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SP 11 years, 3 months ago on Inside the prison walls

The PLP and FNM are jokes. They don't have enough sense between them to figure out they are making a bad situation worse by locking up hundreds of people for petty crimes where they are treated much worse than dogs at the Humane Society, dehumanized, desensitized and quickly turned into hardened criminals just to survive in Fox Hill prison, then set loose to wreck havoc on an unsuspecting society.

Please go away PLP and FNM.

My 9 year old has more sense than all of you idiots combined!

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exuma1959 11 years, 3 months ago on Inside the prison walls


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rory 11 years, 3 months ago on Inside the prison walls

Sponsor? the Canucks do nothing for free, they will want to own it for 20 years. Better raise a few hundred million first. Least with the Chinese they would throw in a couple execution vans for free. :)

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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Blacks are not racists, they just keep their guard up and don't trust no one. The Ku Klux Klan, who murdered thousands of blacks mostly, and many other white supremist and hate filled groups still lurk in the shadows even in this day and time waiting for an opportunity to strike. Just visit their sties on the internet and see the hate filled messages the spew out. and the threats they make. The NAACP and black colleges and other organizations can do little to repair what was done to Black people during 500 years of slavery and the almost 100 years of racial discrimination that followed it. How many millions of bodies were dumped in these same crystal clear waters of the Bahamas, as slaves died or became ill, or decided to fight for their freedom. Do their souls still cry out for justice and restitution? One must be truly ignorant to say that if Black people endured this for 500 years it does not affect those alive today. Remember Black people (who were slaves then) were discouraged from learning to read and becoming educated and some lost their lives or were lynched or maimed if they learned to read. But today when many Black kids have no interest in academics, they as labeled as dumb or afflicted with learning disorders ADD and AHDD . They say even cows know when they are on their way to the slaughter house. With hogs all they do is spread feed on the trail leading to the slaughter and they will eat. Sheep (like Christ) do not resist. They walk their way. With cows they fight all they way..go figure

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SP 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

@ MonkeeDoo....Is a big jackass too!

Here is another idiot that believes we are so dumb and stupid that he can convince us that cool aid is better than Champaign and beaching on Saunders beach is equal to yachting to Rose Island.

If black people backsides were so well taken cared of these last 300 years by white Europeans, how come only black people ended up living in ghettos struggling to make ends meet and all the white people have the best there is to offer, live in the best areas, own everything and live off the fat of the land?

Pull your head out of your ass......Take a look around and for Gods sake....SHUT UP!!

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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Why can't you just discuss the topic at hand in a civilized manner and stop making personal attacks on people you don't know. Calling people dumb, ignorant, or 'fool' just because their opinion differs from yours is childish and immature. If the topic of slavery and, more specifically reparation for descendants of slaves offends you so much, then maybe you should not comment on the topic until you simmer down.

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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

If Brent Symonette can become an elected member of parliament, he can also become prime minister of the Bahamas. He must first become leader of his party and then his party has to win the election, and just like Hubert Ingraham, Perry Christie or LOP, he can become prime minister of this country. He could not have won his seat without support of black voters, and the fact that he did win confirms that he has that support. But by Mr. Symonettes' own words, he is finished with front line politics, at least for now... Some people did not think OBAMA could be president of the Unite States either. And he could not do it without the support of the White and Hispanic vote. Only those blinded by racism still think the possible is impossible.

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freelance 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

no, I wasn't born a slave. But, I do not know the language of my ancestors. I have lost my original name. I do not know where to go in Africa to meet my relatives. We lost a great deal during slavery, in the course of erecting magnificent European states. We can't erase the past now but those European states need to compensate me for what they stole from my ancestors (and by extension, what they stole from me). Plus interest.

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freelance 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

...not to mention that the Bahamas was a colony within my lifetime, and my parents existed as second class citizens for most of their lives. Britain took their right to equality away- that was only 50 years ago. It is a myth that slavery ended in 1834.

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Philosopher_King 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Let's get it straight France can demand reparation for the lost of their colony and slaves in Haiti to the tune of Billions of dollars; which were paid up until the 20th century and crippled that state. Yet if the former colonies and slaves sue for their exploitation by the from their former European masters whose wealth is still being enhanced from the money the extracted from these colonies and off the backs of the free labor it is wrong?

If that is your logic the European and his descendants who have dominated the globe through brutal force, coercion and corruption for past 500 years are truly an evil and sick people determined to keep the balance of power slanted in their favor if they believe they are the only ones entitled to compensation for being unfairly divested of their holdings and rights.

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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Well to take it even further, what gave European ships the right to pull up to African coasts, invade the land and capture citizens of those nations, take them half ways around the world and enslave them?. African countries should also be suing. But let us get our settlement first. I don' twant their lawsuit to dilute my $40 million

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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

WHO SAYS REPARATIONS CANNOT PUT US IN LYFORD CAY? Lets do the math: Britain paid the Slave Masters $318 billion. Since there were at least 50 times (being modest) more slaves than slave masters lets multiply that figure by 50...318 billion times 50 is 15.9 Trillion dollars. Now there are 13 countries suing so divide the 15.9 trillion by 13 and that gives 1.2 trillion dollars for the Bahamas. Then there are say 400,000 Bahamians 60, 000 of them are decendents of slave masters (thas the White folk) so they already got paid and another 20,000 are paper Bahamians who don,t qualifyin any event. Another 40,000 are of Haitian or Jamaican or Turks and Cacios decent, so since they will qualify for reparations in the countries of their forefathers, that will leave 280,000 Bahamians of slave decent to share $1.2 trillion . Each man. woman and child is therefore entitled to $40, 857,000.00 so who was saying that could not get me in Lyford Cay and behind the gates. ANd a Bently and a yacht...

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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

  1. Have you ever heard of a White slave in the Bahamas, The USA, Anywhere in the Caribbean? So if they were not slaves in any Caricom jurisdiction, then they are not entitled to reparation money, true or false?
  2. HARD WORK AND PERSEVERANCE?? dem right derr is big words Massa Rorry Sir..but you sees my forefathers worked hard and pers'wer for 500 years sir, in da hot sun Mass, pickin your cotton, and your corn. Don't you tink is town for we to take a break Massa?, behind the gates in some air comdition and swim id da swimming pools, Cause Lord knows massa, we is scared of sharks! 3.. If the White folks who had all the money all these years didn't create a law abiding society, non-corrupt governments, clean streets, educated youth etc., how you expects us negroes to do it? remember we was never that smart!
  3. O and did you mention medical care? Don't the Republicians have the government of the United States should down because they want to repeal OBAMACARE? 5 And I did say I was giving my 10 percent to the church plus a love offering, so that is not non Christian. 6 Ok so you have a problem with us moving to Lyford Cay. So maybe we will move to another Family Island and start our own Millionaire Cay. I bet you already have a name selected for it it... and I bet it starts with "N"
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John 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

So how could it be racist to sue for reparations from slavery but it wasn't racist to invade the Lands of Mother Africa, capture her people (ALL B L A C K) with violence. Bring them to a strange place, enslave them mistreat them, rename them, kill many of them for FIVE THOUSAND GENERATIONS?

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Bahamianfirst 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Hi Tribune,

I just had to response to some of the raciest comments I've seen on this site I think that compensation is in order for slavery but I don't think that the government's of these various Caribbean nations should issue or pay out the monies to families etc. I think that what ever monies or received should with immediate effect be held in escrow for the continuing education of Caribbean peoples and their descendants in perpetuity. This would in-able all young descendants of slaves the right to higher education and further "level the playing field" if you will, of disadvantaged black men and women who are now struggling to pay their way through college and universities.

Further Tribune, for more than 400 years of enforced slavery and being denied the basic education and to even make matters worst for more than 200 years under colonial dominance the black majority in the Bahamas were denied all of these things. Therefore, I thing it is only fitting and justified that the black majority in these islands and in the Caribbean region be compensated with the basic things they were denied of in the basic and to help them achieve there goals of a higher education now..

and for those who think that this is unnecessary and look down at this effort of our Caribbean leaders I think I know why they criticizes this report in your very popular and respected media journal, and that is because many of them are of the minority who have already attained higher education or are benefiting from what they were privileged to have inherited from their families businesses!!!!!!

All we are asking for and deserve is that what we were denied that our children and their children have the same opportunities that the minorities in the Bahamas now have and the same applies to the Caribbean region.....

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circa1838 11 years, 2 months ago on How not to damage a country's reputation

You seem not able to critically analyse what you read. The first sentence of the second paragraph clearly states, "So wrote syndicated columnist David Jessop, Managing Director of the London-based Caribbean Council". This man works for an entity that is in London, got it? Termites must have invaded your brain. Your naked bigotry and xenophobia are clear to see, please do not let it blind you to the truth.

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circa1838 11 years, 2 months ago on How not to damage a country's reputation

I see that your intellect is as empty as the filthy words you utter. Improve on your vocabulary, read a book and learn to express yourself respectfully. If you think you were so so smart and recognised that this body was not only in the Caribbean, why then would you have to mention, "Since the Bahamas is not the Caribbean....."? Empty barrels make the most noise.

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bloody1967 11 years, 2 months ago on DIRECTV renews $234k lien demands against Garraway

I smell a criminal indictment for them is on the way , this aint just civil this is fraud, the weakness in the argument for Direct TV though is that they were paid for the accounts, so the loss is minimalized at best ... but the FBI I understand is looking at this according to the Miami Herald , so I think the Garraway better stay out tha USA or they better bring a whole lot of Vaseline for the Federal Jail nights

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banker 11 years, 2 months ago on Miller: Don’t turn prison into a hotel

Another illiterate in our Government. I guess that the PLP don't want educated people either in the government or in the general population.

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JohnDoe 11 years, 2 months ago on 'Police officers should put country first'

Rev. Hall taught me in school and I always respected his intellect but lately he has made some statements that are nothing short of silly for lack of a more descriptive word. I would think by making a choice to become a police officer these brave men and women have put their country first. Quite a few of them can do much better financially by moving to the private sector. From where I stand this is not an issue of further sacrifice, this is an issue of equity and fairness. These officers are human beings with children, families and other issues, like worrying about how to pay BEC, just like the rest of us. They are not robots put on this earth just to serve our selfish whims and protect our material possessions. Would Rev. Hall and these "godly" men exhort their children or their wives to do what they are asking these officers to do. For that matter, why are these "godly" men not practicing what they preach and put their country first. All of them are probably the wealthiest persons in their congregations. Why don't these "godly" men asks our politicians to go on 12 hour shifts and put the country first because there is no other group that take so much from the Bahamian people and give so little back.