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TalRussell 8 years, 12 months ago on Pintard: Did Mitchell mislead parliament?

Comrade Chairman Michael you are questioning the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration but still you offer zero evidence that the minister “misled” parliamentarians when he said two Cuban men recently released from prison posed risks to national security?
Do you really believe your government would have locked these two men's up for no good reason at all?
Has the red chairman likewise asked questions of the US Embassy opposite The Point Hotel?

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TheMadHatter 9 years, 10 months ago on Defence Force boosted as largest class passes out

So have they been trained in the proper procedure of assisting Haitians to enter the Bahamas?

The thing is this : Many Haitians cannot afford all the diesel necessary to travel from Haiti to Nassau. So the RBDF normally assists boats that are "captured" (LOL) in the southern islands - by providing a FREE TOWING SERVICE from there to our capital city of Nassau - where they receive a slap on the wrist, a finger wagging, and are then released into society with best wishes for success.

Cadets hopefully have been trained in the proper procedures of securing towing lines to sometimes rickety craft. More than one line is often necessary to distribute the towing pressure across the bow - else just one pressure point could actually rip through the semi-rotten wood.

Anyway - I'm sure they have been trained - and are now ready to work hard and be successful in the RBDF - also known as Fred's Free Haitian Towing Service - LOL.


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Applicants for Belonger's Permit to be contacted

THE Department of Immigration will send out letters to persons who submitted applications for a Belonger’s permit before the relevant legislation was passed in Parliament advising them whether they have been approved, Immigration Director William Pratt said yesterday.

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Emac 9 years, 9 months ago on YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Conduct unbecoming at Carmichael Road police station

Gonna have to agree with My2cents on this one. If Mr. Gibson's intention is to expose the ill treatment of detainees in police stations, in particular the Carmichael Road Police Station, then why he just making light of these problems ONLY after his cients were mistreated there. What about the hundreds who passed through that corrupt station whose voices were NOT heard when they cried foul play. Sure I agree 100% that the Carmichael Road Police Station is one of the worst places for an innocent person or anyone to be locked up. I have personally had my run-ins with this station. Their lack of respect for those in their custody has a lot to be desired. However, I am objective enough to point out this is not the best forum to address this particular problem, because it is personal. Well because Mr. Gibson mentioned his clients it has become personal. The crux of the matter is that police officers, like other Bahamians, are frustrated. They do lack consistent training and proper pay. This government as well as the former government failed to equip the RBPF with all the necessary tools to function properly. But as I mentioned, bringing up this issue here is not solving anything unless the whole situation is looked at impartially.

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SP 9 years, 9 months ago on Woman accused of assault on immigration staff involved in fresh confrontation

........................... Time For The PLP, FNM And Their Haitians To Go .............................

Bahamians have been totally ignored yet consistently complaining and begging the PLP and FNM to stop their love affair with these disgusting Haitian parasites for 40 years.

This biggety girl is perfectly exemplary typical of Haitians disregard and total disrespect for law and order. Her actions explain why Haitian police must be so brutal enforcing what little law exists in Haiti.

Haiti has been a failed state, totally lawless country for over 100 years and Haitians likewise are a lawless people with no considerations of suddenly changing upon arriving in Bahamas.

Why successive lousy governments would allow our country to be inundated with a people from the most corrupt, poorest, most lawless country in the hemisphere ,and not understand Haitians culture of corruption and lawlessness would negatively affect our country is beyond wildest comprehension.

The PLP and FNM guided Bahamas to where we are today. To the brink of becoming a failed state mainly caused by being inundated and overrun by lawless Haitians "from a failed state"!.......What did the dumb PLP and FNM politicians "TINK" would happen?

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Tease photo

POLITICOLE: Bahamas after college = professional suicide

AS the school year ends, here is my advice to prospective or recent Bahamian college students and graduates.

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johnq 9 years, 8 months ago on POLITICOLE: Bahamas after college = professional suicide

Even in those fields it can be a toss up...depending on who you know that is. I personally have a friend with a Masters Degree in Finance, years of experience and has been unemployed for two years. Every interview she has been on (which according to her has been few and far between) has resulted in employers saying she is too qualified.

The final paragraph of this editorial is amazing by the way.

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Jonahbay 9 years, 8 months ago on Education Director blames school brawls on 'poorly socialised' students

The fact remains that in The Bahamas mediocrity is prized. Lionel Sands needs to go, and anyone else who is high up in the Ministry of Education who have no new ideas for the country and continue to practice this insanity. Throw up your hands and blame someone else! That is the way we like it in The Bahamas. Education Reform is a dirty word in this country. For over a decade we have had the same abysmal results and the same people running the show. No new ideas, no desperate attempts to save the nation's youth. For some myopic reason this is not a priority for any government, we are in a bad place and it's only going to get worse if there is no revolution of thought.

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jackbnimble 9 years, 8 months ago on Businesswoman infuriated at poor Immigration service

“I have individuals who come to my office who can’t find work, even though they were born here and have a Bahamian birth certificate,” she told The Tribune.

Hold up. If they have a BAHAMIAN birth certificate why do they need to apply for citizenship? Proof of citizenship, to my knowledge, IS a Bahamian birth certificate of passport. If your parents are not citizens and you are born here, don't they give you a Certificate of Identity or a Belongers Permit? She sounds confused or has brought into this foolishness that being born her automatically entitles you to citizenship..

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Tease photo

POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

I am so tired of hearing people misuse the word “xenophobia” to suit their purpose or to sell their story.

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JohnBuchanan 9 years, 7 months ago on PM hails good first day of negotiations in China

The last time Christie said he had "good news from China," Baha Mar declared bankruptcy shortly thereafter. With "leaders" like him I finally understand why so-called Third World countries face the harsh realities they do, especially economically. IF Baha Mar crashes and burns now as a result of failed talks in China -- the likely outcome based on all available evidence -- Christie should be run out of the country along with Izmirlian and his incompetent expat "management team."

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SP 9 years, 7 months ago on $200 to beat the passport backlog

.......................... Typical Bahamians, Apply Late Then Blame Government .......................

How many of you clowns "had no idea" your passports needed renewing by end of the year or woke up last week and decided to take the family on summer vacation?

Calling a spade a spade. You people are either totally unorganized or just plain chronic complainers.

Government has been announcing the deadline for months if not years. And everyone is well aware of the problems caused by Haitians infiltrating the passport office. (Haitians that you same people hire)

In any event you have no one to blame but yourselves! Family Islands are beautiful this time of year....Or pay the $200.00 and STFU!

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Islandgirl 9 years, 7 months ago on Statue of Sir Lynden Pindling unveiled at airport

Is there any reason why this cannot be once again named the Nassau International Airport? This man is such a divisive figure in this country, and for the many persons who were victimized by him and his Cabinet throughout much of his twenty five year reign of tyranny, both the naming of the major gateway into this country accompanied by a statue in his likeness is an affront. If one was to change the name to honor anybody it should have been Sir Stafford Sands, the Father of Tourism and Business in this country. Without his genius, the Bahamas would never have been on the map. Why wasn't it? Because he himself was a divisive figure, I suppose. Keep it neutral, and a source of pride to all Bahamians. Return it to its original name please, Nassau International Airport, and stop revising history to suit what makes some among us feel better.

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a2z 9 years, 7 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

Clearly, newcitizen is foreign or of foreign origin. I don't understand. If you are foreign in The Bahamas and you think Bahamians hate you because you are why the hell are you (still) here?

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My2cents 9 years, 7 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

It clearly is misused. Poor leadership, an uniformed electorate and corruption are some of the things handicapping this country, not xenophobia.

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Cas0072 9 years, 7 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

The overuse of the term xenophobia in the illegal Haitian immigrant/Bahamas context is intended to create a fake moral and intellectual high ground for illegal immigrant enablers once their arguments fail. I have long recognized this.

We share obvious similarities with Haiti, and whether by invitation or not, we have shared the same space with disproportionately high numbers of Haitians compared to any other nationality for decades. The only unknown with regard to Haitians in The Bahamas is exactly how many are illegal. Even if the high illegal immigrant figures thrown about are irrational and the stuff of imaginations, we face an uphill battle in finding out because, apparently, it is "xenophobic" for a country and its citizens to even want to know these things.

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Zakary 9 years, 7 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

Excellent column!

The columnist is correct on the misuse and inaccuracy of the word ‘xenophobia’. This word and many words of a similar nature are purely academic with the purpose of identifying a phenomenon that does not have a name. In practice, they were never meant to be used at all except within academic literature.

It just so happens that academic words of this nature are very connotative (strong emotional meaning) and lack denotation (strong literal meaning). People actually do know the definition, but they use the word for its emotional effect, and this subsequently makes it a politically correct word. Politically correct words always sound good and provide excellent connotation - something that politicians like and make use of all the time.

  • Are we not allowed to disagree or disapprove, or have dissenting opinions without someone slapping a retaliatory and inapplicable label on us?

This is the purpose of a politically correct word. We heighten our focus on emotion and feelings at the expense of rational thought and personal responsibility. So when someone says something we dislike, we use a PC word to start an emotional war in order to cease all logical reasoning. The true problem or conflict never gets solved but only masked.

You can discredit someone very easily by calling him/her xenophobic, egoist, or fascist. The polarizing effect causes everyone to run for the hills.

That is why some say that political correctness prevents society from solving problems because to even begin reasoning is forbidden.

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pablojay 9 years, 7 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

Wonderful article Ms. Burrows. We all know Bahamians just like to use trending words or phrases and i am quite annoyed by this . Some of them are; ludicrous, god willing or god's willing,would have (for something that has already happened),going forward,etc,just to name a few.