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MartGM 12 years, 9 months ago on Residents tell of living with the fear of crime

I don't think anyone here is "shooting down good deeds." The major point is you don't need a police to tear down a home. Most of these communities have community leaders. Through the Urban Renewal initiative, those community leaders can be in charge of that. Why remove police from where they're needed?

I have no political affiliation. I give right where I feel right is needed. Police Officers don't belong in Urban Renewal. Community leaders and other member of the civic society belong there! If you need to call in a police or two to help every so often, then fine...but they shouldn't be the central focus.

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MartGM 12 years, 9 months ago on Residents tell of living with the fear of crime

This is simply amazing! When the man said, "Once the area is cleared up the community will be safer and it will be a more positive environment to live in, definitely" I thought, this man just drank the poison kool-aid this administration is giving away. I don't understand how one can instantly equate safety to removal of derelict buildings. We have become a society of mindless yes-men who question nothing and agree with everything the government throws our way. Yes, removal of old run-down buildings are a factor in crime reduction, but not the ONLY factor! You don't tear down buildings today and see crime reduce by 30% tomorrow.

I agree with the general ideology behind Urban Renewal, but I strongly disagree with the amount of police officers needed for this initiative. The same civilians Nottage wants to put in the station can work at the Urban Renewal offices. if you want to remove homes and clean up the neighborhoods, fine...but why do police officers (and soon defence force officers) need to do it??

Civilians would do a better job if only for the mere fact that people feel more comfortable around their own. They can go and speak freely to civilians working with Urban Renewal. I doubt the same will be felt with uniformed police officers. SMT...

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paul_vincent_zecchino 12 years, 7 months ago on Bay Street faces shop closure threat

Uncannily as with the regressive regime stateside, doesn't it seem there's a fixation to drag us back to the dark old daze of the late 60s-early 70s - the heyday of these activists?

Why so few at the top wish to herd citizens back to an era which none in their right minds wish to revisit, isn't so much a mystery. The motives are old and tediously predictable.

As Cuban-American friends say, "We've seen this movie before, and it doesn't end well."

Paul Vincent Zecchino Manasovietskiya Ortova, Florida 04 August, 2012

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positiveinput 12 years, 7 months ago on Bay Street faces shop closure threat

When will our law makers notice that as time goes by, our laws need also to evolve to keep up with changing time.

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moncurcool 12 years, 7 months ago on Bay Street faces shop closure threat

How backward are we? In the 21st century, the government is mandating people to close their businesses on a holiday. I guess this is no longer free enterprise.

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mynameis 12 years, 7 months ago on Referendum aims to bring equal rights for women

This story alone should indicate to us that politicians lack integrity! Well, by damn! So in 2002 Bahamian women weren't being discriminated against by the Constitution, hey? I suppose this is what we the collective get when we fail to accept responsibility for ourselves and solely rely on politicians to guide and direct us!

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concernedcitizen 12 years, 7 months ago on Referendum aims to bring equal rights for women

to my friend mynameis..papa put it to a vote ,we had the chance and the plp rattled that old schackles and chain rethoric and the people ran and voted to shackle themselves and their women again .........2002

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pfunkf 12 years, 7 months ago on Referendum aims to bring equal rights for women

IN the words of the DELIVERY BOY the grand duke"history will prove that i was right about the 2002 referendum" the greatest loosers of that day was and still is,is bahamian woman.then mel griffin,glenis hanna,allison maynard,and their plp women compadres all sat dumbstruct idly by and allowed paul adderley, bishop gomez,philipa russel,steve mckinie and the rest of the plp machinery to succeed in destroying what was a most oppertune moment in time for bahamian women.they all ought too hang their heads in public disgrace.the naked truth is that bahamian women have only themselves to blame.they were set back 10 years and still counting.where is the strong,commited,intelligent bahamian women that we hear so much bragging about? why do she surrender her advancement and intreast into the hands of fred mitchel,political prostitute extrodinere?are she admitting that he can speak for and achieve for her what she refuse too demand and posess by her own networking?. who is fooling who?

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242 12 years, 7 months ago on Referendum aims to bring equal rights for women

Here is quote from a 2002 Fred Mitchell speech in Fox Hill, which he posted the transcription of on his own website.....

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is important for you to turn up to your respective polling stations and to vote ‘NO’. You must vote ‘NO’ to all five questions. I am like the Honourable Arthur D. Hanna in that regard. I don’t need to know the facts. I just need to know where to vote ‘NO’. "

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242 12 years, 7 months ago on Referendum aims to bring equal rights for women

Not to be confused with the New New PLP, PLP 2.0, nor PLP 2030....I miss any?

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pilgrimagerock 12 years, 7 months ago on PM defends PLP's blocking of previous referendum

Wow, PM Christie you have no moral shame. As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, I am totally offended by your remarks. I reckon that you and your pathetic administration are still pissed off with Pastor Leonard Johnson’s using the Independence Day as a forum to speak out against the gambling referendum.

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concernedcitizen 12 years, 7 months ago on PM defends PLP's blocking of previous referendum

Good golly , i,m going to my boat to get my spear and sling and try to brain myself ,,,,,ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,and the worst part is there will be thousand of their supporters parroting this complete and utter hogwash ........

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242 12 years, 7 months ago on PM defends PLP's blocking of previous referendum

He said he was against it because he hada to take the side of the church in the church against gambling so he against that too? nope.... PLP = Perry Lying 2 People

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BoopaDoop 12 years, 7 months ago on Neighbour threatened death

This is why most people turn a 'blind eye' to criminal activity. People find it hard to trust anyone including the police.

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bahamasoapmama 12 years, 7 months ago on Neighbour threatened death

The police must be out of their bloody minds if they think people are going to be foolish enough to go to the police to report a crime when it seems like the police force is riddled with criminals.

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bahamasoapmama 12 years, 7 months ago on Emancipation day shootings

No member of the public in their right mind will come forward because a leak is almost guaranteed and then next thing you know some one is kicking down your front door and shooting everyone inside your home.

Its more than evident that we have no standards here in the Bahamas and the law is only as good as the money that pays for it.

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BoopaDoop 12 years, 7 months ago on Weekend of violence

We need to resolve disputes without violence. Note to Tribune: The plural form of knife is knives, not knifes.

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Concerned 12 years, 4 months ago on Storm floods 'frightening'

Cutting banana bunches in front of TV cameras and paying the farmer for the bananas and sugar cane to take back on the plane to Nassau does not really count as firsthand assessment. Standing at the edge of a flooded road but not getting in the back of a dump truck to ride to the other side to see what really happened in Grand Bahama also does not count as firsthand assessment. Speeding through the narrow street of Cat Island and stopping for photo ops with arms wrapped around old ladies do not count as firsthand assessment. I can go to a theatre to see a puppet performance. Shouldn't have to go to Cabinet to see one.