
2 Vote

CAFS 11 years, 9 months ago on 'I have been discriminated against for my sexuality'

You honestly think God is sitting back saying thank to people like you who perpetuate hate-based discrimination? Shame on you

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ilikethesunshine 11 years, 9 months ago on 'I have been discriminated against for my sexuality'

Bashing their point of view? Well, if that view is obviously discriminatory, divisive and judgmental then it deserves to be bashed. Pushing and promoting discrimination, discriminatory policies or laws - or just promoting harmful division in society.... none of those are good OR worthy to accept on any level. So, if someone promotes those things it is a good thing for people to rebuke those views.

Laws against discrimination SHOULD include those with disabilities, those of a different race, people of different sexes, people of different sexual orientations, people of different faiths, etc. It is not beneficial to society or to individuals that these individuals would be treated as second class for these reasons. Keep in mind, people CHOOSE their faith. It isn't like your sex, race of disability. But, even though it is a CHOICE, it should be a choice that we protect and not discriminate against. (I say this because so many people want to justify discrimination against gays because they believe it is simply a "choice" and so on. Well, people choose their religion - that is for sure. It is repeatedly shown that they don't choose their sexuality, however. But, believe what you wish).

So, whether they are Haitian, Jamaican, Christian, gay or otherwise.... we should all be free from discrimination that is hurtful and harmful.

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ilikethesunshine 11 years, 9 months ago on 'I have been discriminated against for my sexuality'

What are they pushing on you? If a group is being discriminated against, marginalized by society, treated as second class citizens, not given the same legal rights.... do you want them to just shut up and not say anything? I would think that EVERYONE has a right to speak. Not to mention if they are the victims of discrimination. If you want them to be quiet about it then that is very, very sad. Besides, countless straight people are 100% supportive of full equality for gays and lesbians. It isn't just gays and lesbians who are speaking up when it comes to equality, discrimination, etc. Do you want them to keep quiet too?

By the way, many gays and lesbians CAN accept the religion of others. There is nothing wrong with people having different sets of beliefs. In fact, thousands of gays and lesbians ARE people of faith. Whether you like it or not, there are over 7,000 Christian churches that support gays and lesbians. What is WRONG is when your religious beliefs are used to restrict the LEGAL RIGHTS of other people. In other words.... please keep your religious beliefs contained to YOUR life vs. pushing your beliefs onto others.

Yes, there is pushing going on. But, the pushing is from those who are anti-gay and want to discriminate against OTHER people, reducing their legal rights (not permitting same-sex marriage, etc). Gays aren't trying to reduce YOUR legal rights. They're not. But, many religious folks want to tell gays what legal rights they should have - or shouldn't have.

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago on Dorsett raises concern over disease risk

Please also address the shantyization of the entire island with Town Planning. There's a clapboard booth being erected on every street corner in Nassau. There are crab crates all over the side of the road, every week a new clapboard structure is added to Long Wharf. Signs are pasted everywhere on trees, lamp posts, hillsides.

PLEASE do something it looks awful. We've been around it so long it almost seems normal but to the visitor who hits the island for the first time must think they're in a slum

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Interesting 11 years, 9 months ago on Butler-Turner and Rollins apologise

I commend Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner for her actions. I would be greatly disappointed in her if she failed to slap him on behalf of all women. “No” means “No” and “Stop” means “Stop”. This is the very reason why this is one of the most under-reported offenses that few want to discuss openly because it does happen often on the job.

No matter what men folk say of how the MP should have handled it, it is still “sexual harassment” in the work place. This causes a hostile and uncomfortable work environment. The Fort Charlotte MP was warned and he continued. Most men who behave in this manner actually act as if they are doing someone a favor and how dare one not appreciate what they think is a flattering form of attention.

Unwanted touching is violating one’s personal space and the person doing the touching needs to be called out for it. Why should this be dealt with in privacy so this person who feels so entitled can move along to make another person the target?

Unacceptable behavior that must be addressed immediately includes physical threats, abusive language, offensive jokes, put-downs and intimidation tactics. Many times the offender takes advantage of committing these offenses in isolation. But there are those who are bold and have the nerve to do this in public with an arm around you and whispering in your ear.

This should not be tolerated and this is the perfect forum to suspend or terminate the offender. This would be the perfect example for others to see how the work environment protects the workers of the government and all its people. Be and show respect for your colleagues especially when you are in the public eye.

3 Vote

banker 11 years, 9 months ago on Call to set up independent organisation

How can a forum have any effect on crime, when the solutions above are treating the symptoms and not the root causes. The root causes are deep and disturbing and woven within the fabric of Bahamian society.

Starting at the top, we have a government kleptocracy with the likes of Shane Gibson who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar with the Rolex watch and the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco. We have the cabinet minister with a closet full of money. Under a decent, moral system, these miscreants would be forced to resign along with the government according to the Westminster traditions. Instead they get re-elected to inflict more harm with their cronyism, partisanship, and robbing the treasury blind.

Then we have Bahamian society itself, with its endemic, embedded sweethearting and its institutionalized hypocrisy. In addition, we have homosexual and bi-sexual parliamentarians who rail against homosexuals and yet practice it. We have ministers of the church who molest children on the church premises and who are retained even though they are jailed. We have ministers who drive Bentleys and fly private jets in essentially a Third World country. All societal institutions are rotten to the core and corrupt.

Added onto this, we have children having children. Sweethearts have babies just for the financial gifts, and we have three generations of a sexual cargo cult of young girls having babies, fatherless children, and disenfranchised young men. Added to the mix, is a non-caring government who actually nurtures and fosters an illiterate, uneducated growing population who`s vote can be bought with booze, hams, turkeys, and rent payments.

In this crucible of the heart of darkness, lies an unfair economic system that further disenfranchises Bahamians, keeps them at mediocre, low paying jobs, and kills all hope of achieving what is termed the American dream. Bahamians do not own the hilltops, or beaches unless they are rich enough to acquire them unlawfully using the Quieting of Titles Act to carve it up into lots and sell it to rich foreigners. The Bahamian currency is not convertible, hence one cannot pay for a foreign education with the money earned in the Bahamaland.

So all in all, this is the perfect recipe for anarchy, crime, societal disturbance, poverty, early death, hopelessness and the loss of the more altruistic elements found in peoples with a higher developmental index that that of the Bahamian people.

So Dr. Allen can pontificate all that he wants. He would be more effective if he did an intervention on his cousin the current Prime Minister, and confined him for counselling until he grows some courage and morality glands and starts doing the right thing for the country, even though it is politically unpalatable and totally against the grain of the mindset of the parliamentarians.

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hj 11 years, 9 months ago on DPM: No one safe

We know that Mr.Davis. The question is what will you do about it,besides talking of course.

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B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago on Miller vows to switch off hotels owing money to BEC

I wonder if Mario's and other 'Miller Properties' are current. You think he's going to cut himself off for non-payment? Must be nice to be Chairman and not have to pay your bills.

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moncurcool 11 years, 9 months ago on Miller vows to switch off hotels owing money to BEC

This is totally wrong. How could a chairman be out in public outing some companies and not others. A person's or companies accounts are private unless they are taken to court for collection. To get in the public and call out one company to the exclusion of others is unethical and wrong. As a chairman, Leslie Miller is out of order for this.

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maryann 11 years, 9 months ago on Miller vows to switch off hotels owing money to BEC

Including the chairman did he settle his bill yet? He is talking about everyone else bills , what about his ?

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Reality_Check 11 years, 8 months ago on Insurer seeks stay on 'consternation causing' verdict

General insurers are free to determine which vehicles they may wish to insure under their underwriting practices, but it is the Road Traffic Department of the Government of The Bahamas that rightfully gets to determine under the laws of our land which vehicles the holder of a driver's license is qualified to drive/operate. If Mr. Duff and his cohorts persist in not accepting Justice Allen's very astute decision in this matter, then perhaps the Government should do away with the statutory requirement for vehicles to be insured and simply leave it up to the vehicle's owner to decide whether or not they wish to purchase insurance. Better still, the Government may wish to consider getting into the auto insurance business by offering it own basic policy covering the minimum acceptable risks whereby the premiums collected flow into our Public Treasury and not the well endowed coffers of corporate insurers.

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B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago on Repeal seatbelt law

Especially if you are a reckless driver which he admits to being. Sadly, it's the idiots like this driver that survive by some silly miracle but kill others innocent law abiding motorists. I was driving (speeding). I overtook some cars, passed the red light, and there was a car travelling south coming toward me. I tried to get back in my lane in time, but I clipped the front bumper of the car in front of me. Since I was speeding, the car flipped over several times, I lost consciousness and somehow landed on the outside of the car several feet away.

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banker 11 years, 8 months ago on AML targeting 50% dividend 'minimum'

Good on them. Their stores are heaven compared to the run down dumps that SuperValue has become. If they own the new store in Harbour Bay, then I want to shake their hand. It is the best grocery store in the Bahamas.

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Ironvelvet 11 years, 8 months ago on Moss does not object to 'play marriage' ceremonies between people of same sex

The term 'play marriage' is what bothers me most. I understand that many Christians and supporters of all things traditional don't believe In same sex marriage, but to trivialize the commitment of the two men as a 'play marriage' is downright wrong. The comment was a mockery. While I understand that in the Bahamas gay marriage is not legal, having a marriage ceremony done under the eyes of God is the truest commitment two people can make. Even if it is not legal/official....why make fun of the commitment two people have made with a Christian mindset?

I agree with many statements made above as to men and women who go to church weekly but live in a 'play marriage' because they are not living up to the commitments they made. Let's keep in mind normal human beings don't volunteer to live a lifestyle incongruent with societal norms and they surely don't choose to be mocked for what comes natural to them.

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banker 11 years, 8 months ago on PM says he ‘can’t wait’ for stem cell debate

Quote Christie: "I want them to tell me about all those FNM politicians who does be down at Nygard house."

This is our Prime Minister? How embarrassing. He is illiterate!

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eye2eye 11 years, 8 months ago on Man charged with causing damage to asphalt on JFK

Interesting.....bail refused after being accused of digging up many times bail granted after being accused of murder....what's it all about????

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Bahadian 11 years, 8 months ago on Customers cut off by BEC 'should be fully connected' by September

How about a permanent 10% discount to those residential customers who pay their bills in full every month?

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Reality_Check 11 years, 8 months ago on Water shortage fears compromised quality

And to think the foundation for all of this mismanagement was laid while our current Chief Justice (affectionately known to many as "Sir Pompey") was Chairman of the Water & Sewerage Corporation. One can only begin to pray for the well being of our Judiciary!

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dontliveonregerts 11 years, 8 months ago on Man charged with causing damage to asphalt on JFK

So he did all this damage between July 6th to July 12th and no one saw anything?? That's a whole week!!! And it's in the best interest of the public that he not be granted bail but the give it to murderers?? I am truly dumb founded!!!!!!!!!