
4 Vote

BahamaPundit 9 years, 3 months ago on 2,000 redundancies at Baha Mar after Supreme Court ruling

The "teachable moment" in all of this is that, moving forward, Bahamians must demand highly intelligent and efficient leaders. Race should not play a factor at all in deciding a leader, nor should charisma etc. We need global commerce and business savy, highly intelligent leaders, or, as is the case here, the whole Bahamas will suffer. The grass roots need to wake up; being black and PLP doesn't cut it anymore. Vote intelligence and efficiency or suffer the consequences.

1 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years ago on Bahamas rejects IMF's $200m Dorian offering

The less we borrow in foreign currencies from international and regional lending agencies like the IMF, World Bank, IDB, CDB, etc., the better. It seems our government is finally beginning to realize that such borrowings one way or another are conditioned on giving the lenders much too much say over our national policies, thereby impairing the ability of our elected officials to act in the best interests of the Bahamian people. But what we really need are austerity measures combined with social and economic policies aimed at significantly reducing the size of both our unsustainable grossly over-bloated civil workforce and our national debt.