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Economist 4 years, 9 months ago on Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'

It is the FDI business investor that we need.

Not only those like Atlantis, but also the businesses like Buckeye, PharmaChem, GB Shipyard, Bradford Marine, Polymers, etc. all of which invested tens of millions of dollars and are the ones who provide the only real employment in Grand Bahama.

In addition, these foreigners all pay well and provide good benefits.

But you will see that these are industries that came when we were less xenaphobic than we are today.

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242wedo 4 years, 9 months ago on Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'

This man makes eminent good sense. The tide has gone out and we are left swimming naked. Liberalizing this economy and opening up to foreign investment without the ridiculous hurdles, red tape and waiting games that scare good capital away would benefit every tier of this country, and it would cost us nothing. It was the obvious answer years ago, now it's the only one. We will either sink or swim depending on decisions being made now.

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Economist 4 years, 9 months ago on Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'

Very good Dr. Rodgers. Agree completely. It is time that we, as a people, grew up and joined the rest of the world. It is much more difficult to do business in The Bahamas compared to other countries.

We are scared of change insted of imprasing it and moveing forward. The rest of the world is leaving us behind.

Insted of folowing the Cayman Island,s to success and low unemployment, we are folowing Haiti, to failure and high unemployment.

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DD 4 years, 9 months ago on Tourists need negative COVID-19 test from July 1

I feel bad for the Minister of Tourism.He knows this will kill business and I understand that there is a lot of pressure on him and the entire administration.He will be known as the Minister of No Tourism.The tests are very expensive and not reliable.If this government continues along these lines the everyday Bahamian will be unable to feed their family and 80% of businesses in the Bahamas will cease to exist.These people saying the US tourist will just have to pay up and they will come here just like before are dead wrong.The people saying that are government employees that have never missed a paycheck.Bahamians believe that every American is rich,compared to the average Bahamian maybe,but they are not stupid.Bahamas just raised the taxes on rentals,clearing in fees,and every thing a tourist would use.People are not going to spend $800 for a family of 4 to test,$500 in fuel,thousands for a cruise to go to a place that is not competitive in price or value with any other destination.

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DD 4 years, 9 months ago on Tourists need negative COVID-19 test from July 1

I would just like to say this make three complete reversals by the Tourism Ministry on the testing question.Businesses need consistency to plan to make their business work.No one,no one can trust the Bahamian Government for anything,absolutely no credibility.

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lovingbahamas 4 years, 9 months ago on Tourists need negative COVID-19 test from July 1

With Bahamar, Sandals and I am sure Atlantis very soon, not opening until November, and no cruise ships until November, how much money is the Bahamas going to have to borrow (if they can even borrow it) to stave off bankruptcy? $3 or 4 billion. The 1 to 1 peg to the dollar will be gone-causing a disaster. Their only answer is to invest in instant testing and open the doors. In some countries, everyone who arrives has to self quarantine for 24 hours until test results are in. Their is a workable solution.

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SipPis 4 years, 8 months ago on FULL STEAM AHEAD: COVID crisis won’t blow Global’s port project off course

The cruise industry isn't going anywhere. The current players have raised impressive capital, but even if they were to seek bankruptcy protection, the industry itself will survive. Smaller ships would be a net positive to the port development.

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Dawes 4 years, 8 months ago on CASUALTIES OF COVID CRISIS: Baha Mar begins mass layoffs just as flights resume

I want them as i realize we won't be able to survive for too long without. Whether we like it or not we decided to be a tourist nation, we are unable to change our economy quick enough to benefit people. If there is no vaccine in a years time and the US is still having cases are you saying that we should still be closed? And if so are you ok with unemployment being over 50% and all the issues that will bring?

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DWW 4 years, 6 months ago on ZERO TOLERANCE: Senior doctors alarmed over death toll demand rigid use of COVID rules

they know there is no vaccine. this is not a solution. This is just delaying the inevitable. Consider the man who hasn't had an income in 5 months and has to look down into his children's pleading eyes and explain that he can't provide them with basic life necessities because there is a good chance that someone might catch a cold. the situation is not tenable. the medical establishment needs to get to grips with things and stop trying to play god. forcing people to sit on their hands for the next 2 years while we wait for a possible immunization is not an option. forced lockdowns is not tenable and cannot happen any further. you "SLOWED THE CURVE" congratulations, now lets get dirty and get back to life.

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DWW 4 years, 4 months ago on 'Hidden agendas' are slammed over $580m 'gold mine'

I'm all for environmental protection, however the idea that the personal private property of the individual is invalid is a dangerous notion to push. The Environmental minded people may want to reflect on the impacts to their personal private property? What if my government came to your house and said you cannot live there anymore - it is the home of a special pigeon. no compensation just go find somewhere else to live. and no you cannot sell it to someone else because we said so. If the environmental groups are able to willing to pony up and buy these valuable real estate assets to set aside as public park land for everyone to enjoy, then i hazard that maybe they should stay quiet. careful what you wish for. Estevez makes a very good point that there are human beings that have trouble putting food on the table and cannot afford to send their child off to expense learning outside the country (yes Lighthouse Point and Deep Creek are included in this statement). put up or shut up as they say.

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SipPis 4 years, 3 months ago on $580m developer urged to reassess cost projections

Country is going broke and this lady is talking about the cost to put a roof on her house? Is this a joke? At least make a credible argument. Who pays these people? Embarrassing.

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SipPis 4 years, 3 months ago on Investment deal's anatomy exposed

These radicals should be held responsible. They lose the environmental case so they move on to finance where they understand nothing. They seem to think a developer should have a swimming pool with all the money ready sitting in it and drive a tractor around. This country would be nothing but bush and poverty if they had their way.

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Bahamian1640 4 years, 1 month ago on Baha Mar chief urges rapid vaccination for tourism revival boost

Apparently the posters on this article want The Bahamas to remain locked down indefinitely. Once the virus is allowed to run rampant we could perhaps call ourselves world leaders in Covid mutations

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SipPis 3 years, 11 months ago on Activists demand 90-day extension to Disney review

Incredible. Disney takes 3 years to make the EIA to appease every last concern of these radicals. Then the radicals complain they should have more time to review it because it took 3 years. There's no negotiating with terrorists.

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SipPis 3 years, 11 months ago on PRIZE FOR TAKING THE JAB: Restrictions off for fully vaccinated

This is a smart and bold move. We can see from the comments here that battling local conspiracy and grievance thinking may be the biggest problem ahead. Covid will effectively be over in the US by June. Most of are our tourists are coming from the US. The risk of carrying or spreading covid after a moderna or pfizer vaccination is estimated to be at less than 10% anyway, notwithstanding that they'll be coming from a place with herd immunity already. Smart to let the US tourists return hassle free and bolster our economy with relatively little risk. Next step needs to be an education campaign to counter all the ignorance about Bill Gates, communist China, the poison or chips in the vaccines, and the 'just the flu' nonsense. Social media has allowed unmitigated ignorance to spread faster than any virus.

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SipPis 3 years, 11 months ago on ‘Game changer’ offsets new US travel warning

Where has anyone's constitutional rights been violated by even an inch?

What does the ownership of Baha Mar have to do with anything? Would the hotel manager not want to have vaccinated tourists arriving here if the Hotel were owned by a Swede or an American?

1 Vote 3 years, 5 months ago on ‘We can’t become a nation for sale’

Ever heard of BIA type investment authority in the free world? Trinidad,Jamaica,Turks&Caicos, Cayman? Let the market speak. Let investors invest, let them succeed and let them fail. Ease of Business could be better than Gaza!

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SipPis 3 years, 5 months ago on ‘We can’t become a nation for sale’

On the contrary, we absolutely SHOULD be a nation for sale. That's the only hope I see for my children and their children here. This cheap nationalism is used by local business and politicians to safeguard their interests. We are a stone's throw away from a country awash in money but we continue to make it far too onerous for that money to make its way here and lift the tide. The BIA should be done away with altogether. Revenue would increase dramatically overnight.