
3 Vote

Clamshell 6 years, 2 months ago on ‘How can we trust Disney’s paid poll?’

People on either side of this issue are gonna believe what they want to believe. God could conduct a poll and the losing side would dispute His methodology. Polls will not decide the outcome.

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hallmark 6 years, 2 months ago on Taranique - victim of outdated laws: US Congresswoman calls on Bahamas and Caricom to modernise

I just can't understand how it is that whenever illegal immigrants have an issue it becomes the Bahamas government's problem? Why aren't these persons made to suffer the consequences for the problems they make for themselves? The Haitian government don't even seem to check!

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 2 months ago on Taranique - victim of outdated laws: US Congresswoman calls on Bahamas and Caricom to modernise

Tell this old cowgirl goon that there are NO stateless people in The Bahamas ....... We have Haitians living here who do not want to be Haitians .......... that's their problem.

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bogart 6 years, 2 months ago on If Haiti needs aid, churches will help

When the BAHAMAS CHRISTIAN COUNCIL HEAD becomes the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas ..... Instead of the Christian head public destabilizing commentry. whose own organization internalized policies that in this day an age..... hinder national international position.... females of their equal Rights in the Bahamas, advocacy to represemting hundreds if not thousands of Religious entities getting Tax Exemptions for their works contributions....uplifting society ....against the Gambling Referendun...promised advocacy to ..stop....yet no advocacy...despite the fact that his Christian Councils christian moral teachings in the nation seems at its lowest point.....should first try to right side his own ship ....for too long now the Bahamas nation has been crying out for more of the Churches participaton in uplifting....but ....instead....

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Economist 6 years, 2 months ago on Sunwing scraps GB air schedule

If you had a 90% load factor why would you pull out? How much money was Sunwing extracting from us?

Something does not sound right.

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realfreethinker 6 years, 2 months ago on Sunwing scraps GB air schedule

Economist. You are on the right track. It makes no business sense to pull out if you are making money. It's quite clear that they were trying to extort some better concessions but the government told them it can't happen.

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realfreethinker 6 years, 2 months ago on Sunwing scraps GB air schedule

Bahamianforbahamas. There don't need to be any spin here. If you would just take off your yellow glasses of political thinking you would see through the threats by sunwing looking to extort from the government. It's about time we tell these investors that the gravy train is off the track.

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OriginalBey 6 years, 2 months ago on Expat workers face visa fingerprinting

I love that the minister is examining the entire system and taking a holistic approach in addressing its deficiencies. Patchwork is what have us where we are now as a nation. Time for real change. 20 years on a work permit means that organizations are not living up to their commitment to train Bahamians to fill these roles over time. In two decades a company could have sent a high school graduate off to college. He or she returns with a degree and work his/her way up the ladder and own the role. That's a high school graduate. So people already two or three tiers away from the post should be able to accomplish as much in less time.

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John 6 years, 2 months ago on Disney's Lighthouse Point proposal approved by National Economic Council

Well the decision could have been anticipated. You cannot go to Grand Bahama and purchase hotel property in attempts to revive that island's economy and then shut out a project in South Eleuthera that has significant economic benefits, including employment that can reach as far North as the island extends. One Eleuthera must now show that they were not opposing Disney just to oppose and they must now demonstrate they are capable of carrying out some of the plans they put forward, at least on other parts of the island. And government must now hold Disney strictly to the terms of the agreement, in terms of investment, protection, and preservation of the environment, employment of Bahamians and the free access of Bahamians to the historic and sacred parts of the island. And signs should be posted informing Bahamians and the general public that they have unrestricted access to those parts of the island./cay.

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BahamaPundit 6 years, 2 months ago on Disney's Lighthouse Point proposal approved by National Economic Council

You guys tried. You lost. Now, you have a choice: proceed with litigation and look like vengeful US Democrats or stand with Trump and Make The Bahamas Great Again!

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Clamshell 6 years, 2 months ago on Post Office deal ‘doesn’t add up’

I wish The Tribune would quit calling this guy “Brave”. They don’t use nicknames for anybody else — not that they could print them. There is nothing “brave” about this clown and there never has been.

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Clamshell 6 years, 2 months ago on Disney's Lighthouse Point proposal approved by National Economic Council

Fair enough. But there is an inescapable reality here: That property has been on the market for +20 years. At any point a concerned eco-group or the government could have purchased it and preserved it as a national park. But noooo, nobody did nuthin’ ‘til Da Mouse came outta his hole. By then ... too late. That ought to be our national slogan. Too late.

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Clamshell 6 years, 2 months ago on Disney's Lighthouse Point proposal approved by National Economic Council

... the people who are now seething and weeping and gnashing their teeth and tearing out their hair could have organized at any time over the past 20 years to purchase Lighthouse Point and preserve it as a national park. There are numerous international conservation organizations who would happily have assisted them. But, nooooo ... nobody done nuthin’ ‘til The Mouse reared his ugly head. Where was all this concern over the past 2 decades?

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realfreethinker 6 years, 2 months ago on INSIGHT: Remember Minnis’ words then compare them with his new reality

Excellent point stillwaters. We have been conditioned for too long that the gov is our savior. Bahamians expect the gov to do for them from the cradle to the grave. I am not a fan of political parties,but I do believe we have a fighting chance with this gov. They seem to not be bowing to all the special interest groups. They seem to be prepared to make the tough decisions that should have been made years ago.

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jackbnimble 6 years, 2 months ago on Jean Rony: I’m tired, they know who I am, they just playing a game

This is what happens when you allow illegals them to enter the country unchecked and then attend school without papers. All that free education and yet he can hardly speak English and not a soul can say they went to school with him. I'm surprised he's not still pushing that story about his papers being lost in a fire. I guess that didn't wash with the courts.

Too many illegals are running around with forged documents and I suspect he's one of them.

Hope they challenge this case all the way to the Privy Council and then deport him. This will shut that Smith man up and send a message to the rest.

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licks2 6 years, 2 months ago on Jean Rony: I’m tired, they know who I am, they just playing a game

Mr. Jean played a dangerous game of "spitting in the faces of the Bahamian people". . .the Bahamian people demanded our government to "deal with this nonsense" and the only avenue left open to us by Mr. Jean, his lawyer and Right Bahamas was "the law is the law. . . any shame yinna suffer just suck it up"!!! The table turned on them as me and others warned. . .so now they want to "suck up to the people". . .its too late for that. . .the court has ruled!!! IT'S OVER FOR MR. JEAN. . .HE PROVES WHO HE IS OR HE IS GONE. . .AND IF THEY GO TO THE PC. . .PLENTY MORE LIKE HIM GONE TOO!!

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licks2 6 years, 2 months ago on Disney competitor: 'Nothing ruled out'

"Oh shud dap". . . what ya ger review aye? Why you did not go to the owner of the property and make ya deals with them?? So this dude want the government to not approve permits for development for one legitimate land owner because another person says: " I gat a better thing to do with his land. . .don't approve his permits and give me permits to develop his land" . . .

This man een going to no court. . .so stop talking ta hear yaself talk. . .