
5 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago on Top bank executive detained at immigration road block

They are hooligans and it is a form of harassment...while Mr. Fiaux's case is slightly different as he IS here on a work permit, I do believe there are requirements to carry your permit with you. Was the roughness necessary though...when he tells you he is the head of one of the largest Swiss banks in the world, I'd like to think that you could request for him to follow up with certain officers and get the papers for proof. I'm willing to bet if he was asked he would have gone to wherever the papers were and returned out of pride to show those same officers. my a Bahamian citizen of this country, if they so much as touch me and take me down to the detention centre they will have lawsuits all over themselves so dang fast it will make their heads spin.

4 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago on Top bank executive detained at immigration road block

This is not the proper way to handle this problem though...I am not too sure exactly what IS the proper way either, but if you do not see that it is a threat to your rights as a citizen of this country to walk freely in your country without being detained and flagged as an illegal you are a fool. So many lines getting crossed, laws being the people meant to uphold those very same laws.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 8 months ago on 3,000 users may have electric debt written off

Anyone who pays taxes to the corrupt Christie-led PLP government needs to have their head examined. All Bahamians should declare a unified moratorium on the payment of taxes and fees of any kind for the next three months.....this could be considered tantamount to a no confidence vote rightfully aimed at toppling corrupt Christie and his merry band of bandits!

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Honestman 8 years, 7 months ago on Video hails Minnis as having a ‘soldier’s heart’

The "Roc Wit Doc" slogan tells you everything you need to know. He is trying too hard to appeal to PLP's. This Leslie Miller bromance is another case in point. If he wants to appeal to the PLP masses then nothing will change. The electorate needs to understand that painful economic decisions are going to have to be taken to get the country off the edge of the precipice. I am not even sure Minnis is PLP Lite any more - he is behaving like full blown PLP.

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DillyTree 8 years, 5 months ago on PM: I can’t forgive songwriter for his insults to my family

And I can't forgive Mr. Christie and his rotten PLP government for what they have done to my country!

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lkalikl 8 years, 5 months ago on PM: I can’t forgive songwriter for his insults to my family

I take this worthless PLP government very personally as well, as should all truly patriotic Bahamians. I love the Bahamas and can never forgive the corrupt slime balls that compose the PLP for what they have done to our country. F$%^ the PM and f$%^ the motherf$%^ing PLP!

2 Vote

DillyTree 7 years, 11 months ago on Curry defends missing 102 out of 220 assembly sessions

If Mr. Curry had such a terrible conflict between his 2 jobs, perhaps he should have resigned one of them, and there would then be no conflict to worry about. Otherwise, it just sounds like excuses.

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alfalfa 7 years, 11 months ago on Vacation rentals ‘explosion’ threat to hotel business

I wonder why the realtors, who probably benefit from Airbnb, in the form of investment properties being purchased by locals and foreigners alike, are going to bat for the hotel industry, which is the one of the highest priced, lowest value industries in the Caribbean. With regards to the government collecting room taxes for these rentals, all for that. But, once again, not the real estate associations bailiwick.

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stopthehypocrasy 7 years, 11 months ago on Vacation rentals ‘explosion’ threat to hotel business

What a minute?! Tax vacation rental owners? Are you people nuts?!? Do property owners not already pay property tax? Well most of them anyway. Don't hotels get concessions, such as tax breaks, no real property tax, duty free concessions, etc etc. Ok fine, charge vacation rental owners a room tax, and give them full refunds on all property taxes paid to date, allow them to import whatever they need duty free to fit out and furnish their homes.

Oh and lest we forget, the guests in these vacation rentals are buying groceries and liquor from local businesses, either renting a car or using local taxis and buses to get around, eating at non hotel owned restaurants etc etc. How many hotel guests do you think do that?!?

Get your heads out of you behinds please Mr. Carey and Capron.

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proudloudandfnm 7 years, 10 months ago on Turnquest aims to cut back on overspending

The WHOLE country is in trouble. Forget this tax break for inner city nonsense now...

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lkalikl 7 years, 9 months ago on UB Confers Honorary Degree on Sir Lynden Pindling

A degree in 'How to Negotiate with Drug Dealers' or 'How to Hide Drug Money in Private Offshore Accounts' or perhaps 'How to Fleece a Nation within 25 Years of Taking Power' or perhaps it was a degree in 'How to Destroy a Nation's Youth and Work Ethic' or perhaps 'How to Achieve the Headline of a Nation for Sale'?

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djgross 7 years, 8 months ago on YOUR SAY: A bad case of déjà vu for the Bahamas CCA

I am one of the former expat employees of Baha Mar, and am still waiting for owed compensation and severance. All Bahamian employees were paid. How is this fair? End this discrimination.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago on Munroe considers bid for PLP chairmanship

It's sad to think most of our sitting judges who are indigenous Bahamians let themselves feel intimidated by such an idiot as Munroe.....QC my arse!!

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ohdrap4 7 years, 5 months ago on Income tax is NOT ruled out

that is not income tax, it is payroll tax.

that is even more unfair because the lawyers and doctors "are not on payroll" and the they will not pay.