4 Vote
3 Vote
shortpants 11 years, 1 month ago on No control of BTC for govt
No control of BTC for govt
But you did not get it back LOL on you .You did'nt have to put out but you do have to shut up.
5 Vote
MarkTa 11 years, 1 month ago on No control of BTC for govt
No control of BTC for govt
I can just imagine PC patting himself on his back thinking this was a great deal.
banker 11 years, 1 month ago on PM: Economy poised for growth
PM: Economy poised for growth
Christie is now on the thin line between delusional & mental retardation. Increasing government revenues make economic growth - it slows it. The government taking money out of the economy is like cancer cells robbing body nutrients. This is true because of government corruption & the extra money winds up in the pockets of the kleptocrats.
But let's look where he expects economic growth. (1) energy reform. Now the entire island generates electricity with Bunker C Crude -- the worst possible fuel. Sustainable & renewable energy sources require huge capital investments up front. The government doesn't have the money with their $800 million drag on the economy. They can pass all of the energy reforms that they want, & nothing will happen. Privatisation in the energy field has the PLP cronies looking to do some bloodsucking at the public's expense.
(2) BTC shares -this is a crazy WTF moment. Telecommunications requires huge amounts of capital to keep current. The government doesn't have deep pockets. The 18 vice presidents under the old BTC including the huge internal corruption under the Leon Williams tenure ran where everyone was getting kickbacks. Maybe that's the way that the PLP prefer to do business. They are not governing, they are racketeering.
(3) Modernised Casino Legislation. They can't even solve the webshop issues. That is the big thing sitting right under their noses that they cannot see. It is utter hypocrisy. Florida benefits $50 million from Bahamians gambling there, & the web shop owners probably benefit the same.
(3) The Agriculture and Marine Institute -another sinecure for cronies that will produce nothing. The only way that these institutes work, is if they invest in actual farms and aquaculture. Another Urban Renewal. Urban Renewal was suppose to fight crime. Mother Pratt is going around saying that if they kept UR 1.0 instead of UR 2.0, then they would have solved the crime problem. Another user of Biblical Crack Cocaine.
(4) National Training Agency. They are training bed makers, souvenir makers and other low value occupations. We need knowledge workers, but the education system is so screwed that we have two to three generations of functionally illiterate, non-trainable young people with no life skills. The ex MP of Bamboo Town who bought out the distillery has the right idea for an IT school, but the former drug runner doesn't realise that you need a cadre of well educated people to attend IT schools if they want to compete.
What the PM doesn't realise, is the size of the task ahead, just to get back to zero. We need $2 billion for new water pipes. NP needs new electrical infrastructure to prevent brown outs. It needs public transportation. It needs desperately a revamping of the education system if we are to survive as a nation. And this donkey dunghead of a prime minister who is cognitively impaired tells lies. He should stick to Junkanoo shuffling.