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DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Why is this foreign operation permitted to dive in the Bahamas in the first place? Perhaps now, after yet another incident, these operations need to be looked at -- either regulate them or ban them from our waters.

Sharks are native to the sea. We humans are not. To taunt and entice a shark on its own turf is ludicrously stupid. There are ways to observe them without having to induce a feeding frenzy, which is just asking for trouble.

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stephiedib 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

If these American boats are conducting business inside Bahamian waters, why not seize the boats?

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captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Petitions Against Shark Feeding and Shark Baiting

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005. Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks: increase fines, protect federal waters and punish offenders.

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005.…

Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks outside of Florida’s territorial waters.…

John Russell Detective and Dive Industry Professional

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

@ Clamshell...of course the death is tragic, and sounds like this particular dive operator has a bad history of dive supervision and safety. All the more reason why they should not be allowed to operate in our waters. Their possible negligence shines a very unwanted spotlight on our country, and on the local dive operators that run a very safe dive operation...even if it is a shark dive. I think you will find more tourists die annually SCUBA diving due to a host of other things, medical reasons, some say suicides, equipment failures, the list is endless, I am sure that number exponentially exceeds the number of people even nipped on a shark dive, let alone fatally wounded...but because this unfortunate man went with this particular dive company, into foreign waters and may not have been supervised as well as he should have been, he has lost his life and because a shark may have been involved, everyone is up in arms about how shark dives should not be permitted. The people who do it properly, have a stellar safety record when it comes to actual incidents that result in a shark bite, or worse. Just saying. And it's not so much getting $10 a head from the customer, mind you, in the end the customer absorbs the fees, but if you are going to come into this country with a boat load of tourists on a dive excursion, I think you should have to apply for a permit for the operation and pay a fee...after your credentials are reviewed.

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Ben 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Only take pictures? No they do much more than that, they post the pictures and the videos. Please review this small sample most of these are from Jim's operation. Do any of these media hits look or sounds safe to you?………

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Mtesaw 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

I agree that this dive was not handled well. I know folks snapping pics may get wrapped up in what they are doing, but you have crew members that are on the dive to watch for that type of thing. A sad ending to the life of a wonderful man.

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Willing to bet that the Bahamas got next to ZERO revenue from this foreign dive boat operating in our waters.

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Clamshell 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

That's your big worry? A guy is dead and you're worried that the Bahamas lost its chance to milk him for a $10 fee? Who raised you? Wolves?

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captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

SSI is a proponent of continued prohibition of shark feeding in FL waters.

Thanks, and keep up the hard work....Jon

Jon Wilkins HEAD USA Water Sports

Doug McNeese President & CEO, SSI…

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captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks outside of Florida’s territorial waters.…

The fish feeding law has protected Florida divers for 12 years..... Time for the islands to do the same.

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Holzeto1 10 years, 7 months ago on Bahamas has one of the most shark-infested beaches in the world

I am against feeding sharks. I think it acclimates them to us. Then when they see us they think, hummm, free food! I have even stopped feeding the fishes when snorkeling. It's just not good for them. And it's all for our amusement.

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leight 10 years, 7 months ago on Bahamas has one of the most shark-infested beaches in the world

Thousands of tourists? Grand Bahama doesn't have thousands of tourists do any one activity. If so, I want to see this Abernathy guy's Bahamian business license and see him pay some real taxes to the Bahamas gov't. We'd know if it was a big business like that. I'd listen to the Bahamian over an American making profit in our waters.

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Ben 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Does this look safe? It is not. It is foolish, stupid, and disrespectful to the animals.

Woman dances underwater with Tiger sharks in the Bahamas dressed in paint and a few pieces of cloth only. With Jim Abernethy 2014.…

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Ben 10 years, 8 months ago on American goes missing while shark diving

Abernethy and Shearwater has come under fire from the dive community in the past for promoting dangerous dives with shark species known to pose a threat to humans. Tiger sharks account for a large percentage of the relatively small number of shark attacks on people each year. Abernethy lost a diver to a shark attack in 2008 and has himself been bitten.

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captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago on Expert calls for shark dive ban after fatality

Please sign our petition to protect sharks from men arrested in Palm Beach County Florida.. See FWC on arrest information at

Sign our petition here Friend me at Friend me at…

Thanks, John Russell

1 Vote

captjohnr3 10 years, 8 months ago on Shark diving death ‘could be due to negligence’

Florida passed laws to prohibit shark rodeos in 2002 and it has protected divers and sharks,,,

Petitions Against Shark Feeding and Shark Baiting

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005. Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks: increase fines,

protect federal waters and punish offenders.

Continue the prohibition of shark feeding in state waters Fla. Admin. Reg. 68B-5.005.…

Stop Baiting-Feeding of Sharks outside of Florida’s territorial waters.…

John Russell Detective and Dive Industry Professional

1 Vote

stephiedib 10 years, 8 months ago on Expert calls for shark dive ban after fatality

The spokesman for the dive operation said that the buckles were unlocked on the equipment ffound and that a shark could not do that, therefore he said it was not a shark attack but a drowning. If I were a diver, and a shark attacked me from behind, The first thing I would probably do, is release me gear and hope that the shark choked on it, as I tried to get away as fast as possible.