLOW: New President unveils quarantine rule which will devastate tourism

What goes around comes around. America must do what they think is necessary to protect thier citizens. We did the same here in the Bahamas. The Goverment of the Bahamas require that its local citizen have a Covid - 19 RT-PCR test - just to travel to our family islands, which makes no sense.

All the great USA is asking us for is a quick atigen test so far. They have not yet specified the quarantine period, yet - if any. Lets be hopeful and stop acting like a bunch of hypocrites. We need to grow up.

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banker 3 years, 11 months ago on BIDEN DELIVERS CRIPPLING BLOW: New President unveils quarantine rule which will devastate tourism

This is all so funny. Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham, back in 2012, said that the Bahamian economy needed diversification from the two pillars of Tourism and Financial Services. He proposed Technology and eCommerce as the Third Pillar of the economy. The cult PLPites and the corrupt Perry Gladstone CriscoButt voted him out in the election. Even Fweddie, the self-centred flamboyant Pee-hell-PEE minister was quoted as saying that the Sir Stafford Sands model of Tourism & Financial Services was outmoded and doing a disservice to the economy. But the stupid conservative Bahamians, who honestly did not believe that they could better themselves and their country, went for the corruption of status quo, catching the crumbs from the table of their corrupt masters as a reward for their cult and very Trumpian devotion to the party of corruption. So here we sit in a whole heap of trouble. It een Biden's fault. It een nobody's fault but our own. There were not enough patriots in our archipelago in the sun, to stand up and say that we needed to do things differently. And to the younguns -- youse payin' for the sins of the father. We held our prosperous future in our hands at one point, turned it over the criminal kleptocratic politicians who stole from us, and never held them accountable. This miserable state is our own fault, and no one elses.

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tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on PM opens London Creek Bridge in Andros

Minnis is running around campaigning on the taxpayers' dime while our country's foreign currency reserves are dwindling with increasingly limited opportunity for replenishment by foreign currency denominated borrowings that do not carry astronomical interest rates.

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observer2 3 years, 11 months ago on Atlantis moves quickly to furlough workers

Imagine coming on vacation to Atlantis at $1,000 a day only to test positive and now being stuck in the Bahamas at $1,000 a night for at least 2 weeks and maybe more.

Once you are stuck in the Bahamas you can't go back to work, you can't see your family, you could run out of money etc.

The wisest thing to do is to cancel your vacation to the Bahamas.

Our government's visionless leadership has let this crises go to waste. We still don't grow anything we eat so precious US dollars are leaving the country with nothing coming back in from tourism.

Ever tried to us a Bahamian dollar in Miami to buy food?

We need to start rationing US dollars, stop the Canadian banks converting B$ profits to US$, using up our precious reserves we replinished with 9% loans, and dividending out tens of millions of US dollars to head office in Toronto made of the backs of poor black ppl. The really don't care about us.

We need to ration fuel consumption. Cut down on the cars on the road.

Cut down ppl buying stuff online.

If we do this now by the time the crises end in 2022 we will have enough US dollars to void starving.

Ohh, and if we have Emergency Laws why are all the super spreader events occuring? Funderals, Junkanoo? Ever been out west on a weekend and seen the crowds at resaturants and bars? Why suspend democracy if we are allowing Covid to spread?

6 Vote

immigrant 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE LET OUR GUARDS DOWN: Emergency rules to be extended until May 23

“WE” are not letting our guard down. Your police force is still not enforcing the orders for a few so the masses will suffer. It was no secret that funeral or Junkanoo rush outs were happening.

3 Vote

tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE LET OUR GUARDS DOWN: Emergency rules to be extended until May 23

This most corrupt, incompetent, arrogant, nasty and vindictive buffoon should be made to sit on his pointed index finger and rotate at high speed for at least 24 hours!

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truetruebahamian 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE LET OUR GUARDS DOWN: Emergency rules to be extended until May 23

Stop being a jackass, Minnis! Downtown has been broke for almost a year and we have no money to pay property taxes and have run through our savings. You can't get what we don't have any longer.

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DDK 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE LET OUR GUARDS DOWN: Emergency rules to be extended until May 23

This incompetent excuse for a leader just doesn't know when to quit. Do we have to wait until two weeks before the next election when he pretends he is giving HIS PEOPLE, whose time it never was, a big gift?? 🤢😢😒🤢. Too bad the middle finger isn't available...

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The_Oracle 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Mixed messaging over virus fight

While reported that we have "tamed" the virus, we are still at Level 4 of the U.S. ranking. (highest) Also, the U.S. has only imposed the same criteria on us that we imposed on them. Not saying it is a tit for tat but it seems we want better treatment than we impose. As to trusting experts, I think a trust but verify policy is prudent, with time providing the verification. Is vaccination side effect information being suppressed? We know that political view points are. We know Politicians/Governments cannot be trusted, and they are driving the vaccination bus.

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GodSpeed 3 years, 11 months ago on ‘How long must we hold on?’

Covid-19 is the excuse to indefinitely suspend all your rights and freedoms. Getting it yet?

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tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on ‘How long must we hold on?’

The answer to their question in the headline to this article is simple enough: Forever, if Minnis remains PM!

Too many of them foolishly voted in May 2017 for a government led by the badly jinxed Minnis. In doing so, they doomed the vast majority of Bahamians to a life of misery ever since. And their lives are going to get a whole lot more miserable if they foolishly vote for any FNM candidate in the next general election.

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tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on Restrictions are not helping small business

Bowe is of course 110% correct. But Minnis is now much too juiced on power to heed Bowe's sage warnings and recommendations.

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tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on Nurses still not paid money owed by government

Minnis offends us everytime he approves a government contract that squanders our country's very limited financial resources, while unjustly enriching one or more of his favoured cronies who received the contract. And with Minnis this is much more the norm than the exception.

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BahamaRed 3 years, 11 months ago on Police shoot dead fleeing suspect

You can't win in this country, this man attempted to evade police by driving a speeding vehicle towards them. It's obvious that the man had a reason for attempting to evade the police, and one can assume it's was something illegal. Now had said man been allowed to speed off and escape and then later was involved in something illegal, there would be the cry about crime being high and the police aren't doing anything.

No matter which way the wind blows it seems Bahamians can't be please with how the police handle matters. Let the criminals run amok they cry, apprehend them and they cry. For goodness sake, what do Bahamians want from the police?

Innocent people rarely run from the law... and they definitely don't aim a speeding car at the police. It was a bad decision on his part, and sadly it cost him his life.

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TalRussell 3 years, 11 months ago on Davis criticism of PM ‘may have exposed him to prosecution’

There's that colonial slavery threat of criminal prosecution into silence against anyone who dares to question the actions of the masters, the elected, politically appointed, and most highly privileged.

Worse when it's the colony's attorney general who is the amplifier of the threat.

Shakehead a quick once for Upyeahvote use his own millions of dollars hire a damn lawyer in private practice to be's uttering threats, twice for Not?

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birdiestrachan 3 years, 11 months ago on Davis criticism of PM ‘may have exposed him to prosecution’

Mr Bethel has lost the Smith case. the Gibson and some political cases have not been tried. He should be embarrassed and now he is busy talking foolishness again.

Go ahead Sir charge them. and see where it will get you and the PM. You all are the bosses and you can do what ever you all want.

desperation is settig in and sound minds are no more.

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Chucky 3 years, 11 months ago on SHOW US THE MONEY: Fed-up nurses take action over failure to pay for overtime

If your staff works overtime you must pay them ! Nurses or whatever their profession!

If you don’t pay them, you are a piece of garbage and deserve whatever consequences come your way.

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tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: The new PLP - same as the old one?

Sorry Tribune.....but even a PLP government under Vomit would not have been as bad for us and our country as the FNM administration led by Doofus Minnis has been since May 2017.