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positiveinput 11 years ago on Man in tears as he faces court over Fox Hill shooting
Man in tears as he faces court over Fox Hill shooting
I see why Jesus had to come down and walk amidst us. Why is it that the judge must make a note of this individual claiming his whereabouts and that footage from a store could be obtain to verify it. Shouldn't the investigating officer checked this out before charging this man. Whereas time his case comes up do you really expect a CCTV to still have such footage if indeed it do exist. You can't judge a book by its cover, but that man don't look to have a variety of shirts much less guns. However innocent until proven guilty.
Thinker 11 years ago on Man in tears as he faces court over Fox Hill shooting
Man in tears as he faces court over Fox Hill shooting
And here is the problem with capital punishment. With corruption in the force, and pressure from the country, how will we ever know the right measures have been taken to insure a just verdict? Is it ok if they are wrong and hang him anyway?