Reader 12 years, 11 months ago on Chaos after late rush to register for vote
Chaos after late rush to register for vote
"There is no reason, none whatsoever to not have registered already." How about I just turned 18 on Friday of last week?
And who was blaming the Honorable Prime Minister for anything? I assume you must know him personally to call him Hubert.
des 12 years, 11 months ago on Who do you think is best suited to be deputy leader of the FNM?
Who do you think is best suited to be deputy leader of the FNM?
None, because HAI said he does not need any of them. #Gold Rush
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago on Oil licences spark debate
Oil licences spark debate
If you're one of the few natives that still believe anything this FNM regime says then you couldn't possibly agree with me that there is legitimate reasons to say to this FNM PM and his wretched FNM regime, still time to come clean with the natives before General Elections Day ...cause we the natives don't know the behind the scenes arrangements you have going on over the risky business of drilling for oil in our tourism's financial lifeblood waters? . PM surly you wouldn't want even your own FNM's to vote for your FNM regime if what you're saying ain't the truth? PM you’re in power now, and contrary to what you want the natives to believe it is not your former, trusted law partner Prime Minister Christie who just renewed the oil licenses. PM the natives may be restless but are not Asses! Well, PM if we cant take your regime at its word and we don’t have the secret documents you hold to pour over then wouldn’t it be a tragedy built upon lie after lie if somehow your FNM regime wins another five long years in power?
RoRo 12 years, 10 months ago on Radio host claims victimisation
Radio host claims victimisation
Hi, I want to say that under any new administration people are let go. When any Leader takes over they put new people in different offices. The mistakes Hon. Christie made the last time was he let everyone keep their positions and that hurt him. That is not victimization. Leaders need people that will support them. If you don't support a leader why should you keep your position of influence. Every leader does it and it needs to be done. So victimization and sexism is a bunch a foolishness. Beside Chrissy was too negative towards everything and she had no fear of God. I listened to her foolish talk enough, i had written the manager before about her being terminated. Free speech is one thing, but dishonoring God and disrespecting leaders and negatively speaking over this nation is enough. We need more positive things spoken over this country over the airways, more encouragement, better examples for our young people. It's time for us to get back to basics rebuilding this nation. Bye Chrissy I wish you all the best.
YoungSir242 12 years, 10 months ago on Radio host claims victimisation
Radio host claims victimisation
Man she used to carry on too BADLY on the airways!!! She should off been gone from May 7th!!!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago on Radio host claims victimisation
Radio host claims victimisation
i have no problem with this ,the FNM let mckinney go say the mistake PM PGC made last time was he let no one go and that hurt him , does that include his cabinet or just radio host???
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago on VIDEO: New members arrive
VIDEO: New members arrive
Thank you Jesus for returning PM Christie for had you not, Hubert and his wretched FNM regime would have had the 60,000 out of paychecks native's riding donkey's around our Nassau Town.
aurelia025 12 years, 10 months ago on VIDEO: New members arrive
VIDEO: New members arrive
Celeste Nixon - The colours of the Bahamian flag are AQUAMARINE, GOLD AND BLACK.and NOT blue, yellow and black. Get it right.
RUKiddingMe 12 years, 10 months ago on Governor General's throne 'stolen'
Governor General's throne 'stolen'
Once again the ubiquitous comment from the town idiot! How is the theft a sign from God? Man, once again you demonstrate your abject ignorance of what is devine and what is merely an act of man. God does not force a criminal to act as he/she does! They do it for their own reasons which have nothing to do with God!
You should employ the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln who said "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago on Former PM to give farewell address
Former PM to give farewell address
How many final farewells is Hubert going give? He done said his piece on defeat night of May 7 , so why he still tugging away? I ain't exactly know, it's why I asking the bloggers if they know? Comrades Hubert is doing what I'd call an hold onto power reluctant tug
Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago on Former PM to give farewell address
Former PM to give farewell address
UH? Citizen Ingraham resigned after defeat at the polls in '02 when he was leader of the remnants of the FNM and now again after another landslide defeat he resigns as leader leaving behind his Hubedite minions to fill his small shoes. This man is was destructive force of nature that corrupted the ideals of FNM to create a cult of personality that the majority of Bahamians thought they were done with in ’92 with Sir Lynden was run out of office. Unfortunately history continues to repeat itself in The Bahamas, I suspect he’ll claim the people calling for him to come back in ’17 so he try scrape another slim victory like ’07.
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago on Former PM to give farewell address
Former PM to give farewell address
The last time I checked there were 38 FNM regime political candidates contesting on May 7 and only 8 weaklings remain seated in the House, if we accept Hubert at his word that he's actually leaving. Seems the majority native's disagreed with you.
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago on Former PM to give farewell address
Former PM to give farewell address
While i don't agree with the PLP or any other government being in the mortgage or housing business, do I need to remind you that just days ago your bloved Hubert not only stood-up in the House to acknowledge the merits of PM Christie's mortgage payments and interest assistance program, he claimed it was exactly what his FNM regime were planning ti implement had they not been fired?
spoitier 12 years, 10 months ago on Former PM to give farewell address
Former PM to give farewell address
Rather than cut and paste something from an article "Mr. only sensible man in the world" sit down and understand it first, how could three parties accumulate 99% of the votes and still there is another 9% out there not cast. Now that is what wrong with Bahamian people because they could talk louder and hit dominoes harder then that means their the better player. Go back and add up the total votes and then do your percentage or simply explain that the ones that didn't vote was taken from the total amount of registered voters and the other percentage was taken from the people who voted, two different charts..
TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago on Former PM to give farewell address
Former PM to give farewell address
You mean the regime that watched as the thugs were murdering, raping and robbing de own native’s. I t’ink 60,000 native’s going without paychecks is a form of economic slavery in itself. Don’t you? I t’ink they were afraid of the foreigners becoming their modern day Maussa's. You sure sound like as you’re as good a slave to their lies as they ever desired. Me, I’d rather be free to support a man who many pray will once again bring prosperity back to our Bahamaland, and not for just a few elites. How can you possible knock Hope?
Rontom 12 years, 11 months ago on VIDEO: Parliament dissolved, race is on for 2012 General Election
VIDEO: Parliament dissolved, race is on for 2012 General Election
Prediction: General Election 2012
NO Party will see 19 or 20 seats. There are only two possible scenarios: Scenario 1 FNM 28 PLP 7 DNA 3 Scenario 2 FNM 18 PLP 13 DNA 7 We are looking at two outcomes--the ending of careers for some in the PLP leadership will happen in either scenario and the second outcome is the possibility of defection within the DNA membership to FNM party to form the government. I believe Scenario 1 is most likely to happen.