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laallee 5 years ago on Environmental nod 'huge milestone' for oil explorer
Environmental nod 'huge milestone' for oil explorer
A commercially viable oil find could transform the Bahamian economy. All around other Caribbean countries are exploring/producing oil- Do you really want to sit and watch? Revenue used wisely can promote green energy usage, education and better health care for generations. Stop moaning and take advantage of BPC and it's investors who will be paying all the costs!
Bahama7 5 years ago on Environmental nod 'huge milestone' for oil explorer
Environmental nod 'huge milestone' for oil explorer
Excellent news- good luck BPC.
There is oil in the Bahamas, definitely. The old folks know how it’s there. We just don’t know how many billion barrels we will be producing in a few years time.
It will be nice to find out in May.