
5 Vote

UserOne 10 years, 12 months ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

This news has gone international. What a sad situation for our country when we tell foreigners they are not welcome even when they are trying to help us solve a problem.

3 Vote

PT 10 years, 12 months ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

maybe you should be shot too - your words are more violent than the actions of any potcake or dog that I've ever met. You are exactly what is wrong with our country - stupid yet proud, and without a lick of compassion.

2 Vote

KimAra 10 years, 12 months ago on Operation Potcake cancelled after local vet opposition

This is not intended to become a “he said, she said” battle, however we feel that the organizers of Operation Potcake MUST respond to a couple of remarks made over the last 24 hours.

  1. We did indeed try and meet with the VMAB just last week, and were refused to be part of the meeting. One of our organizers recently invited the President of the VMAB to lunch .

  2. To say that the letter from the VMAB was an invitation to “merely voice their concerns” is misleading when language such as:

“We politely decline the offer to have the additional veterinarians come in to assist in surgeries, inclusive of the cat clinic at the BHS.” “We still feel that to send a clear message to our fellow Bahamians, that we are an entity more than capable of managing the difficult task of reducing our strays, and it should be none but our own that assume that responsibility.” “With that said each veterinarian would like remuneration in the amount of $50 per animal after services are rendered, which we all agree is a nominal fee for our efforts” is used. It did not appear to us to be an invitation for dialogue but a “fait accompli” ; we had the option to take it or leave it.

  1. We had dialogue with many of the vets in September and $30 had been agreed upon if they were to supply their own materials, but we buy the vaccines. 1,000 doses of DHLPPvC canine vaccines =$2,469.20

4.In a breakdown of supplies needed for this years OP, factoring in $9,000.00 to the local vets, excluding the vaccines Plus the following supplies:

ANESTHETICS: Ketamine: $1,038.00

Xylazine:10 bottles...... $500.00

Valium: 100 $11.45 = $1,145

Isoflurane (Gas Anesthesia) 6 x 35 = $210.00

Grand anesthetics approx. $ 2,893.00 Suture material & cold sterilization, gauze $5,000.00 300 Local Vet Surgeries - $ 9,000.00 Vaccines - $ 2,469.00 Anesthetics (visiting vets) - $ 2,893.00

Grand Total - $19,362.00 10% discount = $17,394.00

Just over $19.00 per animal. (includes budgeting local vets $30 a dog)

Minus $9,000 (local vets) total: $17.75 per animal.

The quantities and product list supplied by very qualified, well respected Veterinarian, some months ago Numbers based on Local Vets 300 animals visiting vets 600 animals.

I invite everybody to tell me how the cost per animal is now $50.00, what costs and products is this based upon?

Dialogue is needed, based on facts, not finger pointing and insulting I have endevoured to put down r what I believe to be facts and facts alone…