concernedcitizen 11 years, 3 months ago on 'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
One thing about Tals he /she is consistent ..Tals got a litlle snippy w/ PGC about the" numbersmen" but apart from that the whole PLP uppity ups could move to Belize w/ every cent from the treasury and Tals would say ,at least HAI didn,t get none ,,
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 3 months ago on Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp
Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp
Huh...I was just at Montague on Sunday and funny enough every single person I spoke to was Bahamian...I interacted with 6 vendors all Bahamian...long before we had this massive immigration problem we had problems with people throwing garbage haphazardly on any undeveloped lot, derelict vehicles, throwing bottles and food trash out of moving cars. Potters Cay has been filthy since I knew it....Lets fix the beam in our own eye before we point out the mote in someone else's.
rory 11 years, 3 months ago on Defence Force 'won't investigate' Cuban woman's rape claims
Defence Force 'won't investigate' Cuban woman's rape claims
The guard's "name is very well known throughout the detainees there" which is how the lying Cuban activist sons of btches were able to make up that fake report to begin with and send it to the news media - just a probability worth considering while you clowns jump to conclusions about a non official report from an unknown source.
bernard20051988 11 years, 3 months ago on Prime Minister 'too tired' to answer questions on Cuban detainees and spiralling murder rate
Prime Minister 'too tired' to answer questions on Cuban detainees and spiralling murder rate
I normally never feel inclined to respond to the tribune but I must say you guys have to win the award for the most BLATANTLY biased paper in the world. FOX is a joke to you guys. If u guys could be half as balanced in your articles maybe we would have a better informed electorate. Your headline is Grossly misleading. I submit if this was Hubert Ingraham the headline would be completely different. while I am no Christie fan, its sickening to see the bias you guys display. Many times Ingraham told reporters "ine come here for dis" or "ine answerin dat" or he simply ignored them. Never did you have an article saying o, Ingraham don't have time to answer questions Bahamians want answers too. Even though I blame the PM because he is too media friendly in my view, and he makes you guys believe that he must accommodate yall every where he goes, shoots he went to make a presentation NOT to field questions from the its his right to decline to be interviewed.........If you guys truly want to do the country justice....have this same approach when the other party is in power...and if you cant...atleast TRY to do a better job in covering up your bias. The media plays a great role in this country...this is suppose to be a respected paper...but as a young person I say without hesitation, you guys are slowly becoming nothing more than a tabloid for the FNM and that's sad.
emac 11 years, 3 months ago on Prime Minister 'too tired' to answer questions on Cuban detainees and spiralling murder rate
Prime Minister 'too tired' to answer questions on Cuban detainees and spiralling murder rate
The difference is, Ingraham would never make such a comment. Further, Corruption sells. We all know which government is corrupt to the core. I am not saying that the FNM does not have its flaws but it is like comparing apples to cassava. Finally, those who are in politics or leadership positions, and cannot take the heat should simply resign and go on with their private lives. Simple!
banker 11 years, 3 months ago on Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp
Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp
Sorry concerned, you are wrong on this one. It een about black people selling fish on da ramp. It was nasty place then, and it still is. It stunk to high heaven. I went there once or twice to buy fish and stone crab, and I got sick from lack of refrigeration. And there would always be lowlifes hanging around that made me look over my shoulder and at my car to see if anyone was breaking in. Not only did I get pick pocketed there, but the lady selling fish out of a huge Ford 150 (the red one) gave me fake currency as well. They tried to make it into a venue like the straw market by fixing it up, and the folks just kept their nasty habits.
bismark 11 years, 3 months ago on Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp
Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp
looking at those photos,its just nastiness on their behalf,they could have secured it better than that if they knew no truck was coming,just an excuse to be nasty,they make a lot of money out there,it is their workplace,they could have gotten together and do something ,but everybody has a don't care attitude then they quick to blame someone else,clean it up!half of those debris can be bagged and stored properly for whenever the truck arrives.
My5Cents 11 years, 2 months ago on Griffin warns of poverty rise
Griffin warns of poverty rise
subsidize vasectomies heavily..these people need to stop having children they can't take care or two by accident is okay but when you have 5 children and didn't have no job from the first one something wrong
banker 11 years, 2 months ago on Griffin warns of poverty rise
Griffin warns of poverty rise
This is for TalRussell…" title="Superman" />
briwest1773 11 years, 2 months ago on Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings
Minister announces 'imminent' proceedings
I do not agree with the abuse at the detention centre...we should not violate the rights of detainees. Now with that being said....yall know that if a Bahamian had set fire to the detention centre the way the cubans did to ours....that Bahamian would get lost in a cuban prison..with no paper trail to say they were ever brought there.
We were wrong to abuse them if abuse did occur, but i will not drag down my country and side with people who are trying to destroy us. At the end of the day we are all Bahamians and the US and Cuba couldn't care less if our economy is in the toilet. I am not a PLP but I will not help foreigners destroy us by speaking bad of our country just to make the plp look bad!!!!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 2 months ago on Fred Mitchell orders investigation after Cuban migrants apprehended
Fred Mitchell orders investigation after Cuban migrants apprehended
Tals really every time something comes out a little askew about any PLP ,and you turn it into an attack on the "red shirts " it is both childish and boring .At this point the FNM is on there knees and has no say at all on policy and international relations .Tals a year and a half ago your party won ,TALK ABOUT THEIR GOVERNANCE ..How can there be a fair and impartail hearing when the alleged victims are back in Cuba ??,,You really do have OCD that anytime a PLP is on the hot seat you rattle on about imaginary plots and twist with in the FNM ,,ITS IS SOMETHING YOU HAVE ABSOLUTLY NO CONTROL OVER , IF A PLP MP IS GETTING HEAT OR A FNM TALKS YOU AUTOMATICALLY GO INTO FNM BASHING ,,,MEDICATION MAY HELP..
positiveinput 11 years, 2 months ago on Authorities ‘almost certain’ fatal blaze started by electrical shortage
Authorities ‘almost certain’ fatal blaze started by electrical shortage
Again fire trucks RESPONDED within six minutes does not say what time from RESPONDING they actually ARRIVED on the scene. From the dispatcher gave the call that there was a fire at any location, no way 'scientifically' could fire crew mount onto their engine (fire truck), following directions to the fire, set up their hoses, and have water or whatever fire retarding agent gushing on a blaze within six minutes. Unless... this fire was staged and the firefighters were on location just awaiting for show time. Yes go ahead and do your investigation into how the fire started because that is important for future individuals to avoid a similar disaster, but at the same time don't sweep under the rug the anchor leg of this relay event. The response time - the time the fire station got the call, is not the same as the arrival time - the time the fire crew reached the burning structure and began to extinguish the blaze.
banker 11 years, 1 month ago on Statistics are 'deeply troubling'
Statistics are 'deeply troubling'
If I were the king of the Bahamas, or a benevolent dictator with authoritarian rule insuring that my plans were executed, I, for the life of me, wouldn't have an immediate fix. The solution is long term and the pain of the people will not only increase greatly, but one wouldn't see results for three or four years at best. However, the problem will not be fixed, because anyone with a solution, will not get elected.
The band-aid solution is infrastructure spending. However government deficits and massive sovereign debt preclude that as a solution for now. HAI did that, and it helped, but once the projects are over, the unemployment springs back up. And it is like dieting. After you lose a few pounds and go off the diet, not only do you gain the weight back, but you end up with more.
The ironic bit, is that we have a workforce of some 170,000 people and a robust enough GDP to fix it, if we weren't so heavily invested in tourism, mega-projects and low economic yield activities (like financial services). For example, I found out that in most countries, the financial folks constitute the 1% that the people were demonstrating against in the US. In the Bahamas, it is the half percent. Less than a thousand people are employed in Financial Services. That is a pretty low economic yield for being the second pillar of the Economy. And to boot, the money that we handle, doesn't stick to the Bahamian economy. It is foreigner money that is not lent, spent or meant for the local economy. Businessmen and regular Bahamians do not have access to this capital to borrow and create businesses and jobs.
So obviously we need a diverse economy. Economic diversification needs a fertile garden to grow. We need capital, a convertible currency, an ease of business government infrastructure, low resource cost to fuel the business, and an economically savvy population with a global outlook to capitalise on worldwide economic opportunities. Wealth creation by Bahamians (and hence jobs, businesses and industries) must spill beyond these islands to be truly successful.
But the bottom line, is that our retarded leadership cannot understand this, and cannot see past the ideas of yesteryear (tourism mega projects that actually impoverish Bahamians), so this frightening development will continue to spread until the socio-economic fabric totally disintegrates. I used to laugh when oldtimers would say that one day, Bahamians will be eating pigeons and coconuts again. I don't laugh any more.
vinceP 11 years, 1 month ago on 'PLP has served needs of Nygard'
'PLP has served needs of Nygard'
I won't waste my time reading this article because all of these guys are the same, at least as far as the FNM/PLP have shown us, and I'll say this much, I've always voted FNM, i voted DNA in the last election, and I've never voted PLP, but Mr. Cash needs to just stick it! Both FNM and PLP have screwed this country up, and as a matter of fact, i now have doubts about voting for Bran again because since the last election, he is beginning to remind me more and more of Hubert Ingraham.
The_Oracle 11 years, 1 month ago on PM hints at being open to VAT target push back
PM hints at being open to VAT target push back
I do not even know where to start on this tripe! 1) The Prime Minister is not concerned with the potential shock to Firms and the wider economy? Ludicrous if true, but a collapsed economy will generate less not more revenue! 2)We must do VAT because we voted against the Gaming Referendum? Utter nonsense, as VAT has been on the table since at least 2005, along with the pressure for Tax regime change. 3)Government Develops the Country? Chief, I'm sorry but the private sector develops the country, the Government is supposed to facilitate it, not strangle or tax it to death. You are doing the first, and are about to do the second to hasten the first. 4) Alternative? Stop spending, wasting, and pilfering and promising that which you do not have the money to give! You are not Moses! The discussion of VAT started with paying down National debt, moved to covering Recurrent debt, all the while still promising Free health care for all. Government is like a crack head with a Credit card! This one particularly.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago on A dirty and unkempt Nassau
A dirty and unkempt Nassau
It's dirtier now...a fact born out by the DPM's need to apologize. I just drove past Montague today and was shocked at how the weeds have grown up by the dock...I don't believe I've seen it in that state for years.
It's not a PLP or an FNM thing the city's been in a steady state of decline for decades. I believe the acceleration started with the phone card vendors, hundreds of clapboard hastily constructed unsightly stalls popped up overnight and gave license to anybody to construct their own stalls for the sale of anything. Too many people in the middle of the road selling whatever. During the last election it became cool to nail at minimum 20 posters to any available tree on island. I wonder if the PM would allow that on his street?
Town Planning needs to take the city in hand, it is dirty too many below code stalls on the side of the road, too many haphazard signs. Signs nailed into the hillside of the highway...was truly shocking the first time I saw it. I hope no one approved that. Signs nailed onto trees and lamp posts, there are laws against that. There's a 2x4 construction in the parking lot of the abandoned city market building on village road, clearly the vendors have grown tired of putting away their illegal stall, they have just left the unsightly mess till the next public holiday. The lady with the dooms day messages is constantly erecting posters at the light on village road and Shirley street, who approved that, again an unsightly mess, you want to reach people for Jesus let them see your good works not the rhetoric.
rory 11 years, 1 month ago on No new date set for debate of Gaming Bill
No new date set for debate of Gaming Bill
everyone can gamble, just learn to speak with a foreign accent. Bahamians run the red lights and don't use turning signals, obstruct traffic flow to buy their phone cards or newspapers - they already do whatever they want regardless of laws.
rory 11 years, 1 month ago on Miller: I'll fire union leader if strike action is taken
Miller: I'll fire union leader if strike action is taken
Brilliant job Mr Miller - tell him like it is, plain and simple and to the point. :)
Does Green realize what happens to sick people that are at home on machines to keep them alive, and then the power goes off?? That's why I would consider his threats terrorism acts. People can die when the power goes off, especially the sick and elderly.
jlcandu 11 years ago on Union praises the government for over-ruling Miller decision on sick pay
Union praises the government for over-ruling Miller decision on sick pay
If I was Leslie Miller, I'd resign as Chairman and tell the DPM & PM to go to hell!!!
sotiredoftal 11 years, 3 months ago on 'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
OMG, am i the only one tired of reading the politically biased inunendo that talrussell posts to a variety of different news reports, some of which have not even a smidgem of political context to it? Its a shame that all you can ever say is "blame the red shirts" or "red shirts this red shirts that", will you ever see the bigger picture? At this point it doesnt matter whos fnm or plp, simply because the Bahamas as a country (comprised of non voters, plps, fnms, dnas, old, young etc) is under scrutiny due to the nature of the allegations made. Its necessary to stick together, but do the right thing at the same time and to ensure the proper and necessary avenues were taken to confront the issue. Gosh!!! I have to scroll past your comments to read sensible and most often RELEVANT opinions. You should go and work for