
3 Vote

stillwaters 3 years, 3 months ago on Surely we can do better than this

People, please go get vaccinated or try harder to follow the established protocols and stop flirting with death. He's a fatal lover........stop putting yourselves in harm's way.

5 Vote

Cobalt 3 years, 1 month ago on Officials 'expecting Bahamians to be disciplined' as curfews end

Did this man just use “Bahamians” and “Disciplined” in the same sentence??? That’s the textbook example of an oxymoron.

6 Vote

Clamshell 3 years, 1 month ago on VICTIM FIGHTING FOR LIFE: Footage reveals full horror of beating and driver’s ‘attack’

Agree … horrible as this was, it was not “road rage.” Whoever wrote that headline should be made to go stand in the corner, wearing a dunce cap.

5 Vote

zemilou 3 years, 1 month ago on VICTIM FIGHTING FOR LIFE: Footage reveals full horror of beating and driver’s ‘attack’

While this is one more tragic incident in the ongoing history of brutal violence in Nassau, please get your headline terminology right -- especially as, if one only looks at the headline, they assume that another form of violence has hit Nassau's streets.

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of road rage: "a motorist's uncontrolled anger that is usually provoked by another motorist's irritating act and is expressed in aggressive or violent behavior."

1 Vote

B_I_D___ 3 years, 1 month ago on VICTIM FIGHTING FOR LIFE: Footage reveals full horror of beating and driver’s ‘attack’

When I opened the paper this morning and read the headline...then got to the part saying domestic dispute...I had Tribune Rage, not road rage. What an idiotic and intentionally deceitful headline. Morons.

3 Vote

FrustratedBusinessman 3 years, 1 month ago on Churches condemn rising domestic violence


As if the irreligious parts of the world are any better when it comes to this issue, and no, those teachings do not lead to domestic violence. On the contrary, the Bible says to love your wife as yourself. One flesh. I will tell you like I tell everyone else : unless you have read the Bible cover to cover, don't have an opinion on it.

Anything to Christian bash by the midwit atheists on this forum.

2 Vote

KapunkleUp 2 years, 9 months ago on ROLLE - STRONG ARM TACTIC MUST CHANGE: Commissioner says he’s working to end ‘us v them’ culture which blights force

Bla, bla, bla. We hear something like this every couple of years. External independent oversight with the power to fire and prosecute bad actors is the only thing that's going to make any difference. Just the other day a friend of mine was threatened with arrest because the traffic cop felt like he wasn't getting the 'respect' he deserved.

1 Vote

tribanon 2 years, 9 months ago on ROLLE - STRONG ARM TACTIC MUST CHANGE: Commissioner says he’s working to end ‘us v them’ culture which blights force

All Rolle is doing here is confessing that for decades now police cadets have not undergone a sound programme of basic law enforcement training at the academy. And just as our corrupt and elitist political ruling class are responsible for the D - education students get in the public schools, they bear responsibility for the D - training cadets get at the police academy.

I remember a time when discipline was considered one of the most important hallmarks of a good police cadet and police officer. Those were the days when the importance of self-discipline and a courteous self-demeanor were instilled and valued in all ranks of our law enforcement personnel, from police cadets throught to police commissioners.

But today we see too many undisciplined law enforcement officers who, like so many of our corrupt and incompetent politicians, are grossly overweight and unfit to fulfill their duties. Rolle is one of them. Sadly the system is terribly broken and probably beyond repair like so many other things in our country today.

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bahamianson 2 years, 8 months ago on PETROL STRIKE FOR EASTER WEEKEND? Operators say they are struggling to survive as fuel costs increase

The gobment takes all of that profit and also charges VAT. They charge upon a charge. That is insane. All they seem to do is wait for someone to start making money , then tax them on their idea. The gobment is lazy with no plans to make money otherwise taxing everyone else .

1 Vote

sheeprunner12 2 years, 8 months ago on PETROL STRIKE FOR EASTER WEEKEND? Operators say they are struggling to survive as fuel costs increase

Importing cheap cars and gas may seem to be a bad thing to many, but it is CA-CHING to the Government ................. Another cruel way that the Government has squeezed the small man unmercilessly through taxes, VAT and the PEPs who benefit at the top.

That is why the Government will drag its feet to do any form of taxation or public transport reform.

2 Vote

M0J0 2 years, 8 months ago on PETROL STRIKE FOR EASTER WEEKEND? Operators say they are struggling to survive as fuel costs increase

While I sympathize with the operators closing is not the best option a smarter one will be sell out your reserves and do not purchase until the government either drops the taxation or provide relief, but on the flip gas is essential.

3 Vote

bahamianson 2 years, 7 months ago on TEACHER FEARS AS PRINCIPAL ATTACKED: Head of LW Young struck on head during altercation

Hold on , they all need a good cut tail. In my day, even if you were made at a student, you automatically calmed down when you saw a teacher much less the principal. She took it to another level when she swung at the principal. She and her parents need to see a psychologist.

1 Vote

KapunkleUp 2 years, 7 months ago on TEACHER FEARS AS PRINCIPAL ATTACKED: Head of LW Young struck on head during altercation

These growing number of incidents are sad on so many levels. All said and done, it's the parents who are ultimately to blame for this state of affairs. Parents need to be held responsible for their kids behavior.

4 Vote

bahamianson 1 year, 11 months ago on Mitchell blasted by Dame Marguerite

Thought the tribune would not allow one to discuss. News media needs to stop controlling discussions. It is a democratic society.