alltogetherasone1 11 years ago on Push for talks on reparations
Push for talks on reparations
The imbalance created by slavery and colonization in our societies explains the difficult position of our states. We must rebuild (our identity, assert our independence, our own thought which we have been deprived for centuries…)
All countries of the world are in debt. The world is changing, and a new model of society is to be created, the previous being come to an end.
Our leaders are under tremendous pressure from former colonial powers and should be courageous, audacious… Colonial empires in decline are ready to do anything to not lose this other part of history.
Propaganda against a man is a constant in our communities. Without evidence, we like to repeat what circulates. Critical thinking should we stimulate more.
alltogetherasone1 11 years ago on Push for talks on reparations
Push for talks on reparations
There will be no mature conversation with european on the matter ; and, we don’t need their agreement to do what we consider just ; CARICOM nations should start list names–petitions, meet diasporas, organize meeting : ORGANISATION is the first word that comes to my mind while reading this interesting article. The communication between all african and african descent must be more efficient. Any black on earth should know what CARICOM is doing in order to join the group. Many documents and witnesses will come from all over the world. Let us write and share our own page of history. The UK government will not reconsider the fortune of the British colonial Empire. I have a serious doubt that this case can go further in La Haye Tribunal (the members that pay the cotisation for this Tribunal are the european countries in question, and will be the defendants in our case). This Tribunal is well known to judge african presidents for « crime against humanity ». that sounds scinic ! Those presidents are judged by the people who helped them to maintain the power…It sounds difficult…but almost impossible to judge those states in their countries, on that matter. We must keep in mind that many white people have succeeded during the period of slavery and colonization , made huge profits… None of them can really feel the negative effects of this tragic part of history. The spokesman for UK said : « reparations are not the answer ». Only victims can express what they consider fair as an answer.
We have to be strong and courageous. We have to support this initiative, all together as one voice. We have to be aware that what’s happened in the past continue in another way… CARICOM is currently asking white children to judge their white parents and families who participated in the construction of their nations. The criminal acquisition during this long period and psychological abuse is redefining white thought somewhere... It seems obvious to me that Europe retains nostalgia for those years in power. Time of discovery of other worlds, prosperity ... CARICOM should trace the societies and the names of the people (masters owners of slaves, societies...) and sue them in Caribbean. I think it’s those people who have to turn against their own countries. CARICOM must try this case on one of its territories, and the reasons are the follows: to protect the victims, and make sure that we will write our own story for ourselves, for the memory of our ancestors, and for our children. It sounds incredible, ridiculous and a slave position to ask the states that established this humiliant and repugnant strategy through centuries and incrusted in the minds of their people the audacious freedom to do so , to judge that matter : how could you trust them again ? We should have learnt to be more prudent, careful , suspicious… That means (always) somewhere that black people still believe, hope in a white sympathic recognition…