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proudloudandfnm 5 years, 8 months ago on US woman dies after shark attack

I wonder if a dead reef could be a contributing factor? Shark was hunting but Rose's reefs are all dead and void of fish. Might be the shark was just hungry and couldn't find anything over there to eat. Last time I dove off of Rose I was shocked at how dead the reef was....

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JackArawak 5 years, 8 months ago on Sarkis unveils his ‘Preserve’

Buy a large tract of land in Andros now, your kids and grandkids will thank you later.

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JackArawak 4 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: A Bahamas for Bahamians

and stop exporting conch.....Bahamian conch for The Bahamas and our visitors. Not for Florida restaurants.

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themessenger 4 years, 10 months ago on EU blacklists over money laundering

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, the Bahamas will never win this fight as the EU assholes keep moving the goalposts.

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joeblow 4 years, 10 months ago on EU blacklists over money laundering

Pretty sure the EU has more money laundering going on than any where else. How come they don't blacklist themselves?

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joeblow 4 years, 10 months ago on 'Govt should be sued if churches not opened'

Biblical Christianity is rooted in having a relationship with God-- that is a personal thing. Religion is rooted in trying to have a vicarious experience with God thorough customs and traditions-- like going to a particular building to worship or following a particular form of worship. The constitutionality of one having a relationship with God and expressing that how they choose is not in question!

If pastors were the least bit concerned about the health and well being of their congregants at this time, they would encourage them to follow the law and strengthen their personal relationship with God. To do otherwise is suspect!!

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Clamshell 4 years, 10 months ago on 'Govt should be sued if churches not opened'

The government is not stopping anybody from worshipping. Any Christian who believes they need a big building and stained glass windows — or even a priest or a parking lot — to honor the Lord might wanna go back and reread the Gospel according to St. Matthew.

I suspect somebody gettin’ squirrely ‘cause they ain’t able to pass the collection plate.

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stillwaters 4 years, 10 months ago on 'Govt should be sued if churches not opened'

The churches can open their offices and their doors to people who want to do private worship. The churches expected that people would come to the offices with their tithes, but most people have no income to give 10% of.

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ThisIsOurs 4 years, 6 months ago on Carnival unaware of its ships damaging seabed

of course not. Why would they? They weren't aware that they were dumping in our waters either. Something about their staff not being trained to read maps. Sea floor? Who knew it was there when we dropped anchor?

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Economist 4 years, 6 months ago on Carnival unaware of its ships damaging seabed

We should ban the likes of Carnival and Royal Caribbean and their cheap sister companies.

The cruise lines cause more environmental damage than they contibute to our economy. They have captive audiances on their environmentally destroyed islands and hire a few Bahamian life guards and maintance workers which are low paying jobs.

When they come to Nassau they tell passengers where to shop and which tours (ones where they have a special fee structure) to take.

Bahamians get very little. It is not like the 1960's or early 1970's where the passenger got off and explored, went to Bahamian owned resturants and bought tours directly from the tour operator.

Get rid of these leaches.