One would hope that after 40 years of independence our elected governments would be
ready to govern this country as an independent country for the benefit of all its people...
That seems sadly not to be the case...
This whole Nygard/Bacon saga shows that among our elite Lawyer/Doctor/Politician/
cabinet minister circle...the slave mentality still reigns supreme....the ( I get mine/you better get yours ) syndrome is still very much alive...even among our highest elected officials.
What is even more astounding, is that a nation as a whole, plus the collective power of the so , so, soooo many churches seems powerless to hold these elected officials accountable after an election.
In recent years the world witnessed the so called "Arab Spring " when, in several countries
in North Africa,the people rose up and unceremoniously got rid of incompetent, uncaring,leaders...the question is, when will the Bahamian Spring come?????
eye2eye 11 years, 5 months ago on Nygard claims target Bacon
Nygard claims target Bacon
One would hope that after 40 years of independence our elected governments would be ready to govern this country as an independent country for the benefit of all its people... That seems sadly not to be the case...
This whole Nygard/Bacon saga shows that among our elite Lawyer/Doctor/Politician/ cabinet minister circle...the slave mentality still reigns supreme....the ( I get mine/you better get yours ) syndrome is still very much alive...even among our highest elected officials.
What is even more astounding, is that a nation as a whole, plus the collective power of the so , so, soooo many churches seems powerless to hold these elected officials accountable after an election. In recent years the world witnessed the so called "Arab Spring " when, in several countries in North Africa,the people rose up and unceremoniously got rid of incompetent, uncaring,leaders...the question is, when will the Bahamian Spring come?????