Proguing 4 years, 7 months ago on Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas
Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas
Maybe we should stop burning bunker C fuel to produce electricity when there are several clean energy solutions available?
The_Oracle 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Something is going to have to change in our attitude to vaccination
EDITORIAL: Something is going to have to change in our attitude to vaccination
Our government has entrapped themselves in the global Political Push based on "science" to administer a set of vaccines that have been approved for "emergency use" (read zero liability) by companies with a zero success rate for any vaccine they have ever produced. Various countries have suspended vaccine use for any number of Vaccine co-morbidities, If a vaccine has a higher mortality rate than that of the illness it purports to counter, we have a problem. As Always, with Government, it is a trust problem. The Covid Vaccine Could become a real epoch in history, along the lines of Thalidomide. Caveat emptor.
JokeyJack 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Something is going to have to change in our attitude to vaccination
EDITORIAL: Something is going to have to change in our attitude to vaccination
If the common cold ever makes a return to our planet will governments ban Augmentin, Amoxycillin, and Nyquil and only allow the flu vaccine and the wearing of a flu mask over or under the covid mask? I ask because of how Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have been banned all around the world. What about aspirin and Tylenol, should they be banned too? Is someone working on a headache vaccine? What about plaster casts for broken bones? Can we ban them? Broken leg? You need the bone calcium vaccine, right? Driving into a gas station last week with a tire going flat, the young man wanted to put a rubber plug in it and reinflate it with an air pump. I was shocked he was still using such primitive methods and asked "Don't you have a flat tire vaccine?" He said he did not. I drove off and now just have to drive slow along the road, much like our slow economy which we have accepted. It's incredibly difficult, fraught with flat tires and excessive gas consumption, but we’re in a new world and better get used to it.
Francis_James 3 years, 11 months ago on WE’RE ON THE RIGHT COURSE: Dahl-Regis addresses concerns over easing of controls on ‘vaccinated’
WE’RE ON THE RIGHT COURSE: Dahl-Regis addresses concerns over easing of controls on ‘vaccinated’
With all due respect to the MOH, something seems amiss. Is it the newspaper headline? We are far from being on the right track with the current phase of the pandemic. Deaths are increasing, the number of beds occupied by Covid-19 patients is increasing as are the number of active cases. The number of active cases has more than doubled in the last month. Projections indicate that the numbers of new cases are not being constrained by current protocol enforcement. The narrative does not reflect our current reality which should be one of concern, not optimism; 23 people have died of Covid-19 this year. With an uptake of the vaccine of less than 30% we do not look like being on track to curb this outbreak by vaccination alone.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on WE’RE ON THE RIGHT COURSE: Dahl-Regis addresses concerns over easing of controls on ‘vaccinated’
WE’RE ON THE RIGHT COURSE: Dahl-Regis addresses concerns over easing of controls on ‘vaccinated’
"........the government is relying on the latest science......if fully vaccinated people do transmit the virus, it does not produce significant illness."
"Now, the new guidelines, CDC guidelines. . .(say) that once you’re fully vaccinated, you are protected. Further to that, the transmissibility of the virus, they haven’t documented that it doesn’t occur, but it does not produce significant illness."
I've heard enough. Frankly I don't pay too much attention to this type of drivel from health officials who seem to be more loyal to the agendas of their political masters than the science.
Anyone know which way the deviously motivated unscientific political winds will be blowing a few days from now? What about a week from now? A month from now?
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Listen to the voices of experts
EDITORIAL: Listen to the voices of experts
The Tribune's editorial staff incorrectly quote CDC guidelines as stating that "once you’re fully vaccinated, you are protected." Then The Tribune's editorial staff go on to quote Dahl-Regis as being the first to say that “the story is still being written. The research is ongoing and there’s no final chapter with COVID”.
It's all too obvious The Tribune's editorial staff are not following or questioning the science in an unbiased way, no doubt due their perceived need to push their own paymaster's politically motivated interests.
dwanderer 3 years, 11 months ago on INSIGHT: Has the government jumped the gun in easing travel restrictions?
INSIGHT: Has the government jumped the gun in easing travel restrictions?
July 1st of last year was too soon to re-open and May 1st, 2021 is too soon to fully ease travel restrictions! The Bahamas is trying to be amongst the first set of countries to require no tests for fully vaccinated individuals so as to boost tourism. Why can't we take the time to gradually ease measures whilst we await the CDC & WHO's findings on whether fully vaccinated persons can still transmit Covid? In hindsight, just like last year, we may find that we acted too soon. 'Act in haste, repent in leisure'.
ohdrap4 3 years, 10 months ago on FIRST SIGNAL ELECTION ON? RBDF given deadline to register personnel for poll
FIRST SIGNAL ELECTION ON? RBDF given deadline to register personnel for poll
Politics and oandemic make strange bedfella.
Proguing 3 years, 7 months ago on Prime Minister announces General Election will be on 16th September
Prime Minister announces General Election will be on 16th September
With the campaign super-spreaders and elections we are more likely of being one of the world's most infected small island developing countries.
tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago on Sands - we need tough action
Sands - we need tough action
Perhaps Sands needs to visit the Ministry of Health website, click on 'health statistics', then click on 'mortality' and have a good hard look at the 2014 numbers for leading causes of death per 100,000 people in The Bahamas. The numbers were compiled by the Health Information and Research Unit of The Bahamas Department of Statistics and made available to the public in August 2017.
The leading causes of death in 2014 were as follows:
Heart disease 135 deaths per 100,000 people; Cancer 102 deaths per 100,000 people; External Causes (Accidents, Violence and Poisonings) 67 deaths per 100,000 people; Stroke 38 deaths per 100,000 people; Diabetes 30 deaths per 100,000 people.
The statistical info for leading causes of death for years after 2014 is not yet available on the Ministry of Health's website for whatever reason. But it's unlikely the rates that would be shown for the years since 2014 have gotten any better.
Over the past 18 months we've had 333 COVID-19 deaths in The Bahamas according to public health officials. Some believe that number has been skewed to the high side for political reasons, but that's a story for another day.
The 333 COVID-19 deaths so far equate to about 55 deaths per 100,000 people calculated as follows:
333 ➗ (18 ➗ 12) ✖️ (100,000 ➗ 400,000) = 55.5, where the population of The Bahamas is assumed to be about 400,000 souls.
All the scaremongering by our elected officials and their appointees is really baseless when you consider that the average person living in The Bahamas has a greater chance of dying from so many other things.
Incidentally, you have about a 133 in 100,000 chance of being raped in The Bahamas, nearly three times more than the likelihood of you dying from COVID-19.
For those of you interested in learning much more about COVID-19 and the vaccines, the latest research studies published by the Israeli government are generally regarded as the gold standard. So far, these studies support the greatest amount of ongoing T Cell and B Cell immunity being achieved through the development of natural immunity, i.e., those who have been infected and recovered from COVID-19.
And it now seems the novel experimental vaccines only provide waning protection for a period up to 8 months, with unknown potential long-term side-effects will only become known with the passage of significant time.
Sands continues to be a major disappointment. He, like Minnis, knows full well that our entire dysfunctional and grossly under-resourced public health system was on life support long before COVID-19 came along.
rodentos 3 years, 7 months ago on SPREAD THE WORD - IT WILL SAVE LIVES: Vaccinated are urged to explain to others why they took jab, curfew changes announced
SPREAD THE WORD - IT WILL SAVE LIVES: Vaccinated are urged to explain to others why they took jab, curfew changes announced
maybe that's the agenda? spread it without anyone notice?
whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago on SPREAD THE WORD - IT WILL SAVE LIVES: Vaccinated are urged to explain to others why they took jab, curfew changes announced
SPREAD THE WORD - IT WILL SAVE LIVES: Vaccinated are urged to explain to others why they took jab, curfew changes announced
It is completely a political game. If you don't see it then you've been played...
The game is the only thing that matters is covid - nothing else - For example:
In USA only 9k people died under the age of 40 of COVID, but they have 22k more overdoes than normal in that age group. Overdoses and mental surrounding them don't matter..only covid does.
Personal freedom - does it matter? Nope
Cancer diagnostics? Nope
Children's Mental Health and life outcomes? Nope
3rd world access to vaccines for more dangerous diseases? No only covid!
People's liviehoods and small businesses? Nope - money isn't as important people lives stupid
Um Health care was stretched before covid? Nope only covid can fill hospitals.
Do people die of things other than covid? Uh nope!
The over reaction to covid has been a series of missteps of historic proportions and everything since has been a political theatre to cover the bungled panic policies that likely killed as many people as they protected. It's a game of never admit you're wrong because the opposition will destroy you even if you destroy everything else in the process.. An arms race of alternative facts...
There is no immunity from this. The only people getting immunity is big Pharma and it's not from the virus it's from accidentally messing you or your kids genes up a few years down the road..
joeblow 3 years, 6 months ago on IT’S A BRAVE NEW WORLD: PLP stuns with total reversal of 2017 defeat
IT’S A BRAVE NEW WORLD: PLP stuns with total reversal of 2017 defeat
... was thinking the same thing! If people like Fred Mitchell, Obie and Alfred Sears get prominent positions in the cabinet then the PLP is not divorced from its corrupt past and dystopia 2.0 here we come!
Dawes 3 years, 6 months ago on IT’S A BRAVE NEW WORLD: PLP stuns with total reversal of 2017 defeat
IT’S A BRAVE NEW WORLD: PLP stuns with total reversal of 2017 defeat
Congratulations to the PLP. Please don't go the way a lot are expecting and prove them wrong. Tribune why no mention of the historic low turnout. I knw the excuse is the pandemic and the new voting requirements with a snap election called, but i know plenty people who could vote and chose not to. This indicates a serious lack of faith in our elected officials as the majority felt it didn't matter who won.
ohdrap4 3 years, 6 months ago on IT’S A BRAVE NEW WORLD: PLP stuns with total reversal of 2017 defeat
IT’S A BRAVE NEW WORLD: PLP stuns with total reversal of 2017 defeat
Did the headline writer read Aldous Huxley's brave new world?
tribanon 3 years, 6 months ago on $10.4bn national debt bigger than economy
$10.4bn national debt bigger than economy
When will all of the new cabinet ministers, new permanent secretaries, etc. be getting their fancy new cars?
whogothere 3 years, 6 months ago on Travel health visas no longer needed for inter-island trips
Travel health visas no longer needed for inter-island trips
Thats it - let go.. let it all go... common sense and reasonable step stop vaccine status segregation...both unvaccinated and vaccinated spread the disease; the vaccinated spread possibly seemingly at higher viral loads...unilateral testing should be the only gatekeeper if you must and it should be as close to free as possible...covid antibody count should open doors too..Vaccine efficacy fades we know that - natural immunity however goes for how long? We don't know how it long lasts because it rarely fails...we're still trying to cap that number all indications are many many times vaccine protective period without unknown side effects of multiple jabs...
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago on ‘Step in right direction’
‘Step in right direction’
The right step is ASIDE.
Porcupine 4 years, 7 months ago on Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas
Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas
This has been news for the last 30 years. There is nothing that can be done now. Why? Because we have not developed the brain power needed to cope with these issues. One misleading metric in Mr Johnson's interview is where "he indicated The Bahamas’ emission is 0.001 percent. “So obviously, we are not causing global warming and we are not causing climate change,” he said." This is simply because we don't have the population. But, to say that we are not causing global warming and climate change is extremely disingenuous. Our habits and lifestyles are precisely what needs to change. There is no debate here. Our mentality here in The Bahamas is exactly the same as it is in the countries that have caused the most emissions. Basically, it is this. Climate change is a hoax. Nobody will tell me what kind of car I can drive and they certainly won't tell me we need to change our economy. God has determined our fate and humans can't see it. It's fake news. If The Bahamas population were scaled up beyond that of a small city, we would be as culpable as any nation in the world in creating this situation and then, denying it even exists. This is the result of a country, any country, of largely uneducated, don't give a shit, uncaring people. Here, or our neighbor to the north. We are the same. Quit thinking in 8 decades for a 3 foot rise in sea level. By the time our 5 year olds are 25 years old The Bahamas may very well be undone by the sea level rise, displacing tens of thousands, the collapse of our economy with no visionary leaders and no skilled labor force, the decline or collapse of our conch, crawfish and fin fisheries, the social disintegration that we are starting to see, even now. You don't have to be a genius to see what is coming. But, you do have to do a little reading and give a shit. We don't seem to do either.