
1 Vote

whogothere 2 years, 9 months ago on Masks indoors - but not for hotels in new rule changes

It's simple - just get rid of the protocols/mandates - provide guidance - like if you're at risk take responsibility for your health. Exercise, eat right, get fresh air and sunlight, wear a N95 if you want to...etc.

2 Vote

immigrant 2 years, 9 months ago on Hotel staff want mask mandate to be extended

No they don't. If they do, how was it able to spread so readily in December and January when we were all wearing our masks? If both people are wearing properly fitted, medical grade masks and changing them frequently, then there is a <6% reduction in the possibility of transmission. If you think strongly otherwise, it should be your personal choice just as it should be mine to forego the nasty face diaper.

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bahamianson 2 years, 5 months ago on DELAYED: Majority of striking airport staff fail to report for work despite ‘illegal’ court ruling

Were they all sick with sick slips? If so, all the honest doctors should be investigated and brought before their ethical board. Do we just continue to be dishonest and carry-on as usual? Let me know , so I can alter my ways.

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AnObserver 2 years, 3 months ago on 'Save the country' with productivity

Thank you captain obvious.

I think that as part of the high school curriculum, every student should travel abroad and intern for a few weeks at a business, to get a sense of efficiency, as opposed to watching our workforce shuffle around the office while watching TV and spending three hours eating breakfast while at work.

4 Vote

bahamianson 2 years, 3 months ago on 'Save the country' with productivity

Tell that to the thousands of governmental workers whom get to work after 9am, eat their breakfast , walk around not answering phones until lunchtime, leave at 2 pm to pick kids up , and do not return to work that day. Friday is an unofficial holiday because none of them are working. It is a terrible situation.