Susan 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
This is absolutely disgusting. I recently visited the Bahamas and while I love the islands what left the biggest impression was how horribly too many of the animals are treated. There is no excuse for cats, dogs and horses to suffer the way they do in what is supposes to be civilized society. I wish tourists would refuse to ride in carriages pulled by these poor horses.
sandrine 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
SHAME !!!!!!!!!!! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE TO STOP THAT CRUELTY ! I am so upset right now! I just want to kill the guy who make this horse life so miserable! If you have a heart next time you see a surrey horse open your window and you mouth to say how shamefull it is !!!!
I live here for a few years and i am so upset to see the way animals are treated ... come on the streets are full of poor dogs, i adopt three cats one come from the Ocean Club ("the one and Only...") trash can .... It is so sad ... :-((( Support and try to help BHS and BAARK !
chuck 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
VS 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
You need to "feel ashamed" of your poor choice in grammar! Learn to express your thoughts without the use of profanity or 'street lingo', please!
VS 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
Those priorities may seem wrong in your eyes...but in the eyes of the Almighty, we are ALL His Creation. To Him, mistreatment and neglect of animals are no different than that of human beings.
RUKiddingMe 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
The fact of the matter is that there are policies in place whereby the horses are not to be worked between certain hours - this is flagrantly disobeyed. We as a nation should be ashamed of our treatment of animals.
Chuck's quote is spot on -
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
CFerguson 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
REALLY? You should be ashamed that you walked pass this horse on a regular basis and did not say anything! How dare you say this horse was loved? This horse was TORTURED! And blame the vets? Yes, they are wrong. However the blame falls on the "owner"! This horse should be treated like one of his own children. I bet his kids aren't going to drop down dead from exhaustion! Why, their worse case scenario they could go beg, dig in garbages ... what can the horse do? An animal can not talk, can not "runaway" and dig in garbages. An animal relies on it "owner" to care for him! SO your right, you should be ashamed because this is not the ONLY horse that is living in this condition!
CFerguson 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
1) Americans expect too much? NO! I am Bahamian and I expect better of EVERY INDIVIDUAL involved in the "care-taking" and dragging of this animal. 2) "The operators, this horse is not a machine, its a living breathing mammal! 3) Fine! Put children first AND don't own an animal if you can't take care of your children. Animals need more than children. I will mention again - Children can make it on the streets, they can beg, they have hands. An animal is dependent on it's owner to care take it! 4) Educate your children. Education comes in MANY forms! One is through morality and learning right from wrong. This situation, animal lover or not it WRONG! You are clearly NOT an animal person.
CFerguson 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
Talk about education! This comment has NOTHING to do with the issue at hand. Furthermore, who cares what they do in The USA! Why don't we stop watching so much TV and start working together in our communities to make a better Bahamas?! Oh I know why, that takes effort.
CFerguson 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
I hope the police officer(s) and all involved in dragging that horse are too drug at high speeds until their skin falls off. As for the Surrey driver, he needs to be drug behind a truck to his death because that is what he did to this horse. There was absolutely NO reason why someone could not have called a crane truck to pick this horse up dispose of her properly. Let me guess the Surrey driver could not afford it - then he SHOULD NOT HAVE THE HORSE!! I have rode and owned horses for years, the cost of a crane truck would have been nominal in comparison to the cost of taking care of the horse PROPERLY.
WAY TO GO MY FELLOW BAHAMIANS! Now we have tourist not only talking about the nasty attitude of Bahamians, the disgusting streets they have to walk, the crime they have to endure but now our cruelty to animals ... way to go! Unfortunately it will take the cruise ships to intervene and drop the tour for anything to be done! DISGUSTING!!!
The carriage rides are great tourist attraction but standards either need to be implemented and the Humane Society needs to be given the necessary power to enforce the necessary standards for ALL animals. Just how this happened to a horse, it happens to dogs, cats ... all animals.
CFerguson 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
PS. I have seen horses live to 50 - 60 yrs old and look much better than "Bloody Mary"! So someone please explain to me how a 22 yr old horse (still pretty young) simply drops down dead! Can the Surrey driver honestly say there were no signs? Can he admit to feeding the horse REGULARLY and SUFFICIENTLY? Did the horse have water? UNLIKELY! If it is determined that the horse died from exhaustion, it is confirmed that the horse was ill-treated! It was too young to die of exhaustion. Surrey driver, I hope she haunts you every-time you look in the mirror.
positiveinput 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse petition nears 2,000 mark
Horse petition nears 2,000 mark
It is sad to know that in this Bahamaland, nothing is addressed until a life is lost, be it animal or human. Day by day animals and humans are left to fend for themselves with no protection from the 'Government Ministry' appointed to regulate and enforce the rules and laws to protect them. Many may say the horse was not properly cared for, had a health issue, or the motoring fumes aided in her (the horse) death, but what was the over and repeated contribution and cause of death was the 'Government' Not saying the governing party, but the ministry specially appointed to regulate and look over that area of Bahamian Living.
In fact in every sector we find those in authority are showing a blind eye to rules and regulations, allowing the general public to freely do as they please because no guide lines or regulations are kept in place. Then when something accidental, fatal or embarassing happens, we stand around dumbfounded.
As simple as picking up my child from primary school, I observe a teacher exiting the schools drop off n pick up area from the wrong direction.
Day after day the road construction company places diversion signs directly on the corner limiting the visibility of a motorist to on flowing traffic.
Stray dogs roam the streets carefree.
Vehicles with extensive structural damage are allowed to re-enter the motoring population.
Then when some mishap occurs the finger is pointed at the last domino to fall. Heads up people, the problem starts from the front. That is the people (Ministry) put to regulate and enforce the rules to keep law and order in various sectors. You can sign all the petition you want, but what good is a signature when those who are put to regulate rules and laws are not the least bit interested.
lobo881 12 years, 1 month ago on Horse dies in city street
Horse dies in city street
The disgust is NOT in the fact that the 'man' drug this horse off the street....the horse was dead and no longer in pain. The disgust in this IS the fact that this horse is obviously grossly underweight! I was fortunate enough to live in Nassau and meet some wonderful people and make life long friends. But I was and am STILL disgusted at the way the Bahamas treats its animals. This horse went to work day in and day out without a voice, entrusting in her owner to feed her adequately, water her adequately, and provide adequate rest and shelter. After's all she deserved for putting money in this 'mans' pocket, rum in his belly and food on his table. DISGUSTING!! THIS HAS TO STOP!! A DAMN DISGRACE AND EMBARRASMENT FOR THE COUNTRY.