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3 Vote
bahamar 11 years, 4 months ago on 'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
Shame shame shame on this country of xenophobes.
1 Vote
B_I_D___ 11 years, 4 months ago on 'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
Sadly our country is FAR from Christian and Christian values...anything but. They are Christians of convenience. When they find themselves in a hot spot for what they have done wrong, they PRAISE THE LORD!! They go to church on Sundays to make themselves look good, while they lie and cheat and adulter and fornicate and steal. Christian my arse. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.
rory 11 years, 4 months ago on 'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
If indeed someone (any nationality, anywhere) was raped then the perpetrator should be brought to justice - that is not even up for debate.