2 Vote

Chucky 4 years, 4 months ago on ‘Vacation in place’ - but not quarantine: Tourism rebranding mandatory lock-ins for Oct 15 relaunch

So the secondary “cheaper” tests are good enough to enter the country or continue to work in a tourist job; but we won’t count the numbers of “infected “ people in our national numbers.

Sounds to me like he just let the cat out of the bag. Clearly this is a fake pandemic. Clearly this is about control. Initially locked down the country with 20 cases. Unlocked the country with in excess of 2000 cases. And now gonna plan the second reopening and not count the number of infected.

Anyone who buys into this “pandemic” needs their head checked, not a covid test.

5 Vote

Porcupine 4 years, 4 months ago on ‘Vacation in place’ - but not quarantine: Tourism rebranding mandatory lock-ins for Oct 15 relaunch

There is an answer. From day one, had we been working on securing a rapid test, we could have demanded that all people coming to The Bahamas be tested upon entering this country. If they are positive, they go home. If they test negative, have fun and no quarantine, I mean Vacation in Place. The lag time in testing, to receiving the results to then be entering our country is a failure of efficacy, a failure to protect our people, and a failure of intelligent reasoning. Yes, perhaps it is a bit more costly. Is it more costly than the paperwork presently in place? More costly than the loss of our entire economy? More costly than the ridiculous advertising campaign now proposed by our tourism boss? More costly? No! Test people when they come to our shores. No exceptions.

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lovingbahamas 4 years, 4 months ago on ‘Vacation in place’ - but not quarantine: Tourism rebranding mandatory lock-ins for Oct 15 relaunch

Getting a Covid test with 2-3 days for results, then applying for a health visa which could take another 2-3 days-so now we are up to 4-6 days which means you really can’t make it by boat with a 5 day old test. Let alone have time to book a commercial airline ticket-or hardly enough time to go by private airplane. Then quarantine! Good luck with all that! Bye bye tourists-and supposedly they only accounted for 1% of new Covid.