
Fox Hill

5 Vote

lkalikl 9 years, 8 months ago on Crossing bridge to Paradise Island to cost you eight cents more - in VAT!

Our decision makers are first rate incompetents. You couldn't make a less intelligent toll rate if you tried. How much longer will the people of this country put up with the dangerously clueless leadership that this government offers?

Who in their right mind proposes a toll that is $1.08? Either make it $1 and absorb the VAT via the taxi and omnibus charges, who tend to have transponders, or, announce that the new fee is $1 (absorbing the VAT), $1.25 or $1.50, so that easy change can be made. If the fee is higher than the VAT, the balance of that fee could go into a 'bridge improvement and maintenance fund', which we all know is way over due as that bridge could collapse any day now. The government has been warned several times over the years.

This government is the stupidest government in the entire history of the Bahamas, and that takes some doing. Bahamians have only themselves to blame though, because they continue to tolerate pathetic decision making and worship the corrupt and clueless leaders who are responsible for it. This country is lost. The dream of Independence has turned into a nightmare and it took less than fifty years.

Every Bahamian should hang their head in shame. It takes a truly uneducated culture to both propose and accept a bridge toll structure like this. And to do so, silently, without any protest or noise, shows that there is no passion in the people to overturn the statusquo of stupidity, corruption and deceit that we excuse for governance in this country.

Transparency, accountability and pragmatic decision making are needed. All we get is obfuscation and stupidity. If you speak out against the stupidity, you're casually labelled a traitor. You hear that more and more now aimed at everyday citizens, that word. Meanwhile, the real traitors sit in Parliament. We are on a dangerous, slip and slide slope in this country. Our government keeps slipping and we just keep sliding down, down, down...

If the Bahamas does not get rid of the corrupt PLP, this country will continue to slide into crime, recession and economic collapse. So, go ahead, quietly pay your $1.08 bridge toll while you choke on stink unregulated traffic fumes accompanied by throbbing bass and gutter lyrics of ghetto music on your attempt at a peaceful morning commute while trying to get to work and make ends meet, but don't say you weren't warned Bahamas. The PLP will be the death of the Bahamas. This is the worst government this nation has ever known.

5 Vote

EnoughIsEnough 9 years, 8 months ago on Crossing bridge to Paradise Island to cost you eight cents more - in VAT!

i agree with you wholeheartedly. what the frig is 8 cents? an inconvenience. they could certainly afford to adjust the base price lower and include the VAT to keep it at $1, or make it 1.10 or 1.25. i would care about paying that. but 8 friggin cents? retards. absolutely.

and i couldn't say it better re the PLP in general. i can only say - "ditto".

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Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell says bankruptcy filing was ‘act of unfairness’

Christie, Maynard-Gibson and their cohorts are petrified and mortified by the prospects of their backroom deals with the Chinese being revealed as a result of the actions filed by Sarkis / Baha Mar in foreign courts, well away from the sphere of corrupt influences and shenanigans all too often directly associated with Maynard-Gibson.

2 Vote

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell says bankruptcy filing was ‘act of unfairness’

"*there could be no turning back in the face of an attempt to effect an act of unfairness on the Bahamian people while trying to fool us that they were looking out for our best interests.”"

No,no,no...this is on you. We didn't know about the terms, we didn't negotiate any terms and we didn't sign any contract. You were hornswoggled and you were made the fool.

1 Vote

The_Oracle 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell says bankruptcy filing was ‘act of unfairness’

There are not enough shovels, nor enough Bahamians to wield them, to uncover the truth of Bahamar. Nor will the Chinese sell you any more, as your dirt is their dirt also now.

2 Vote

sheeprunner12 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell: Izmirlian would have been thrown out of country in the past

What in the hell is Fweddy talking about???????? Can Fweddy tell us how and why Izzie got to The Bahamas ............... was it similar to Nygard & Co.?????????

Fweddy you really sound bitchy here ............................. we need to talk less and think more now.

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GrassRoot 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell: Izmirlian would have been thrown out of country in the past

Not sure who had the idea to have a man that does not know how to smile to represent our sunny Bahamasland as foreign minister.

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asiseeit 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell: Izmirlian would have been thrown out of country in the past

Yes and if we where still a colony of the U.K. most if not all of the PLP government would be in Fox Hill at her majesty's prison so shut the hell up!

1 Vote

jus2cents 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell: Izmirlian would have been thrown out of country in the past

We all know corrupt leaders become corrupt dictators and this inevitably opens the door to terrorism, times are scary and the world’s safety is teetering on a tight, tightrope right now. We need to keep our allies not make enemies of them, it is not a time for hotheads making threats to investors. If Minister Mitchell truly wants to help the nation and keep it secure he should let the PM fight his own battles and concentrate on his own issues at Immigration, maybe start by getting rid of all semblance of corruption under his portfolio. Preliminary with the new $200.00 'rush' fee to process a Bahamian passport…..really? To the layman it just reeks of underhanded shadyness so dump it. This is a time to make a legacy be a Good one, and one for Good.……

2 Vote

OMG 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell: Izmirlian would have been thrown out of country in the past

Fred , wake up ,this nation is a fly speck on the international circuit. If all the winter residents and investors left "fweddie" would not have a pot to piss in let alone all his expensive travel trips.

1 Vote

banker 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell: Izmirlian would have been thrown out of country in the past

There is no comfort anywhere for a Bahamian patriot. It has been often said that the intelligence of a political party can be measured by taking the IQ of the dumbest member and dividing it by the number of adherents. Mitchell is proving it here. There is no hope -- you can't cure stupid. And to see Mr. Mitchell quote a known criminal is just plain sad. We are the laughingstock of the world.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 8 months ago on $200 to beat the passport backlog

A Canadian friend of mine living here in Nassau was telling me just the other day how impressed he was with the speed in which the Canadian Government recently renewed his passport. It was done in just under three weeks and that included the time it took for his renewal documents to get from Nassau to the Canadian Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica, and for that Embassy to send his new passport to him here in Nassau. Fred Mitchell should be ashamed of himself for failing to get to the bottom of all the problems preventing the timely processing of Bahamian passports. Just how incompetent can he possibly be (dare I ask)? Perhaps he's quite content to sit back and extort $200 from the many Bahamians who desperately need their passport much sooner than 12 weeks or more!!

2 Vote

DEDDIE 9 years, 8 months ago on Mitchell seeks to raise the cost of passport

Question ; Is the Government subsidizing the cost of passport or the Bahamian people subsidizing it. We subsidize a bloated public service, we subsidize a broken airline, we subsidize hotels that can't pay BEC. Its about time we get something from constantly been frisk by the government.

2 Vote

Zakary 9 years, 8 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

The emotional hurt here is high, and regardless of what anyone says the writer is being intellectually honest, and I appreciate that.

However, the columnist will soon have to realize that dictionaries are mostly useless, and the meaning of a word is dictated by its usage and not its literal meaning. Yes that sounds crazy but it’s true. That’s why platforms like" title="The Urban Dictionary" target="_blank">the urban dictionary exist, and the reason for dictionaries that span over many years such as Oxford.

The current societal definition of xenophobia is dislike, prejudice, or hostility towards foreigners. That’s not its original definition but definitions do change and that's just how the cookie crumbles. Is it a politically correct word? Yes, and you all saw my opinion above.

Zak, you’re a xenophobic, racist, bigot and you don’t know what you’re talking about!
Yes Billy, now wait while I grab my dictionary, and hit you over the head with it...

4 Vote

Cas0072 9 years, 8 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

The overuse of the term xenophobia in the illegal Haitian immigrant/Bahamas context is intended to create a fake moral and intellectual high ground for illegal immigrant enablers once their arguments fail. I have long recognized this.

We share obvious similarities with Haiti, and whether by invitation or not, we have shared the same space with disproportionately high numbers of Haitians compared to any other nationality for decades. The only unknown with regard to Haitians in The Bahamas is exactly how many are illegal. Even if the high illegal immigrant figures thrown about are irrational and the stuff of imaginations, we face an uphill battle in finding out because, apparently, it is "xenophobic" for a country and its citizens to even want to know these things.

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ohdrap4 9 years, 8 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’

maybe he was unfortunate enough to be born of a bahamian woman married to a foreign man.

the framers of the constitution are women phobic.

if sir lynden pindling were born on the 11th of july 1973 of the same parents, he would need to wait 18 years to become a citizen.

2 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 7 months ago on Govt says Baha Mar statement 'misleading'

Tal, if government had left well enough alone and allowed the US Bankruptcy Court's ruling that gave Baha Mar the $80 million contingency funding (from Izmirlian's own pocket) to pay the employees (foreign and domestic) as well as keep the Melia's operations going as needed, there would be no need for the government to pay anyone's salary. They clearly used this to meddle in the process and not for the good of the Bahamian people.