The new update from the CDC (Comedians?) says that corona droplets are released in the air by an infected person and can remain in the air for HOURS after that person has left the area. So what does this say for persons going into banks and food stores and other high traffic areas, including malls? What does it say to banks and now some business establishments now asking patrons to 'remove their masks for the camera?
‘ "CDC continues to believe, based on current science, that people are more likely to become infected the longer and closer they are to a person with COVID-19," the agency said in a statement on Monday.
"Today's update acknowledges the existence of some published reports showing limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area. In these instances, transmission occurred in poorly ventilated and enclosed spaces that often involved activities that caused heavier breathing, like singing or exercise. Such environments and activities may contribute to the buildup of virus-carrying particles."
John 4 years, 5 months ago on Lockdown 'death sentence' fears
Lockdown 'death sentence' fears
The new update from the CDC (Comedians?) says that corona droplets are released in the air by an infected person and can remain in the air for HOURS after that person has left the area. So what does this say for persons going into banks and food stores and other high traffic areas, including malls? What does it say to banks and now some business establishments now asking patrons to 'remove their masks for the camera? . ‘ "CDC continues to believe, based on current science, that people are more likely to become infected the longer and closer they are to a person with COVID-19," the agency said in a statement on Monday.
"Today's update acknowledges the existence of some published reports showing limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area. In these instances, transmission occurred in poorly ventilated and enclosed spaces that often involved activities that caused heavier breathing, like singing or exercise. Such environments and activities may contribute to the buildup of virus-carrying particles."