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paul_vincent_zecchino 12 years, 7 months ago on Christie not up to the job

Dear Nicole Burrows -

Thank you for beautifully expressing your observations. Having spent much time for almost sixty years visiting dear friends in the Bahamas, history yet again shows itself to be a hurrying teacher and an unforgiving, lingering master.

During the late 1960s, some came to the Bahamas in the guise of helpers, but they quickly set about to overturn the good, divide, conquer, and profit from the dissension.

By 1979, when as a young adult I visited beautiful Nassau, the sad signs were in evidence.

When our family visited in 1999 after some years absence, the eye could not mistake all the good that PM Ingraham had accomplished. In just several short years subsequent to his election, PM Ingraham undid that which preceeded him and replaced it with prosperity and the inevitable good will it brings about.

At one time as they may still, physicians took the Hippocratic Oath, "Primum non nocere."- 'first, do no harm.'

From sentiments expressed here subsequent to the 'landslide', doesn't it seem citizens are concerned the wisdom of that oath which applies to many endeavors may be dismissed in favor of return to another era, one prior to that of Mr. Ingraham's '92 coming?

Why do some people who endure bygone troubled eras, during better times yearn to revisit them, and inflict that peculiar yearning on others, young people in particular, at the ballot box?

We see the same phenomenon in America, don't we? Despite prosperity unleashed by one of Mr. Ingraham's stated exemplars, President Ronald Reagan, why do so many here still revere and labor to recreate here what they ironically call, "The Great Depression" of the 1930s?

You know what was 'great' about it? Nothing. It was a decade spoiled by an interventionist, spendthrift president. Yet today, many strive to return the rest of us to that glum, wasted era.

Sometimes, hard though it is as imperfect human beings, in both our own lives and in consideration of the lives of others, it benefits us all to avoid the giddy sayings of others while instead keeping a watchful eye on the history in our rear view mirrors.

Our thanks to our Bahamian friends who made our family's recent visit to the beautiful Bahamas so refreshing, as ever, as we look forward to returning in the near future.

One can only wish Mr. Ingraham the best, and express appreciation for all that he so clearly accomplished.

Paul Vincent Zecchino Mansota Key, Florida 11 May, 2012

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RWNottage 12 years, 7 months ago on Christie not up to the job

You must be that of an educated woman and an extremely profound writer, as this was one of the most intellectual opinions given as it pertains to the results of this election. As a young man I was completely disturbed by the outcome of this election. I have not been around long enough to know the inns and outs of the current governing party, however during their last term in power I remember a party whose members were nothing more than scandalous and corrupt criminals that brought nothing but embarrassment to the people of the Bahamas, a party whose wants and desires are put well before the people who they serve. I thought far better of my fellow Bahamians. I thought those of us with intelligence, and visions of a better and brighter Bahamas out numbered the rest, but this election has proved me wrong and I am truly ashamed to say that we live in a country where ignorance is bliss and stupidity reigns supreme. These people are blinded by money and self gain, they have no interest in their futures or that of their children, and where there is no vision the people shall continue to suffer. I am hoping for the best at this point and time but then i get this deep gut feeling that something is not right, and the worst has yet to come, I'm praying about it. I was excited to return home this summer because i spend so much of my time away in school, but I can honestly say I'm not interested anymore, I don't think my future is secure under the rule of this government and I cannot support this caliber of people.

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Christie not up to the job

I WAS raised in the Christian faith and though I still believe in a power greater than myself - or the rulers of any country - I cannot be called religious.

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1plpgovernment 12 years, 7 months ago on Minister outlines 'bleak state of prison'

Ok, let me get this right, AG Allyson Maynard wants to implement swift justice and put away these criminals fast, DPM Brave Davis and the cool PM-PC wants to repeal some of the crime laws, and now Minisiter of national security Bain town boy wants to have a greater outflow of criminals from the prison because he feels disheartened in the conditions they are living in. OK OK OK OK , it all makes sense now. These people are in jail for -Robbing people at gun and knife point -Raping women, children ( and lately boy children) -Murdering people because of stupidity and jealousy -Selling drugs and guns and all these other things causing these problems and a bunch of other dumb %&#@

These are Bahamians too, who although disrespect the law, the land and people, we Believe that we must have compassion and let us law abiding citizens live in fear.

Got it. PLP All they way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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bookiedread 12 years, 7 months ago on Minister outlines 'bleak state of prison'

Dr. Nottage seems more concerned about those criminals in prison than serenity on the streets of New Providence. When he and the other MP's go to their luxury homes, there are some of us who live in these areas where gunshots can be heard at all hours of the night. Young men through every corner selling and smoking drugs. These men don't want to work and are more comfortable committing crimes. I live in a real world but Dr. Nottage obviously doesn't. It's better for them to live like sardines than for decent people to suffer from their criminal acts.

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Minister outlines 'bleak state of prison'

NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage outlined a bleak situation at the nation's prison following an extended "bird's eye view" tour of the facility.

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FNM criticises Budget for playing the blame game

THE Free National Movement labelled the government's 2012/2013 Budget a "lame, blame, and in many ways more of the same" fiscal plan.

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Pride in Ingraham

JUST a thought: As reality sinks in and we reflect on the effects of the non voters, DNA voters and the "sold out" voters, had in the outcome of the 2012 general election, one can see that with their "help", our country lost a unique opportunity to move forward and out of this third world existance.

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'Using RBDF a mistake'

'Using RBDF a mistake' THE outsourcing of Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers for street patrols would cripple border protection efforts, according to Opposition Leader Hubert Minnis yesterday. Dr Minnis criticised the current administration's rationale

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Urban Renewal 2.0 an admission of failure?

The reality is there are many government ministries, departments, agencies that are already responsible for all the tasks now assigned to Urban Renewal 2.0.

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bookiedread 11 years, 11 months ago on PM announces all web shops must close with immediate effect

My fellow Bahamians, let us all be clear as to what just happened. The PM failed to address the country after it was clear that "HIS" referendum was voted "NO". He took his own sweet time in addressing the "People Whom He Serves". It was obvious that he expected it to pass but had no backup plan. I will always remember a teacher once said to me that, "Wrong is wrong no matter who says it or does it." There is a God above and we as a country has always shown our trust in him. Our fore-fathers did it and why shouldn't we. After the vote my mom said to me that there is a God who sits on the throne he would never give us more than we could bear. I believe this and so should the leaders that WE put in place. People have bad mouth the church for their stance but we now see the power of prayer. Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. We can't make right what is wrong. So I say to my fellow Bahamians that indulge in the cesspit of gambling, lets all get over it and move on. Our help doesn't come from man but rather from the God that made heaven and earth. Lift up your heads to the rising sun Bahama land. Don't mind what the other countries our doing. Let us be the mark that they look up to. God bless the Bahamas and the many Bahamians that voted NO.

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sheeprunner12 10 years, 9 months ago on Gray backs Christie over Lightbourne intervention

Perry, VAlfred Gray and the other "merry men" of the Cabinet belong in the same outside toilet hole somewhere in the back of the Government House.

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GQ 10 years, 9 months ago on Time for a new Parliament?

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the answer to The Prime Minister's plan to build a new parliament etc.

  1. Build a new prison and put the inmates in it.

  2. Put all the parliamentarians in the existing prison and throw away the keys.

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jackbnimble 8 years, 3 months ago on Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

McCartney just enjoys being a spoiler which is the only thing that's keeping his party relevant. Sadly, it may be all that his party will ever be known for.

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sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago on Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Well, no right thinking Bahamian should vote for this jackass wannabe political leader with a phony party and no political base ........... does he not see that he will only help re-elect a hapless corrupt PLP government??????

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licks2 8 years, 3 months ago on Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

I never expected him. . .and I mean him, would ever give up the minute chance to be the leader of the country! He only talks about who party will win or will not lose. . .benefit from the merger. . .NEVER ONCE TALKING ABOUT HOW THE NATION WILL BENEFIT!! This man should be voted out of leadership of the DNA for any good for the nation decisions to be made. . .NOT HOW WOULD I BENEFIT RETORTS!

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viewersmatters 8 years, 3 months ago on Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Never thought I'll be saying this but Branville is a total jackass, he's twice a jackass if he thinks that the DNA holds at least 25% of voters support, he can totally see the DNA is a none factor in the next general election and doesn't even poses a threat to the unstable sinking ship fnm but this truly shows who the one holding the biggest arrogance is. Best of luck in the next general election and hope none of the dna candidate be a sitting member while the leader lurks outside and watches at home to see what's going on in Parliament.

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proudloudandfnm 8 years, 3 months ago on Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM

Bran is an idiot if he thinks his little rinky dink party of unknowns stands a chance...