
2 Vote

TalRussell 12 years ago on NIB Board of directors gives support to Moss

Comrades when Moss and he board of "Lord Jesus we all just need shut hell up and collect we cushy political appointment paychecks ... cause Christmas right around da corner,?" as funny as they sound I got's no time them board members, preferring find better comic relief by clicking onto Comrade Sister "Lord Jesus I got's bronchitis?"


4 Vote

legalmindatwork 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

Come on.....we all knew that Cable and Wireless would not release their majority share in BTC. The PLP's campaign promise was only fluff for the mindless sheep that voted them in on that promise. Now the PLP must pay those who acted as negotiators during the talks between the PM and the executives of Cable and Wireless. These negotiators went into the talks knowing full well that the deal would not be worked out so now they will be even richer than before. It was a fruitless effort and a mere ploy to pacify the Bahamian public. The PM makes it appear as if the executives were the bad guys during the entire negotiation but from the jump it was clear of their position......I can only shake my head at this.

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B_I_D___ 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

Ditto on legalmind...the was zero chance of anything coming of it except to employ some so called negotiators...yet the general public bought into the idea and voted these clowns back into power. The downside is, the whole publicity side of it makes the Bahamas look TERRIBLE in the eyes of future investors in the country, I'd love to say it's good fun watching the PLP implode and sink themselves...but we still have another 4 years of this to put up with...which is terrifying.

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Ironvelvet 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

I agree with the above comments. I am personally happy that it was not turned back to government's control. The Bahamian government is making more money with 49% of shares than it ever did as 100% control. It's high time we pay people to do what their skills are in as opposed to giving someone a job who knows nothing about what is required of them.

Now if only this could happen with NIB....

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proudloudandfnm 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

Still can't believe anyone actually bought into this dumb idea. Why would a corporation give up control in a profitable and potetnially humungous company? This was never going to happen and PGC knew and Frankyln knew, this was nothing but a PLP scam. How many more of these scams til the PLP supporters figure out their party is full of it?

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banker 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

It was a way for the PLP negotiators to rob the treasury again. They were all paid handsomely for consulting services.

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B_I_D___ 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

LMAO at Clarken...Christie is not going to do diddly!! BTC will remain a majority owned private enterprise. If you think the government is going to kick them out of the country you are delusional. The concept it ludicrous...number 1...and number 2...if we did do that, all foreign investment into this country would come to a grinding halt as all your investors will avoid us like the plague. All this talk during teh election was just that...TALK...to get the voters all riled up and buy into the lie...and as others in this thread have already said...the so called 'negotiators' got paid VERY dearly...to arrive at a dead end. Get your head out of the sand and see the bigger picture.

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positiveinput 12 years ago on PM confirms talks at a dead end

They could have paid me just a quarter of what they paid the negotiators. We all know after taking the money, we just had to stay home, then after a week report back and say, "Boy these boys playing hard ball and aint budging but cut me another cheque next month and I'll pressure them again until they break. lol"

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proudloudandfnm 11 years, 8 months ago on Nygard's behaviour

Who in the hell does this man think he is!?!? He thknks because he has money he can disrespect us so blatantly? Make him take every single thing he has built and fine him millions for blatantly disprespecting our laws. Nygard is the perfect example of the types of folks we do not need in this in country.

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getreal 11 years, 8 months ago on Nygard's behaviour

more of you Bahamians need to realize this. sand pumps running 16hrs a day pumping your beautiful sand, destroying your sea grass, coral, to increase the size of HIS land, (not yours) and you let this man do this. Its not a feud between 2 rich guys, its one rich guy doing whatever he wants and it looks like no one in Bahamas can stop him...look at all the evidence, the pictures, the facts are right in front of you...

5 Vote

smallbiz 11 years, 7 months ago on Open letter from Keod Smith

No wonder lawyers charge so much. It takes them 15 pages for something that can be summed up in a paragraph.

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proudloudandfnm 11 years, 7 months ago on Open letter from Keod Smith

Keod can't be serious! Where did this man get his law degree? Disney world hey? I wanna know who this man thinks he is? Acting like he owns the area. I wanna see this man brought under control, thugs like him do not deserve to be in our government. How was this man ever an MP? We need standards in this country, too many criminals and thugs in our politics.

3 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago on Open letter from Keod Smith

I think we need to have an open letter to the Commissioner asking why Keod is currently not charged with criminal mischief for vandalizing Frank Smiths car and threatening his life. He's got it on video for crying out loud...and nothing gets done. I'm gonna get me one crowbar and walk down baystreet and just start smashing car windows at random...with no one in them, and I bet you I'd get in more trouble then Keod would when someone was in the vehicle and trying to get away from a group of thugs threatening his life. Ahhhh justice...ain't it grand? Must be nice have political allies on your side to muzzle the police.

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ChefSmith 11 years, 7 months ago on Two dead after shooting and stabbing

There has to be some serious focus on the social frame work of this country. The church spent far too much time been political , and not enough time doing what it ought to do ! We need more parents and family programes . Also we need less political games and more unity . The population of the country is very small , we ought to have more accountablity . When focus is more on positive achievement , will inspire greatness.

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B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago on ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

Restore the public trust...under the PLP the NIB was losing money...under the FNM and Cargill, they turned it around and into profit. Bonuses aside, Mr. Cargill did was he was hired to do, cleaned up shop in NIB, ran things by the book, and started putting money in the bank, which thw PLP was unable to do under their watch. By 2017, it will be losing money again and all the PLP pals will have pockets lined with NIB dollars.

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago on ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

Mr Roberts is very slick and knows he is appealing to an undereducated highly emotive vvoteing block .....

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smallbiz 11 years, 7 months ago on ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

Other than referring to the "FNM mess", Roberts does not mention a specific problem. Has anyone been able to point out what the report has shown to be wrong doing on ANYONES behalf? I havent seen anything to that affect yet? Seems to be more smoke and BS on the PLP part

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago on ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

despite the fact Roberts is in business w/ the baystreet boys ,he still knows how to talk pure ccrap for the UNDEREDUCATED masses ears

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago on Cargill's company car confiscated

good one,,Tals HAI has been gone a year ,,,PGC is PM now either defend him or question his decesions ,,really HAI has nothing to do with it ,,