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BahamaPundit 10 years, 3 months ago on Survey gives the Bahamas positive report on perception of corruption

I took your advice and wrote them both this email (thanks for the addresses).

Dear Sirs,

I write because I am of the view that your survey has done a grave injustice to the Bahamian people. By ranking the Bahamas only 25th out of 175 countries in terms of corruption, you are condoning and giving veracity to an exceedingly corrupt regime. How does a government get more corrupt than stealing millions of dollars out of the treasury? The Bahamas should be ranked near the bottom of the list of corrupt countries. There are no term limits for politicians and no freedom of information act. Public funds are used on pet projects of political cronies. Tens of millions of dollars disappear without a trace each year. Please conduct more research before making your list next time.

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CatIslandBoy 10 years, 3 months ago on Bahamian-born woman accuses immigration staff of assault

Come on fellow Bahamians, don't let our temporary raw emotions underscore our pitiful ignorance. The story here is about the mistreatment of fellow human beings by our immigration officers. This is not a debate about legal or illegal immigrants. All persons, regardless of their status, are to be treated humanely, definitely not to be subjected to physical abuse.

As a former police officer I have observed many of our uniformed servants speaking in a derogatory manner to their fellow Bahamians, and much worse to foreigners, temporarily in their charge, who may not understand their version of English too quickly. In fact many immigration and police officers believe that if they yell louder, somehow they are understood more clearly. And if they don't have a logical response to a reasonable question, then they simply resort to force, and shut up the complainant.

The Immigration issue in the Bahamas is a complex one that begs for some measure of humanity while the laws of the country are being enforced. Of course we must secure our borders, and we must protect the rights of our citizens to a decent education, good health care, and jobs. However, this does not give us rights to abuse and dehumanize those who seek a better way of life, especially after the many years of backbreaking service they have given to this country for meagre earnings. I am always amazed at the thousands of Bahamian households in the islands of New Providence, Grand Bahama, and Abaco that employ Haitian, Jamaican, Dominican, and even Mexican maids, nannies, and other domestic labourers. Obviously if Bahamians were not providing streams of income to these people they would turn elsewhere to better themselves.

When we continue to speak (or write) derogatorily about our brothers, as if they are less than human, we are only showing our true colors to the International communities. I am currently half way around the world, but each day I pull up the Tribune to see what's happening in my beloved country. Potential tourists and visitors are doing the same.

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deablo01 10 years, 3 months ago on Bahamian-born woman accuses immigration staff of assault

Island boy, I am quite impressed with your response, because your response was so sensible and logical, I figured that you may have been a Bahamian that is currently not living in the Bahamas, or one of the sensible ones that eventually found a way out of a country that is on the verge of becoming the next Rwanda

This generation of Bahamians will never be able to relate to your humane post, simply because a Barbaric way of living seem to be a comfortable way of life for them.

all Bahamians seem to have sense for is to jump up and down on Clifford park in these political t-shirts in support of having these pirates elected, while the very ones elected using their contacts and forming relations overseas for when the shit hit the fan they can be on the first thing smoking out of that hell hole.

I am Bahamian and yes let's face it the Haitian kids can run circles around the Bahamian kids as it relates to academics, the average Bahamian parent always seems to more interested in what the child will be wearing or what vehicle they would be driving in for Prom.

I just read and article the other day about Haiti now producing IPads, from a local factory in Haiti using Haitian factory workers, and your government still encouraging Bahamians to become maid, bellman's and bus boys, be careful how you treat these people, simply because the Bahamas is already what Haiti use to be.

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Andrewharris 10 years, 3 months ago on Children 'left hungry and slept on floor' at Detention Centre

What Good Christian country this is... There are no words to describe this lack of humanity. This is a national disgrace and I for one am ashamed of my country. Yes illegals must be deported, this is not unique to the Bahamas but all Children everywhere must be protected at all costs regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion. There is no excuse for this. And the hatred expressed above by some of the readers is nothing short or evil. This is a national shame. Maybe a boycott is in order.

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DonAnthony 10 years, 3 months ago on FNM leader: Christie administration 'paralysed' in the face of crime

Crime and the fear of crime are destroying the quality of life in this country. Everyone is fear and it is a terrible way to live. While our police force leaves a lot to desired, in terms of more training and a reduction in corruption, most of our problems lie in an antiquated, dysfunctional judicial system. It is unacceptable to have such a backlog that it takes a minimum of three years for a murder trial to be heard. The result is serious criminals are released on bail as they have a right to have their case heard in a timely manner and can not be incarcerated while waiting for their trial. Victims and their families see that there is no justice in this and it leads to retaliatory crime. The courts do not dispense justice in a timely manner so people take the matter in their own hands. We needs courts that operate 24/7 until this backlog is cleared.

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countryfirst 10 years, 3 months ago on Plea for police protection after 'mob' interrupts protest

We all know who hired these guys but he has this government so far up his a-- that nothing will come of this matter.When you buy a government you can do whatever you wish.Sorry for those who can't pay to play.

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DonAnthony 10 years, 3 months ago on FNM leader: Christie administration 'paralysed' in the face of crime

Well it is not so simple. If the judiciary was working properly, leading to the incarceration of these many serious prolific offenders, where would we put them? The most urgent need is for a new, modern prison with at least 2-3 times our current capacity. Our current prison was designed to house 800 inmates and it regularly exceeds 1800 on any given day. I visited the maximum security section of our prison for one day and was shocked and nauseated. Indeed I came home, threw my clothes in the wash, showered and slept for 3 hours. It was in the summer and each 6x6 cell had up to 5 persons in it, with a slop bucket usually not emptied for the day. Men were pleading and begging for water. They were absolutely drenched in sweat and the scent was nauseating and indescribable. in short what I saw was human beings housed like animals. Some may say this is good, but I say if we dehumanize someone for years and treat them like animals, how can we expect when they are released that they will suddenly assimilate themselves in a healthy manner in society. We need to upgrade the facilities to a humane level and offer true rehabilitative programs, it is in our own best interest otherwise we will have a very high rate as we currently do of recidivism.

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DonAnthony 10 years, 3 months ago on Plea for police protection after 'mob' interrupts protest

Fred Smith and Joe Darville are two of the finest Bahamians I have seen. While I certainly do not agree with everything Fred Smith says I admire his passion and fearlessness. They give voice to the voiceless and stand up for the marginalized and disenfranchised in our country on a myriad of human rights and environmental issues. I am sure this is at great personal cost and risk to themselves. In fact it makes me ashamed of my own cowardice and apathy as well as that of most Bahamians. They are real bahamian heroes.

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asiseeit 10 years, 3 months ago on Plea for police protection after 'mob' interrupts protest

Once again dear you miss the point. There where many other people at this function and other organizations besides Save the Bays. This function was about Freedom of Information. Now I do not know one right thinking person that will say that Freedom of Information is a BAD thing. Politicians on the other hand do not want Freedom of Information as with it they will be held ACCOUNTABLE. We all know that many a politician has had their hand in the cookie jar, right Birdie? How can a group that wants to make our country transparent, our politicians accountable, and give Bahamians a say in what is done in their name a BAD THING. Who would want to disrupt such a function? Who would benefit from there being NO Freedom of Information? Ask yourself those questions and ask yourself if YOUR friends and family would benefit from a Freedom of Information Act. Birdie I know it's hard to see the forest for the tree's but you really should think before you bleat. These people are actually doing something that will make our country better for ALL not just those with deep pockets or party connections.

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Voltaire 8 years ago on Fred Smith condemns bill allowing police to intercept communications

Yeah right birdie - "He who does nothing fears nothing" - so then give us your real name and tell us how much the PLP pays you to spin your pathetic nonsense all day long. Privacy is a human right enshrined in the Bahamas constitution. We all want privacy and we all deserve it. To suggest that anyone who wants to keep the government out of their affairs must be guilty of some offence is utter nonsense, and the height of hypocrisy from a hired attack troll like you who hides behind a pseudonym like a petty coward. And the idea that this is "needed for the security of the Bahamas" is utterly laughable. This government has already demonstrated why they want to rape people's privacy - to steal their emails so as to try and invent a hair brained conspiracy theory in an effort to save their own worthless political skins.

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bogart 4 years, 5 months ago on Caribbean high for ratio of jailings

Education underpins transformative changes. Ministry of Education needs to be gutted...repeated policies year after year by alternating political parties doing the same thing expecting change is insane.

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bahamianson 1 year, 11 months ago on Ban ‘breeding and ownership of pitbulls’

The animals that owned pitbulls should be banned. The parents that have men and boys on bail for two and three murders should be banned, chained and flogged. Why do we not ban cars for killing people and knives for stabbing people. Knives and cars should be destroyed because they are constantly being used to slaughter fathers., mothers and children. Mr. White is playing emotional politics. Politicians.pander to the emotions of a few.

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Voltaire 1 year, 11 months ago on Ban ‘breeding and ownership of pitbulls’

I don't know about people who support pitbulls, but people who speak assertively about matters of which they are totally ignorant, could certainly benefit from professional psychological assistance. Aggression by a dog of any breed has nothing to do with the animal and everything to do with the owner. It is precisely a pitbull's friendliness to humans that makes so many idiots who are obsessed with looking tough seek them out, because they are more easily controlled than other powerful breeds. What usually follows is terrible abuse and neglect, to make the animal act more 'tough', resulting eventually in a broken and unstable animal, who then attacks someone. And your solution is to shoot the first victims of this barbaric cycle, in order to protect the second. What do you think will happen if your ridiculous suggestion is carried out? Do you think all these image-obsessed pit bull owners will just mind their own business? Or will they starting importing other, less naturally controllable, seriously dangerous dogs? The only sane answer is and has always been to hold owners responsible for the treatment of the animals in their charge, before a incident occurs.