
1 Vote

DEDDIE 9 years, 6 months ago on Minister blasts claim PLP supporter given $500,000 school contract

How else do you expect for the stalwarts to be rewarded. The FNM's has its Mal-Jack Construction and the PLP has theirs. Someone has to shake down the Bahamian people or else the politicians can not carry on the legacy of their predecessors.

5 Vote

Wideawake 9 years, 6 months ago on Minister blasts claim PLP supporter given $500,000 school contract

Minister Fitzgerald, IF he is interested in answering the allegations being made regarding this obvious rip-off, simply needs to ANSWER the questions being raised.

  1. Was the work put out for bids or simply awarded to a political crony?

  2. Was there ever a "Scope of Works" for the project?

  3. Is the Minster prepared to table a detailed description of the costings for each part of the repair project?

  4. Why was the cost of the project rounded out to an even $500,000?

  5. While we are at it, could the Minster provide a full accounting of all school repairs undertaken this Summer, with detailed descriptions of all work done, who was awarded each contract and exactly how much each project cost?

  6. Would the Minister provide a list of all school repairs projects undertaken this Summer that involved a "contractor" and a sub-contractor who actually did the work?

7 Vote

bahamalove 9 years, 6 months ago on Opposition must unite to take on PLP, says Rollins

Ever since Mrs. Butler-Turner b**ch-slapped Mr. Rollins, the latter has been spewing good political commentary and ideas ever since. Maybe if we line up all of our politicians and have Mrs. Butler-Turner slap each one of them we could have a better-managed Country.

2 Vote

banker 9 years ago on Mitchell blasts critics yet won’t explain Cubans’ security risk

What blows me away are the apologists. Yes we have archaic laws, and yes the Cubans are illegals, and yes the US will not take them back. The BIG ISSUE here is none of this. It is the perfidy of Fred Mitchell. Why does he say one thing at one time and the diametrically opposite at a later date. The bottom line, is that he says whatever is expedient at the time. There is a word for that in the English language: LIAR! Bottom line. You can't believe a damn word that comes out of Mitchell's mouth. He doesn't belong as a Minister, a parliamentarian, and he is not even classed as a decent human being. He is a stranger to the explicit truth.

4 Vote

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 11 months ago on Symonette would prefer earlier FNM convention

We need a convention in May.

Minnis must be replaced as soon as possible.

We now also need a good candidate for chairman. Collie and Moncur can just go sit in the corner.

The FNM is dying. We can still save it but Minnis must go ASAP......

3 Vote

mangogirl01 8 years, 11 months ago on Symonette would prefer earlier FNM convention

Yes, a convention is needed as soon as possible and Minnis must go! It was pathetic to see how the Prime Minister spoke to him like a rude child last week in the HOA and he was quiet as mouse! I don't understand why he is hanging on; just the fact that he wants to be prime minister does count, country first does. Dr. Minnis please go! The late Charles Maynard was on point when he said Dr. Minnis and Mrs. Butler-Turner will be given 12-18 months to prove themselves. Dr. Minnis never did and still can't cut the mustard todate!

2 Vote

B_I_D___ 8 years, 11 months ago on Symonette would prefer earlier FNM convention

Definitely a slippery situation...the FNM under Minnis is in a complete shambles. I fear that the FNM won't be able to save themselves before the next election, and the PLP will get back in by default almost. Especially if we are still running a 3 party election...FNM/PLP/DNA...PLP will win by a MINORITY vote yet again and we have 5 more years of the crap we are going through now. Very challenging situation, being a governing party when the MAJORITY of the electorate voted against you.

6 Vote

SP 8 years, 9 months ago on Rollins: Minnis has no vision

Minnis has enough "vision" to address systemic corruption. That's what we need most!

Rollins is talking loud and saying nothing! Dr. Minnis constant attack on corruption is exactly what the country needs most.

What has Dr. Rollins offered as a more important alternative vision?

2 Vote

jackbnimble 8 years, 9 months ago on Rollins: Minnis has no vision

I agree with Rollins. You cannot play the "poor Bahamians" card. Minnis has been dubbed as a redeemer of the poor man. But haven't we seen this before with the PLP and look where that got us.

Look, leave the so-called poor Bahamians who don't know any better to support the PLP and continue using outside toilets and just looking for "a job". The FNM like the Republicans attracts the wealthy, educated and smarter Bahamian. He needs to stick with that demographic and stop trying to be hero to a sector that doesn't care. His minions just looking for handouts anyway. The idiots can't see he won't be PM on the present course he's on.

3 Vote

realfreethinker 8 years, 8 months ago on Fears ease over funding for FNM

He is too dumb to handle FNM money. Poor leadership skills is a major contributor. Moody's is about to downgrade our country and Minnis has spent the pat 4 years down grading the FNM Perry Christie 2.0

2 Vote

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 3 months ago on Hubert Minnis faces removal as Leader of Opposition in Parliament

The biggest problem with people like you Tal is that you can vote in elections without knowing what the hell you are voting for nor about.

1 Vote

Economist 8 years, 3 months ago on Hubert Minnis faces removal as Leader of Opposition in Parliament

Leader of the Opposition. 82.- 1. There shall be a Leader of the Opposition who shall be appointed by the Governor-General. 2. Whenever there shall be occasion for the appointment of a Leader of the Opposition, the Governor-General shall appoint the member of the House of Assembly who, in his judgment, is best able to command the support of the majority of the members of the House in opposition of the Government; or if there is no such persons, the member of the House who, in his judgment, commands the support of that largest single group of members in opposition to the Government who are prepared to support one leader: Provided that this paragraph shall have effect in relation to any period between a dissolution of Parliament and the day on which the next election of members the House of Assembly is held as if Parliament had not been dissolved.

4 Vote

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago on Rebel FNMs refuse to quit

Why are they called "rebels" .......... this suggests that they have done something treasonous ......... they used a power that is written in the Constitution ......... they are acting in the best interests of the Bahamian people ......... to think otherwise is cowardly .......... are the majority of Bahamians cowards???????? ............. is the media complicit in this cowardice????? ............. Minnis termed them "rebels" (his opinion) because they were bold enough to stand up to his deceitful, inept, visionless leadership ............... and this is my opinion

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Publius 8 years, 3 months ago on Do you agree with Edison Key that FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis should resign?

In a mature democracy any house leader who has lost the support of his colleagues would have stepped down. But of course, the Bahamas is not a mature democracy and the politicians are, with few exceptions, barnacles clinging to and weighing down our ship of life.