
1 Vote

Puzzled 12 years, 3 months ago on ‘Out of whack’: Wall Street downgrades the Bahamas

*#Noting the Bahamas’ narrow tax base, and that one-off income flows from the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) privatisation and likes of Baha Mar had masked recurrent revenue weakness, Moody’s expressed huge doubt about the Government’s ability to effect a near-term turnaround. This is the fiscal position from which this government hopes to buy back a majority holding in BTC. This despite all the warnings from the financial ratings groups that their holdings in nationalised corporations is detrimental to the health of the economy. We do know the reason for holding onto these corporations it is commonly called nepotism.

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hnhanna 12 years, 3 months ago on ‘Out of whack’: Wall Street downgrades the Bahamas

Regrettably, this is not the first time we have been warned by an international agency. Back in 2003 the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Article IV Consultation Report on The Commonwealth of The Bahamas raised several key concerns, namely: a. The failure of the Bahamian government to take aggressive measures to reduce large fiscal deficits and the growth of public debt. b. The failure of the Bahamian government to take even small steps in addressing the need for serious tax reform. c. The failure of the Bahamian government to take any measures to address the impending financial crisis in the National Insurance scheme. d. The failure of the Bahamian government to deal with the country's steady loss in external competitiveness; in particular, the need to undertake structural reforms in labor markets to reduce costs and the need to privatize utilities to lower utility costs. e. The repeated failure of the Bahamian government to develop current national income accounts that would support informed policymaking.

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242 12 years, 3 months ago on Defence Force boats may be put on hold to save money

Can't afford boats for Your Country's Defense force but can afford several referendums, taking your entire cabinet to work in Abaco and a pointless investigation of the ministry of tourism. Priorities of the Christie government

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dacy 12 years, 3 months ago on Defence Force boats may be put on hold to save money


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proudloudandfnm 12 years, 2 months ago on Christie: 'No' vote will lead to more taxes

Why is our PM so dishonest? It took me almost three years to get my property tax bill. Here's my suggestion Mr. PM. Clean up the taxes we have now, get them paid in time and in full. Then after accomplishing that we can talk about new taxes. But until then we have no idea what revenues add up to and what we need to do to bolster them.

And the webshops claim to make 100 million per year. A Bahamian business license is based on revenues. So why are they not already paying 5 million a year for their business license? Get them up to date and paying properly, get us our money then let's talk about new taxes.

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Ironvelvet 12 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: Thousands of people take to Bay Street.

LOL I could see if I used an expletive, I guess constructive criticism for poor work is not appreciated. I suppose only favorable comments are allowed to stay. Feel free to remove this one also.

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happyfly 11 years, 4 months ago on 'Bahamians don't understand VAT'

Instead of implementing a disciplined and comprehensive collection of the taxes already on the books. Instead of curbing corruption, disengaging from the financial catastrophes of the public corporations and other wasteful spending. The government as always chooses the easy path, to place a bigger burden on the honest and hard working

Successive governments have borrowed and spent more money than they could ever hope to pay back and now this one is telling us we don't understand. Well they are right. We don't understand how they think they have earned or deserve any more of our hard earned cash just so they can go run the country deeper in to debt.

And don't you worry. They will be back looking for income tax when the VAT is all spent

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4renbahamian 11 years, 3 months ago on VAT 'fait accompli' without coalition

Google Europe VAT lessons and you will see why politicians love this idea, it is just another way for our corrupt government to steal from the people.

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The_Oracle 11 years, 3 months ago on Union praises the government for over-ruling Miller decision on sick pay

No VAT until the BEC mess is sorted out!! No VAT until property Tax is paid up!! No VAT until Bahamasair and Water and Sewage has stopped bleeding the treasury!! No VAT until the Government comes clean on the IMF ultimatum!! No VAT until Bahamians can trust the Government!! I can waste my own money thank you, I have no interest in Government Helping me do so, and by force!! Incompetence is a costly state of affairs, but the incompetent are trying to shift their mistake onto those who have invested, saved, and honor and obey the laws of the land. Disgraceful individuals run a disgraceful Government. No doubt The P.M. will exempt himself from VAT.

6 Vote

Jack 11 years, 3 months ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

You think you vets are the only ones giving up your practices??? Almost ALL the foreign vets gave up their practices for TWO WEEKS this year. Most of the volunteers gave up their full two weeks of holiday a year, some volunteers suffered business losses to help the animals and improve the Bahamas, so don't start about being patriotic . Not many Bahamian vets did the same may I add, one or two days here or there. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves!! You're a lunatic if you think we believe your B.S. Bizzell.

3 Vote

Guy 11 years, 3 months ago on As VAT draft bill is published, DNA urges alternatives

What nonsense. The way this govt is going, I can probably unseat the sitting Prime Minister. Admit it Tal and stop the charade! Leadership is lacking badly in this town, and the PM has obviously bitten off more than he can chew. Even PLPs are waiting for the opportunity to send PGC running off into the sunset.

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ohdrap4 11 years, 3 months ago on As VAT draft bill is published, DNA urges alternatives

I hope you put that on camera, to post on youtube when he flip flops in the house of assembly

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justthefactsplease 11 years, 3 months ago on Six years in jail for gun possession

You think six years is too tough for illegal gun possession? ... you must be joking ... the only thing he is likely to do with an illegal firearm is something against another person and indeed the law ... armed robbery, murder, shooting with intent ... you obviouly have never been at the end of a gun barrel in the hand of another. I think 20 years would be more appropiratte at least it would serve as a deterrent and protect innocent citizens.

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Emac 11 years, 3 months ago on Operation Potcake cancellation came ‘after local vets refused to back foreign volunteers’

I don’t think that this is about forcing or shaming local vets to volunteer. I believe what everyone is saying is that if the local vets refuse to spay or neuter each animal for the $30, then they should respectfully decline to participate and step aside to let the foreigners do what they have to do. Simple as that! The way I see it, the local vets did not want the foreign volunteers to come in without VMAB’s involvement, because this would show them up and people would cry shame because of their lack of participation in such a crucial project, that is taking place in their own country. I salute all local vets because I truly believe that they have been doing their part in trying to help defenseless animals in this country. But a person who cares so much for the welfare of stray dogs would put aside pettiness so that these animals can get the help they so desperately need.

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HarryWyckoff 11 years, 3 months ago on New Zealand's VAT success no guarantee for Bahamas

New Zealand has a Freedom of Information Act, which means it's government can be held accountable for spending. They are also listed as one of the least (if not the least) corrupt nations in the world.

Why would Christie think that their experience and economy is even vaguely similar or relevant to the secretive, reckless and completely un-transparent governance and corrupt nature of the Bahamas?

11 Vote

banker 11 years, 3 months ago on Violence in Bahamas at levels close to armed conflict zones

I don't believe this. First there is demonstrable obsessive compulsive disorder in regards to bringing up the FNM in every conversation, and now there is denial of reality where just in today's paper, a Subway store is brazenly robbed, a baby is killed by a hit and run coward, the deputy prime minister was robbed at gunpoint, eight people were shot in a 24 hour period three weeks ago, the murder rate is in fact that of a war zone.

Let me educate you with some comparisons. Take Toronto, Canada. They have a population in the city of 2.78 million and they have had 31 homicides to this point. With that same rate, we should have three homicides every year. We have a tenth of that population and we have over 300% more homicides. Denying a problem makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution.

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The_Oracle 11 years, 3 months ago on VAT alternatives 'don't generate revenue we need'

A bucket is a bucket, and the only bucket from which water can be had is the private sector bucket. The Government bucket, while leaky and unsound, is filled by the private sector bucket. What the Government is proposing is that while Some fill the private sector bucket and some earn water from it, the government has enjoyed a % of the water from it to fill their own. they will now take more. They also refuse to fix their own bucket. The needs of Government outweigh the rights of those who earn their water from the bucket and who fill the bucket. This Taxation regime change is more than just "taking" more from those who earn, it is a flawed philosophical viewpoint coupled with the Power to just take. This is occurring the world over. Government will end up with less, as will the private sector, as will each family and individual. Promising more handouts and assistance to those hardest hit is a short lived capability at best, taking away from the supposed purpose of this increased revenue: Debt Service. at worst, your economic Bucket fails. all else fails after that. That $200 million, is coming out of everyone's pocket. Money does not come out of thin air, just as work does not get done if no one does it.

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BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 3 months ago on Bimini resort 'is in peril'

It's hard to fully comprehend how poorly thought out this whole Resorts World Bimini project has been.

They have been dragging their massive anchor over Bimini's seabed for months. They've wanted to do significantly more damage by dredging through Bimini's reefs for their pier project. They've created an unequaled amount of negative publicity for the island. And now, just like EVERYONE around here knew would happen, they're already talking about pulling out from the island, albeit for some "BS" excuse.

Everyone involved with this disaster should be held accountable, from the developers to the Government officials who signed off on this horrible idea.

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briwest1773 11 years, 3 months ago on Christie: We have the answer to crime

Government needs to understand that crime prevention starts from primary school..if we want the country to be better for those that will come after us...we need to teach our children to be decent human beings. Although that's a parent's job, if the parents are not doing it then some sort of program needs to be implemented in schools. Catching criminals is fine, but we are a society that is breeding criminals. So we must get to the root of the problem, which is, young people lack direction, and good life lessons. Unfortunately, schools will have to pick up the slack where some wutless parents fail...or else we are DOOMED!!