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PlayWitYaMa 4 years, 6 months ago on U.S. COVID spike - we can cope

Solja, what makes you think you have the right to call anyone stupid for there opinion. You realize that less than 1% (0.7%) of Americans have covid-19. Borders are already open, tourists will come, even if we have a spike in cases here, they will still come. This is the right decision as we must learn to live with this. What if a vaccine is not available for 5 years? Should we close the borders for 5 years? You will be dead by then, either by starvation or someone cutting your throat to take what's yours. Our dollar will be worthless and your 10 grand in the bank will only be worth 1 US dollar. If you want to help the situation, think of ideas that help us to live with this epidemic. AHB