
3 Vote

lkalikl 9 years, 8 months ago on Sarkis offers extra $200m

Sarkis is not the problem. The PLP is the problem. Bahamians need to get serious. This country is going to the worst corrupt liars and thieves in our Parliament. They will sell out to the Chinese for their own personal gain. It is already happening right in front of our eyes. This is worse than the 80's. Bahamians need to get serious before irrevocable damage is done. It may already be too late.

6 Vote

sheeprunner12 9 years, 8 months ago on Baha Mar wants contractor out

That's a good deal that the government should support ..... ExIm will get its loan money, Bahamar will be completed and opened and the Bahamian contractors will make money ..... best of a bad situation ........ CCA should just cut its losses and move on to the next project

7 Vote

Alex_Charles 9 years, 7 months ago on Chamber offer in Baha Mar dispute

Sarkis: "Why are you doing this?" Perry: "Because fk you that's why"

God job Perry what an outstanding PM that has revolutionized the way we do business in the Bahamas while enriching your pockets. Bravo!

2 Vote

GrassRoot 9 years, 7 months ago on Chamber offer in Baha Mar dispute

yes the answer to many things here is "Yes bcz we can." They screwed up the financial services sector with the numbers boyz, they r fking up the tourism with Bahamar, the FDI, our country rating with reckless spending (yes if you spend more than you make you widen the gap!!) and are also screwing with one of the last assets of the Bahamas, wealthy people taking up residency and dropping quite a few bucks on the island. Speaking of which, why has BREA no voice in this? all waiting to see how the dice fall, ey?