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USAhelp 12 years, 1 month ago on What the web shop employees and patrons say after the vote

Maybe i should run a club that allows the sale of pleasure drugs ,women,men i can give jobs to help all of these people and get a free pass from the PM maybe a good story from the paper. ????

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John 12 years, 1 month ago on 'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

F O U R young Bahamians killed in four days MURDERED! two more lost their lives on a motorbike accident..the time and effort and money spent on this gambling issue..is it worth it?

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Rontom 12 years, 1 month ago on 'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

What a very clever question--to regulate and tax. NOT legalize. Ensuring the end result would be much of the same. And the religious people got it wrong again. Not appreciating how cleverly they were used in this fashion, they are now emboldened to pursue this matter further with the unintended consequence of forcing the court to finally say that Bahamians have a right to choose to gamble if gambling is permissible in this country for non-Bahamians

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jackbnimble 12 years, 1 month ago on PM announces all web shops must close with immediate effect

If the PM is successful in doing this, my faith in him will be restored but he has to get it together. I am just saddened that this Government just missed a wonderful opportunity to establish a National Lottery because it seemed that all the focus was on getting the web shops regularised and it was obvious (in my opinion) that the lottery was just a second thought with no concrete plan in place to establish it. What a pity. I for one, however, will not count this Government out. We need to give them a chance to rectify this and not be so harsh. All leaders make mistakes and I believe Mr. Christie meant well. Personally, I am still rooting for him and his team. This whole exercise must be very sobering.

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grittygirls 12 years, 1 month ago on PM announces all web shops must close with immediate effect

Well return of the old fashioned numbers falling should return pretty soon. Despite the no vote this is obviously not the end of grass roots gambling And for all the high minded clergymen out there. Please channel your energy and fervour towards the abuse of women and children by yyour rank and file and I will have more respect for you. Also please don't let me see another church raffle ticket, tombola bingo or punch board stalls at your fairs and fundraisers

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tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago on Murder suspect wanted for shooting two police officers

@jackfish. You have it oh so wrong , it goes like this Hulan hannah steps to the mike" ahem the police while pursuing this dangerous suspect saw him asleep and as he made a twitching motion the officer in fear for his life discharged his fire arm fatally wounding the suspect. no coroners inquest needed here on to the next suspect. its amazing how the officer is always in fear for his life , the next time i catch someone on my land i intend to use the same statement , this has worked countless times for the police i wonder if the average citizen can get away with it just once .

magistrate i was in fear for my life so i chap him twenty times ,, sounds about right

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MartGM 12 years, 1 month ago on Police cracking down on opening hours of nightclubs

Perhaps we need to also look at the amount of "bars" that now operate like "clubs." They're open just as late...

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tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago on Suspect in police shooting faces armed robbery charge

Some thing needs to done about that big fat bald head police man , the one who escorts the prisoners to and from the courts . It was so amazing as Steven wrinkle was being led of to jail the bald head disrespectful police pointed him in the direction in which he should go and did not see the need to have him hold his head up when the cameras were on him , but the minute the little black boy who it was alleged shot at the police was being led out the courts this black shiny bald headed disrespectful lousy excuse for an officer pushes his head up and continues to tap him in the chest , live on national tv . this is not the first time this shiny bald headed lousy excuse for an officer has done this in front of the cameras and the general public , and not a peep from the fourth estate on his manhandling of would be alleged criminals , can you imagine what these guys get when they are hidden from camera view? if this is what is showered down on them in clear view of the public i shudder to think what befalls these citizens of this country of ours, the police are a law unto themselves, and this big fat out of shape, looks like a drag queen dressed as an officer, shiny bald headed ed excuse for a human needs to stop what he is doing .

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TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago on JUST IN: Wrinkle sentenced to jail

I guess half of the politicians who running the country need to go to jail to cause they dont pay electricity bill and they can AFFORD to! Just because a person can afford to pay a bill doesnt make him less of a criminal than the poor man its your actions that causes you to get locked up not the money in your pocket and definitely not THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN!

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gangof4 12 years ago on Melvin Maycock Sr and son are sentenced

Six months additional time for a major drug dealer who escapes from jail.....

Six months for the son of the drug dealer, who exchanged places with his father in jail when he escaped....

Six months for the police officer who also assisted the drug dealer to escape from jail....

One year for Wrinkle for tiefin' current......

Says it all really!!

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downthemiddle 12 years ago on Call for gay rights

amen....understandfacts....Men or governments around the world can legalise anything God calls detestable to him as outlined in Lev. 18, but HE will have the final say and may God have mercy on us all

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Concerned 12 years ago on Teacher admits bigamy charge

Hell has no fury like a woman's scorn. After all these years, the original wife still had it in with the no good husband.

Another great part to this story is the Jamaican woman who, according to her hyphenated surname, already went through one or two marriages herself. Hope she got her refund if this was a paid marriage of convenience so she can get spousal residency.

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dfitzerl 11 years, 12 months ago on Nation of Islam leader's claim of mischief despite accuracy of speech report

What ever one thinks of Farrakhan, I can't see how the words he spoke fit with the headline "Nygard faces the wrath of Farrakhan".

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islander242 11 years, 11 months ago on UPDATE: Police called to BEC headquarters

"UPDATE: Police have reportedly been called to BEC's head office as workers demonstrating outside banged on customers' cars as they attmepted to enter the compound."

Animals......If they hit my car I would run them over

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Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago on Rodney Moncur taken into police custody, again

Rodney, these are clearly publicity stunts. We understand that you care about police brutality, but do you think in this small Bahamas that the police are going to brutalize you or anyone nearby while you are present? Think again. If you want to catch them red-handed send someone in with a hidden camera, otherwise you getting purposely arrested does nothing for the inmates besides protect them for the wee little bit of hours that you are in there, waste my taxpayer money whenever you end up in court, and only add to the reason many ignore you for your eccentric ideas and actions.

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islandboy986 11 years, 11 months ago on Reader's views on the BEC standoff

Those persons who support Mr. Miller, doesn't have the slightest idea what's going on. I am a strong PLP and I am regretting the day he was voted in. It looks as if the D.P.M or the Prime Minister can't control him.

......The workers are just tired of the bulling around they received from him and it's time to take a stand.. You all talking about firing the employees. Haaa how about firing Mr. Miller. The only reason why the 2 employees who were suspended and fired was because they took a stand against Mr. Miller. He thought he was sooo powerful that no1 suppose to stand up against him.

......If you all have a relative working @ BEC, you will feel their pain.. Mr. Miller also has a problem with the worker's salary, it's like he wants to get richer and leave everyone else behind. So before you all support Mr. Miller, just hear what the workers have to say.