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C_MonMan 12 years, 10 months ago on Lady Pindling hits back over Sir Lynden 'endorsement' of Ingraham
Lady Pindling hits back over Sir Lynden 'endorsement' of Ingraham
@dpratt, you claim the Tribune readers are mean and disrespectful, however, in your very next sentence you disparage all Bahamians by asking, "what else can you expect from a country where even the PM has no class". I guess your disparaging statement is not mean and disrespectful? Judge not lest you be judged.
2 Vote
notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago on Lady Pindling hits back over Sir Lynden 'endorsement' of Ingraham
Lady Pindling hits back over Sir Lynden 'endorsement' of Ingraham
PLP's are so predictably blinded by the brainwashing they've been subject to for the past 45 years. This is no time to be still worshipping the Pindling's and the elitist PLP entitlement culture. We've been brought into the light since 1992 - THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cc 12 years, 10 months ago on Nomination Day: As it happened
Nomination Day: As it happened
@vinceP And he found that money to fix up Abaco when things were "bad". How come Perry couldn't find any money to fix up Farm Road when he was in power, when the economy was so "good"? The PLP is a joke.