
2 Vote

christee 9 years, 12 months ago on PM: My govt will not be matched

birdiestrachan, no further argument. I see where you are coming from. You are so convinced in your mind that Christie is doing a great job that nothing would convince you otherwise. People like you are who the politicians sucker because they know that they don't have to do much for you. I think I would have an easier time trying to convince Satan to convert to Christianity than to convince you that this government is doing a lousy job. BTW it is "URBAN" and not "URBANE:. Just a little spell check for a friend.

8 Vote

Economist 9 years, 12 months ago on Gibson criticises Scotiabank - and warns of hotel layoffs

Dear Scotiabank, we apologize for Mr. Gibson's remarks. He can't help himself. We thought that he had learned from the Anna Nicole Smith debacle a few years ago, but it his latest remarks indicate otherwise.

Please forgive him as he is clearly incapable of understanding how business works. It should be noted that he has been silent over the proposed 150 layoffs at BTC. It is probably to complex for him.

You see he came to power on the promise of job creation but does not understand that you need to create a positive economic environment to create jobs. He ought to be granting more work permits in areas where The Bahamas can expand its economy. Then people would have money to pay their debts and you would not have to lay people off.

1 Vote

Major_Pain 9 years, 11 months ago on Man robbed of cell phone at gunpoint

There is some tracking software you can install on your laptop. Do a google search for free keylog software, or free spy software - they have it for Windows and Mac. There is also software for smart phones but they usually cost a monthly fee. Once setup, you can "spy" on your laptop/phone from anywhere in the world. So if someone steals it - depending on which software you installed - you could turn on the webcam, plus track their every move online. The phone spy software lets you even listen in on their calls (eg. ~ MAJOR.

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Economist 9 years, 11 months ago on Gov’t workers: Just 1% ‘highly skilled’

That's because a number of civil servants don't really work. They were hired as a political favour.

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Voltaire 9 years, 11 months ago on Miller: We are in crisis over crime

TalRussell - leave the reporter alone. At least some people have the courage to put their name above what they write, unlike all of us here typing under the safety of assumed names. We are cowards by comparison to Khrisna.

1 Vote

asiseeit 9 years, 10 months ago on TOUGH CALL: A comprehensive Environmental Management Act

The environment of The Bahamas is The Bahamas #1 asset. The fact that our government after 40 odd years of independence has yet to introduce an environmental protection act shows how inept the government of the Bahamas really is. It shows how little they really know and understand their own country. We are led by amateurs at best who have little idea of the true nature of and treasure The Bahamas is. How many M.P's can swim much less dive and that will show you how little they really know of this nation.

4 Vote

Economist 9 years, 10 months ago on FNM questions payouts for stallholders

No one forced or begged these vendors to set up. Let this be a lesson in the world of business. If I keep bailing people out how will they ever be able to improve.

These are grown people not children. Business is a risk some win and some lose.

If we give money back to those who did not make money then you are penalizing those who made the effort to run a successful business.

You are rewarding those who failed in business, no wonder The Bahamas is in trouble.

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Voltaire 9 years, 10 months ago on YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Conduct unbecoming at Carmichael Road police station

Emac and My2cents - Bahamians too like secrets and shooting the messenger. When it comes to matters of the public interest, everything should be published everywhere at all times, with no exceptions. There is no "best" forum and "worst" forum. Yet all we do is quibble and shoot the messenger. Our lack of a culture of openness is the soil in which all of our social challenge take root. The only thing that should matter is whether or not the claims are true. And you have already that you know them to be justified.

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Josie 9 years, 10 months ago on Why does sexuality matter?

Ms. Richard, my condolences to you and all of Mr. St. John's family and friends.

You hit the nail right on the head about the holier-than-thou hypocrites.

3 Vote

Cobalt 9 years, 10 months ago on Cotton Bay developer: ‘Open up’ work permits

I agree to a certain extent.

But at the same time.... we can't place the lack of education and occupational skills solely on the government or school system. The underlying problem is that the majority of Bahamians don't value an education. Foreign students (especially Haitians) come to the Bahamas and take advantage of our educational system. Many of them are usually head-boy or head-girl..... acquire scholastic achievements..... and move on to become productive citizens.

I challenge you to talk with any educator, and they will assure you that most of our Bahamian boys and girls in the public school system have little interest in academics. Many of them are coming from broken homes where values, hardwork and honesty are absent. An education system can only fasilitate the values taught at home. A teacher cannot force an individual to learn. They can only teach the student and point the student in the right direction. But its ultimately up to the pupil to enhance his/her knowledge.

Furthermore..... this is twentieth century. Education is any and everywhere. Its basically at everyone's finger tips. If someone wishes to educate himself, it's as easy as picking up a book and studying. Parents are the ones who must take a more proactive role in helping to educate their children. Jamaican and Haitian parents are doing it. Why aren't we???

Don't get me wrong..... the government does deserve some blame...... but not all. The Bahamian government has failed to keep our educated, bright minds in the Bahamas! They have failed at creating advanced employment opportunities for our educated citizens. As a result, many of them have taken their talents globally; while the Bahamas (in need of their skills) suffers the loss.

But it is ultimately up to the people of the Bahamas to change the Bahamas. Pointing fingers and blaming the government won't do any of us any good.

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SP 9 years, 10 months ago on Man faces court accused of murder of British man

*..................................... Fast track this jackass to the gallows! .....................................*

4 Vote

BahamaPundit 9 years, 9 months ago on Baha Mar sues China State Construction in UK High Court

Agreed. They need to ensure the premises are highly secured: patrol dogs and a small army of security or that place will be looted and stripped bare. All hell will break loose.

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banker 9 years, 9 months ago on Baha Mar sues China State Construction in UK High Court

The American journalist who posted here a couple of times, was spot on the money. He predicted all of this. His other chilling prediction is that Baha Mar will never be finished and will turn into the empty building shells that the hotel and casino in Grand Bahama have become. The only use that those buildings, owned by Genting I believe, are for the suicides who throw themselves off the roof.

The estimate of $80 million to complete is a laugh. I was talking to a consultant who came specifically to inspect the property (he wouldn't tell me who employed him) estimates about another $400 million or more to complete. And from what he has seen, all buildings need remedial work to become useful.

He also brought up the conundrum of the chicken and the egg airlift syndrome. Currently there is not enough airlift to sustain Baha Mar. There aren't just enough seats on current flights support it. The only way that the airlines will add airlift, is if there is a demand, and the demand can't be demonstrated until you can get those sufficient numbers on the current airlift, which is impossible. So even half-filling each hotel is currently not possible even if it were open.

The consultant pointed out that there is still ample spare room inventory in the Bahamas without Baha Mar opening. So in essence, his thought is that Baha Mar is doomed because if it were open, if it were built to exacting standards, if it were able to offer a tourism product to the public, other factors would preclude it from succeeding.

Baha Mar was said to be too big to fail. Unfortunately, that is the reason why it will fail. It's size cannot be economically sustained, even in a perfect confluence of all of the factors necessary to the success of a project like this.

This is the bellwether that marks the final decline of tourism in the Bahamas as a viable first pillar of the economy.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago on Baha Mar sues China State Construction in UK High Court

And to think the Wicked Witch of the West (Allyson Maynard-Gibson) had the gall while serving as Attorney-General to be instrumental in nominating herself to receive the Q.C. designation with the blessing of Christie as PM. What a joke! The fact that no public objection and rejection of this foolishness was voiced by any other Bahamian Q.C. says it all about the very serious shortcomings of the legal/justice system in the Bahamas today. It seems the most senior lawyers in our country are quite content, by their very silence, to standby and bear witness to the destruction of our country's legal framework and judiciary fabric notwithstanding the serious toll being taken on their own professional stature in the eyes of Bahamians and the world at large. What a pity!

3 Vote

GrassRoot 9 years, 8 months ago on BLINDSIDED: PM admits govt caught off-guard on Baha Mar

P.S. The picture reminds me of the last Supper. Pick your characters. So Judas sits to the right of Jesus, right? What a coincidence. (no worries, I am Catholic.).