
3 Vote

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 5 months ago on Residents 'hopeless and homeless' after Gamble Heights demolition

Btw Mr Charles is a disgrace

"When the property was given to me there were some homes already here. Daddy allowed them to build a couple of structures around the property. He collected rent the right way and as time went on and he got sick, things got out of hand." Mr Charles said he had tried to collect rent but had failed, being given excuses by the residents

In 2015, what is the "RIGHT" way to collect rent for a structure that doesn't have indoor plumbing and electricity?

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ThisIsOurs 9 years, 5 months ago on Residents 'hopeless and homeless' after Gamble Heights demolition

I didn't know that, that's crazy if true....but I don't buy it as justification. What's the incentive for the owner to remove these slums from his land if he's profiting? $50 times 100 homes is $5,000 per month. He says his father "allowed" a few people to build. Meaning his father had the option to tell the first set of squatters you can't come on my land with those structures. But he didn't do that, he got paid.

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John 9 years, 5 months ago on Residents 'hopeless and homeless' after Gamble Heights demolition

The fact that is 'terrible' is when you kick people on to the streets and in to the elements. The timing was bad as half the country is recovering from hurricane damage and in need of assistance. Now you, in an instant, make another few hundred people homeless and tell them 'go to Social Services for whatever assistance you need.' Why couldn't Social Services be involved in the first instance so that it could have been a seamless transition from the illegal shanty towns to proper housing. Social Services is presently having a difficult time trying to find suitable accommodations for those persons who were evacuated from crooked Islands and parts of Long Island. Now this makes a bigger crisis.

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TalRussell 9 years, 5 months ago on Residents 'hopeless and homeless' after Gamble Heights demolition

Comrades hopefully one day we will see a Tribune front page headline that reads:

"Government Bahamaland Confiscates Land From Its Private Owners For Collected Rents Whilst Knowing It Was being Used As An illegal Shanty Town".

Land will be sold off to citizens at a government subsidized discount who are first-time home buyers. Proceeds from the sale lots to be used to help the nation's own citizens.

Until you financially punish the pockets of the landowners this nonsense will continue. By some accounts there may be as many as 30 more of these disgusting Shanty Towns scattered across our Bahamaland.

There must be zero tolerance by any political party, or any need to think that the nation should share-in any responsibility to any and all illegals who occupy them.

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John 9 years, 5 months ago on Residents 'hopeless and homeless' after Gamble Heights demolition

Squatting is as old as the bible. And while no one has issue with government dismantling the shanty towns. It just has to be done in a more humane and systematic fashion. Parts of this island have been flooding at least for the past six weeks. This weekend was probably the worst. When you take the little possessions poor people have and put them out in the rain to be stolen or destroyed are you not creating an even bigger problem? Because when these people eventually find a place to stay they no longer have a bed, a fridge, a stove, or even clothing. They may also have lost their dignity, so they are now angry and so society pays. While some of the homes in Bain and Grants Town may be legal, some are in worse conditions than the Shanty Towns. There is no water, no light, the roof may be ready to fall in and in some plywood placed on the ground serves as the floor. This is a sign of desperation. Poor people will always be around and so will immigrants. Over eight million people had to flee their homes in Iraq and Syria because of the war. Many travelled hundreds of miles on foot to seek refuge in Europe. They had to leave all their worldly possessions behind and only had hope to keep them alive. They are now trying to work agreements with the US and Canada to take in some of these people. And if the effects of global warming means rising tides and coastal flooding, all of us may soon have to seek higher ground.

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DillyTree 8 years, 7 months ago on BREAKING NEWS: Baha Mar construction to resume in September under new agreement

birdie, doom and gloom is still here, no matter how PGC spins it. This announcement comes just as Moody's downgrades the Bahamas yet again. So, pull off your delusional PLP rose coloured classes and see what's really happening here instead of being just one more sheep being led to slaughter.

8 Vote

BahamaPundit 8 years, 5 months ago on UPDATED: Baha Mar bidder is Hong Kong firm

The PM may win the battle and open the Resort, but he will have lost the war. His reputation is in tatters with his people and internationally. The sad part is I don't think he cares.

6 Vote

BahamaPundit 8 years, 5 months ago on UPDATED: Baha Mar bidder is Hong Kong firm

I don't mind all this. Just wish the government had kept its grubby fingers out of the pot, because it leaves a terrible impression of impropriety. Sure, the property has been sold. Great. But what have we as a nation sacrificed for the sale? We have a system of government that now appears completely corrupt, criminal, dictatorial and uncaring about what its citizens think. Where do we go from here?