SP 10 years, 8 months ago on BEC chairman blamed for financial problems
BEC chairman blamed for financial problems
Leslie Miller and Perry Christie are both certified jackass's according to the IDB.
The IDB offered a solar net metering solution to BEC & Christie that would have provided FREE SOLAR POWER to the 1000's of unemployed BEC disconnected customers and Christie said "no thanks, let them suffer in darkness".
They turn my power off for making payments 3 days late! Where do we go to sign up for the $5,000.00 BEC power credit?
Who the hell would expects more out of a "potcake" anyway?
BahamianAway 10 years, 11 months ago on Sex offender Fraser launches new church
Sex offender Fraser launches new church
SMH!!! Where is the Christian Council when you need them. And shame on Zion Baptist and Calvary Baptist ministers for endorsing this man. I understand the Christian view is to forgive and move on but seriously the man just got out of prison...furthermore even with forgiveness and Christian principles this man is still a sexual predator and should not be in any capacity allowed to lead people.
Just goes to show though...churches in the Bahamas are for money making purposes and we have way to many stupid sheep being led by wolves in sheep clothing.
A major operation conducted by a large group of police officers throughout our capital only yielded one illegal firearm??? On ONE street corner in Nassau there are at least a dozen gun- wielding criminals. A major crackdown should have resulted in more than just one confiscated illegal weapon. C'mon police force! Y'all can do better!
crabman 10 years, 11 months ago on Another boycott to be held to protest cost of power
Another boycott to be held to protest cost of power
Amazing, I am seeing the results of all the protests, yammering, yelling and sign waving. Knuckle Heads when will you learn that you "get what you got" because your faithful political leaders continue to allow it to happen.
I am only going to say one more word on the subject then step aside, because to this day I still cannot figure out how so many hundreds of millions of dollars were able to leave the country unnoticed but yet, we can catch a few fools trying to get on a plane to the US with over 10,000 in their pockets. Okay I am done and my final word is "CLICO".
Brenard 10 years, 10 months ago on Homes destroyed in shanty town fire
Homes destroyed in shanty town fire
This is indeed tragic, however I do not fathom why something illegal as such is receiving so much sympathy. Fundraisers? It just goes to show how pathetic and two faced the situation is on part of both the governments and citizens alike. It's the "type" of criminal and "injustice" that seems to be accepted.
I am not a prejudice person, I think both Bahamians and Haitians are equal as human beings. BUT, THE ?!law!? IS NEEDED TO ENFORCED BY AN IRON FIST OF THORNS.
When we have uncontrollable & difficult health outbreaks, then what would be the case? The other "type" of criminal also watches these kind of circumstances and the response that is given by authority. Where then do you think some of them get their steam/push from?
Cobalt 10 years, 10 months ago on Super Value owner backs D.N.A.
Super Value owner backs D.N.A.
So am I. Enough is enough. We should at least give Brandville a chance. Not only will placing the DNA party in power send a clear message to the FNM and PLP that Bahamians are fed-up with them both... but it will also allow both parties to regroup and initiate newer, younger members with innovative ideas that can propel the Bahamas into the 21st century. These current leaders are obviously old, have failed the Bahamas, and seem to only be interested in passing the blame while trying to align their own pockets. It's time to place the FNM and PLP both on the shelf for now.
Publius 10 years, 10 months ago on This Wednesday marks the second year anniversary of the PLP's election victory. How would you grade their two years in office?
This Wednesday marks the second year anniversary of the PLP's election victory. How would you grade their two years in office?
I voted F. And since we cannot use profanity in this forum, I am unable to say what that F stands for as far as I am concerned.
denote 10 years, 10 months ago on This Wednesday marks the second year anniversary of the PLP's election victory. How would you grade their two years in office?
This Wednesday marks the second year anniversary of the PLP's election victory. How would you grade their two years in office?
I'm giving the PLP a L for being Lame, Lost, Lousy, and a bunch of Liars who never Listens to the voice of the people.
BahamianAway 10 years, 10 months ago on Man stabbed to death over ‘one dollar’ after dice game
Man stabbed to death over ‘one dollar’ after dice game
WELCOME TO THE WILD WILD WEST...I feel like everytime I read the papers I am transported to watching an old country western film. Gamblers cheating in the saloon and get shot or stabbed...LOL!!!
What's next prostitutes getting dragged through the streets behind cars...
BahamianAway 10 years, 10 months ago on Residents to be relocated after shanty town fire
Residents to be relocated after shanty town fire
Please someone tell me this was a mis-report. There is no way the Bahamas government is seeking temporary shelter for illegal immigrants. I don't believe it...Mr. Rolle must have reported this story incorrectly.
The only place illegal immigrants should be relocated is back to whatever country they illegally migrated from.
“Anytime you have a tragedy like this, the government’s first priority is a utilitarian effort, providing a temporary shelter to those who would’ve suffered,” Mr Curry said. “The immigration policy is still in force and I’m sure the Department of Immigration will use due diligence to bring under control the immigration problem on the island.”
Mr. Curry must be a jackarse...the only way the Dept of Immigration can bring the immigration problem under control is to deport people who are here without proper documentation.
As a legal Bahamian I am highly irate that they would seek to house illegal immigrants anywhere other than the detention centre and prepare for deportation. WTF is wrong with the Bahamas government...draining our limited resources to provide for people who are here illegally. Utilitarian my ass...provide food and shelter at the detention centre and send them home.
BiminiHomeowner 10 years, 10 months ago on Diver warns of 'pending catastrophe' for Bimini
Diver warns of 'pending catastrophe' for Bimini
If only Perry Christie and Resorts World weren't so corrupt, they could have listened to the other stakeholders in Bimini and put forth a plan that would have benefited everyone.
Their arrogance and ignorance is astounding.
crabman 10 years, 9 months ago on Shock as scale of dredging in Bimini is revealed
Shock as scale of dredging in Bimini is revealed
ya reap what ya sow.....ya suckers sell ya souls for school fees and pampers when Obie starts dancing around during the election, when the world starts to boycott Bimini, go ahead and reelect, fools......
B_I_D___ 10 years, 9 months ago on Man found dead in public bathroom after shooting
Man found dead in public bathroom after shooting
No homocide here...just causing some harm...carry on...
BahamianAway 10 years, 9 months ago on Two out on bail are shot dead
Two out on bail are shot dead
We've got us a Bahamian Batman...avenging Bahamians and disposing of criminals. Best advice...keep them in jail because out in these streets they call it MURDER!!!!
Cobalt 10 years, 9 months ago on DION SMITH: Nassau Village 'frighteningly poor'
DION SMITH: Nassau Village 'frighteningly poor'
Whenever someone enters a country illegally and attempts to live there, problems are bound to occur. These Haitian descendant who have no papers need to fault their Haitian parents for coming here illegally. Maybe I should have used the word "confined" to a life of poverty rather than "choosing.
ohdrap4 10 years, 9 months ago on Another waste of tax money
Another waste of tax money
there were some representatives of this festival on the radio today. somehow, good public speaking earns a lot of bullshitters all sorts of jobs in the Bahamas. reminds of the well known essay "How to say nothing in 500 words".
It was extreme bullshit how these entrepreneurs are going to sell thousands and thousands of costumes, and music artists will gain prominence in the world stage, and how the thing will go viral on facebook, so all facebookers are going to want to come to the Bahamas. then the usual quote about how faith in god will make it come to pass. Talk about using the name of the good Lord in vain.
Then there is the midnight Rushout, all in the street can join the conga line an participate.
I can't wait to dress like dynamite daisy and take a little spin on the peaceful streets of Nassau at midnight. (You think my car windshield will be intact when I return?)
As I said before, after a few million dollars are doled out to select few, the thing will die a natural death.
Bahamians don't know how to make carnival, and don't understand any history pre-1967.
ohdrap4 10 years, 9 months ago on Another waste of tax money
Another waste of tax money
Perry said he got the idea of Carnival from a trip to Trinidad yet at the same time called it MARDI GRAS.
Please don't let him go to the rose parade in california.
he will buy rose bushes at a thousand a piece to make one here.
Tarzan 10 years, 9 months ago on SMALL WEBSHOPS: ODDS AGAINST US
But if you impose a licensing tax on drug dealers it is unfair to the small drug dealers who are just starting out.
Hogfish 10 years, 9 months ago on Avoiding devaluation reason for lack of cuts in duty
Avoiding devaluation reason for lack of cuts in duty
"MINISTER of State for Finance Michael Halkitis said the government’s decision not introduce across the board Customs duty reduction with the looming implementation of value added tax (VAT) will prevent the government from “sinking further in debt” and avoid currency devaluation. "
"Spending To Increase For 30 Ministries And Departments "
Cobalt 10 years, 9 months ago on DION SMITH: Nassau Village 'frighteningly poor'
DION SMITH: Nassau Village 'frighteningly poor'
True words. But we "the citizens" of the Bahamas need to shoulder some of the blame aswell. Nassau Village and other poverty stricken areas around Nassau are usually the direct result of "poor choices" by the individuals who inhabit them. I agree that both governments have failed in that job opportunities have not become readily available to the average Bahamian. We could probably write a book on the historical failures of the Bahamian government. But from an objective point of view, I also think that many Bahamians expect the government to be responsible for their choices. Bahamians need to understand that the government is not a baby-sitting entity. Many of these ghettos are occupied by decendants of illegal Haitians who have chosen a life of crime and poverty. Bahamians are demanding jobs, but many of them refuse to enhance their knowledge base and skills needed to fill available positions. And there's really no excuse seeing that education and knowledge is so readily available. I grew up poor aswell.... but my mother always warned me that if I didn't do well in school I would never find a job. So instead of picking up a gun, I picked up a book. Now.... employers are constantly calling. Before we can criticize the government, we need to consider how we're contributing to the problem.