Economist 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
Wait a minute, did not the Prime Minister say that he was not going to take sides?
lionfish 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
No matter his opinion he should never have said that. Not very statesmanlike.
bahamiangal 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
I think Perry Christie has officially lost HIS mind. This is so embarrasing to read. Hopefully he will realise he's no longer fit to run our beloved country and ring da bell.
Stapedius 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
Sometimes it is best to say nothing and let things unfold. Not certain that this public back and forth is getting us anywhere. Both parties are wrong. The tone of these communications are really not at a level expected of a government or an investor. So both morons need to keep their cool.
sansoucireader 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
Typical PLP move. Didn't they question the mental state of someone else who was opposing them recently? Can't make this stuff up. After a week of this ridiculous back-n-forth why is the PLP still the government?
Reality_Check 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
One only has to remember the occasion when Christie stood on the floor of the House of Assembly and carried on (in the conversational third person) a long waffling, rambling, in-coherent conversation between himself as Prime Minister and himself as Minister of Finance. I actually recorded that occasion and had a friend of mine with a Ph.D in Psychology (McGill) and M.D. in Psychiatry (Johns Hopkins) view it for laughs. She found it hilarious and stated that Christie definitely exhibits the symptoms one would expect of a certifiable mad man! The next day I began liquidating and converting whatever assets I had in the Bahamas to U.S. dollars for export elsewhere.
ED 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
No one is fooled Christie! We all know that YOU are the broken link that can't get our country to a better place. You're not an honest negotiator and you don't know how! All we can do is cringe at the incompetence with which you run our country.
Who voted them in again? So sad, but so true, there are that many dummies/ ignorant among us! When, I wonder...will Bahamians stand up to ALL politicians that put our country in danger. I don't care what party you come from, if you are dishonest and incompetent, we don't want you! When will we oust the incompetence from the highest office of the land....
Sadly, perhaps...our people are some of the weakest and most complacent people on earth with no drive to demand better. Few dare to speak up, when I do in public places, I so often get the stares of disbelief. Crickets!
ThisIsOurs 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
I completely agree. The way they panicked last week was the most scary part of this whole episode. What was that panic about? Then begging Minnis to come in and help... that was unbelievable.
My2cents 9 years, 5 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’
POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’
It's not worth repeating. You still clearly misused the word.
Cas0072 9 years, 5 months ago on POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’
POLITICOLE: The inaccuracy and lunacy of ‘xenophobia’
The overuse of the term xenophobia in the illegal Haitian immigrant/Bahamas context is intended to create a fake moral and intellectual high ground for illegal immigrant enablers once their arguments fail. I have long recognized this.
We share obvious similarities with Haiti, and whether by invitation or not, we have shared the same space with disproportionately high numbers of Haitians compared to any other nationality for decades. The only unknown with regard to Haitians in The Bahamas is exactly how many are illegal. Even if the high illegal immigrant figures thrown about are irrational and the stuff of imaginations, we face an uphill battle in finding out because, apparently, it is "xenophobic" for a country and its citizens to even want to know these things.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Loftus Roker is the father of every Bahamian today who enjoys a D- report card and very sub-standard public education! This man's legacy is the destruction of our public educational system by pulling overnight the work permits of hardworking, qualified and devoted foreign teachers (many of them Brits), creating many teaching positions for unqualified Bahamians. Roker was just too stupid to realize that all Ping really wanted was future generations of uneducated Bahamian voters who could be easily manipulated by him and his cohorts. Sean McWeeney, having already received his quality education from the foreign teachers booted out of the Bahamas by Roker, was only too happy to push with Roker for the premature Bahamianization of the teaching profession under the misguided belief that this would somehow help give Bahamian students a sense of national identity and preserve their Bahamian culture. But McWeeney, like Roker, was used as a political pawn by Ping to help Ping assume and maintain the Moses-like status he so very much desired to achieve over future generations of uneducated voters. Yes, the seeds of the average Bahamian's ruination were long ago planted by a most unwise and selfish few with Ping, Roker and McWeeney being chief amongst them! Ingraham and Christie have simply perpetuated the D- educated electorate, because this is the only means for their political survival that they will ever know.
TheMadHatter 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
And to top it off, there were very few Bahamian teachers added to the workforce. Most were imported from Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, and other southern Caribbean countries.
Prior to that, there were Brits here as you say, but also a lot from Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. They supplied high tech firms in Freeport, like Syntex, Borco, Franklyn Chemicals with educated tech staff and helped produce some of the older computer gurus that we have left in the Bahamas today.
The idea of the Ping govt was simply to replace WHITE teachers with darker-skinned teachers. Bahamianization was a nice sounding word, to allow them to bring in a host of teachers from the southern Caribbean most of whom our students could not understand the dialect of.
So basically we cut of our nose to spite our face, and the cost has hardly even begun to be paid yet.
lionfish 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
That's not fair to women!
GrassRoot 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
I agree, Izzy should not disrespect this PM, he should disregard him. This PM is a non-event, and if anything a liability for this country. Cant wait until he gets his own bronze statue. May be next to Mao and the current PM of PR of China, how about on top of Baha Mar, in a size that the good people of Miami can see it on the horizon?
Chucky 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Doesn't a PM have to actually earn his respect? Or is the PM owed respect? Last I checked, a PM is elected, based on what he says he will do for the country. Being elected PM, (or MP etc), is an impressive display of society's approval and respect, but that approval and initial respect lasts only as long as a PM remains true to his words from the election platform. Should a PM be dishonest, or dishonest and completely useless (and any other they public official for that matter) they do not qualify to retain any "respect".
Additionally, the use of the word "honourable" before the name and title of most public figures most often is a complete farce, might more aptly be considered an oxymoron, most certainly abuse of the language. The "honourable" has value when applied honestly and used in appropriate circumstance. The prefix "honourable" has be lavished more often on our most disgusting, not distinguished citizens; who happen to somehow be in public office.
Some of these politicians spout off with a dialect similar to that used by degenerate criminals, less the four letter words perhaps; their verbal diarrhea as ejected during their tantrum rants amounts to the most disgraceful image of the Bahamas ever painted!
The fact that one might call for automatic respect, should clearly illustrate how disillusioned and arrogant one really is. Truth be told, most Bahamians are completely fed up with, and hold complete disdain for these disgusting lowlife thieving scumbags public officials (elected or not). These same officials, have essentially proven to be unworthy of even the food they eat!
If there was a simple avenue to recall public officials, elected or not, how many of these goons would still hold an office?
One thing is for certain, no public official is willing to be accountable to the people, despite the efforts spent creating that illusion. And therefore, no public official will ever allow for the creation of a simple avenue of recall, lest he/she cut off his own head!
My2cents 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Xenophobic? Another classic and dramatic misuse of the word. But the rest of your comments are valid.
My2cents 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Xenophobia is an irrational fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners...and you clearly misused it.
This party's only solution to economic shortfalls is to promote tourism, i.e encourage foreigners to visit, invest or live. The Bahamas, has always been for sale to foreigners who could afford it and they have always been sought after by both parties. Are the Chinese not foreign?
The issue at hand is clearly financial.
GrassRoot 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Its not. it is a Westminster dictatorship combined with leaders lacking education and political grace, humbleness and greatness. How many people wanted PLP in charge again? And why do they have the majority in the house?
asiseeit 9 years, 5 months ago on Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
Roker: Izmirlian has no regard for PM
So if I had an extra billion I wanted to invest, I would come running to the Bahamas? Somehow I think that ship has sailed. I forecast rough waters and shoals galore for FDI in The Bahamas. Great job, we should give these guys a raise!
lkalikl 9 years, 5 months ago on PM questions mental health of developer
PM questions mental health of developer
Perry is the only one with mental issues. He and his gang of liars and thieves should resign immediately. The country cannot afford another moment of their incompetent leadership. Bahamians need to march to Rawson Square and demand the resignation of this government and call for immediate elections. Let Sarkis figure out his bankruptcy and get a new government in place that will look out for the interests of the people of the Bahamas, not the government of China. This government is the worst government in the history of the Bahamas.